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Content available remote Co nas czeka - niedobór energii elektrycznej czy energetyka jądrowa?
tom nr 4
Content available remote Energetyka jądrowa w państwach Unii Europejskiej
tom nr 5
Content available Energetyka jądrowa - kiedy i jaka?
Pozycja energetyki jądrowej jest różna, w zależności od regionu i kraju. Najsilniejsza jest w Rosji i w Chinach, gasnąca w Niemczech, w stagnacji - w Japonii, Francji, Korei Południowej oraz w fazie próby powrotu do światowej, globalnej rywalizacji w USA. Ten jednozdaniowy przegląd pokazuje współistnienie wzajemnie wykluczających się trendów, co oznacza, że wytyczenie drogi do wdrożenia w Polsce energetyki jądrowej jest bardzo trudne.
In a year and a half after the events of March 2011, Japan excluded all their nuclear reactors, returning to fossil fuels as a basis in the energy field. The shock associated with nuclear disaster seemed to indicate an ultimate end of Japanese adventure with the atom. The situation has, however, significantly changed during the last several months, and the first nuclear reactor connected again to the electric network, is a proof of the change of the energy policy. The article aims to identify the current state of knowledge on the future of nuclear energy in the Japanese energy sector and adjustments proposed in the future energy mix. At the same time, it is an attempt to analyze the reasons that led the current Government of Prime Minister Abe to take very unpopular decisions to return to nuclear energy.
tom Nr 2 (63)
AREVA jest wiodącą firmą w branżach związanych z energią jądrową i która jako jedyna firma, posiada jednostki w każdej z części przemysłu w dziedzinie wytwarzania energii nuklearnej: wydobycie, chemia, wzbogacanie, usługi, obsługa inżynierska, budowa reaktorów, recykling, stabilizacja i demontaż.
Th is article analyzes political narratives of the discourse on the future use of nuclear energy in Hungary. In light of the January 2014 parliamentary decision to expand Hungarian nuclear energy production capacity with Russian technology and fi nancing, the article examines parliamentary addresses of the period 2010–2013 to identify and interpret characteristics and changes in nuclear narratives of parliamentary parties and the government. Th e content analysis includes identifi cation of framing, characteristics of choice of language, realization of risk and of benefi t oriented speaking patterns, and the assessment of power relations between the political actors. Th e article argues that the nuclear communication strategies of political parties show distinct approaches: full f ront approach to include nuclear aspects of all possible issues, avoidance that attempts not taking sides in this issue, and re-direction that, within the nuclear framing, places a focus on other aspects with the purpose to re-defi ne the dominant framing and to rule the discourse. Risk awareness patterns range from comprehensive to occasional, selective and latent risk perception structures. Th e Risk Perception Index, comprehending levels of risk and benefi t perception, can serve as a model to measure, in numeric terms, the support or critique of the nuclear agenda.
tom Nr 2
W artykule przedstawiono uwarunkowania zwiększenia znaczenia energii jądrowej w światowej strukturze źródeł energii pierwotnej. Omówiono także oczekiwania społeczne dotyczące stosowania energetyki jądrowej w sektorze energii w wybranych krajach. Szczególny nacisk położono na charakterystykę uwarunkowań zwiększenia znaczenia energetyki jądrowej do sektora energii w Wielkiej Brytanii. W końcowej części artykułu przedstawiono uwarunkowania wprowadzenia energetyki jądrowej do sektora energii w Polsce.
The purpose of the article is to discuss the conditions of increasing the role of nuclear energy in the world structure of primary energy sources. Moreover, the article describes the social expectations related to nuclear energy industry in selected countries. The main attention was put on the characteristics of the conditions increasing the role of nuclear energy in the energy sector in the United Kingdom. The final part of this paper shows the conditions of establishing nuclear energy in the energy sector in Poland.
tom Nr 7
The article cites the arguments according to which nuclear energy is not competitive with energy based on coal and natural gas. The most important of them consist in the lack of possibility of long-term, safe for many generations stocking of radioactive wastes.
Content available remote Energia nuklearna w Unii Europejskiej
tom nr 4
tom 62
nr 2
In the 1950s Poland expected the arrival of an “atomic age”, even though it had relatively rich coal reserves and finding alternative sources of energy was not as urgent as for other countries at that time. Even so, in Poland of the 1950s nuclear energy production was presented as a necessity, since it was believed that energy consumption would rise exponentially in the future. Moreover, unlike coal, nuclear energy was supposed to be environmentally friendly and safe. It is therefore not surprising that the idea of constructing a nuclear power plant in Poland in the 1950s was seen as a natural part of the country’s development, while other plans for using nuclear energy, such as construction of a nuclear-powered ship, were discussed as well. Those Polish plans and dreams were expressed mainly in contemporary texts, such as articles in newspapers and journals, popular science books, and official documents. The characteristic feature of majority of those texts were excessive expectations regarding the potential of nuclear energy, unfounded faith in its safety and environmental friendliness, and, last but not least, the conviction that without nuclear energy Poland would be “left behind”. The nuclear discourse was in the 1950s largely monolithic and based on the state’s official policy, which was unequivocally in favour of nuclear energy. This uniform character of the nuclear discourse was largely due to the fact that scientists, journalists, and politicians formed a unified front. Consequently, regardless of who (member of which of those groups) wrote about nuclear energy, one could always find certain ever-present patterns in those opinions, mainly a common goal (development of nuclear energy production), evaluation (nuclear energy is necessary and right), and ideological context (the development of nuclear energy goes hand in hand with the transition of a socialist society to communism). Nuclear optimism was thus in Poland of the 1950s closely linked to a relatively monolithic discourse, which led to the creation of a “nuclear propaganda”.
Construction of a nuclear power station is a huge challenge – due to the scale, volume of the capital involved, method of financing, length of the investment process, the level of technical complexity and comprehensiveness of the investment, as well as its political uncertainty. The long process of preparing for this construction was started in Poland already in 2009. Therefore it seems that a revision of the approach to the building schedule of Poland’s first nuclear power plant is necessary, as well as the realistic evaluation, revision and update of the assumptions made. The article, based on historical data related to development plans for nuclear energetics in Poland, and referring to environmental research and location studies of key importance to the current stage of the construction, is aimed at indicating that the investment in nuclear energy in the country with no nuclear tradition whatever, is a long process, almost as long as the very operation of such an investment.
The paper discusses the events of 2005–2015, when the international community decided that Iran’s nuclear programme can also serve military purposes, and endeavoured to impose a strict control over this programme. The diplomacy of the European Union was exceptionally active in this area, in particular its three strongest members: France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Given the protests of Iran and its accelerated work within the programme, there emerged the option of confrontation (including military conflict) or compensation offered to Iran in return for its abandoning nuclear ambitions. Over several years of negotiations, concluded by an agreement in July 2015, the EU was able to exert a strong politico-economic pressure on Iran on the one hand, and offer it advantageous terms of cooperation in the field of nuclear research on the other.
Celem opracowania jest omówienie uwarunkowań budowy pierwszej polskiej elektrowni atomowej, co może przyczynić się do modernizacji krajowego sektora energii, wypełnienia zobo-wiązań międzynarodowych kraju, poprawy konkurencyjności gospodarki, a w konsekwencji do poprawy bezpieczeństwa energetycznego kraju. Dla realizacji tego celu przedstawiono współcze-sne rozumienie istoty bezpieczeństwa energetycznego kraju oraz omówiono uwarunkowania roz-woju energii atomowej na świecie. Szczególny nacisk położono na omówienie nastawienia społe-czeństwa do tego źródła energii po katastrofie w japońskiej elektrowni w Fukushimie. Podkreślo-no, że po katastrofie, mimo obaw związanych z ryzykiem ewentualnej katastrofy, w wielu krajach rozbudowuje się potencjał elektrowni atomowych, co przyczynia się do zwiększenia konkurencyjności ich gospodarek. Wskazano, że duży wpływ na poparcie społeczne dla energetyki jądrowej w poszcze-gólnych krajach ma kwestia odległości kraju od miejsca katastrofy, zależność mediów od instytucji państwowych oraz istniejący udział energetyki jądrowej w bilansie energetycznym kraju. Rozważania te były podstawą do analizy perspektyw budowy pierwszej elektrowni atomowej w Polsce. Zgodnie z aktualnymi prognozami pierwsza elektrownia atomowa zostanie uruchomiona w 2024 r., co oznacza czteroletnie opóźnienie w porównaniu do założeń obowiązującej polityki energetycznej państwa. Opóźnienie to utrudni modernizację krajowego sektora energii oraz ogra-niczy możliwość poprawy konkurencyjności krajowej gospodarki. Przewiduje się, że realizacja tej inwestycji będzie wspierana ze środków budżetu państwa, co ułatwi jej sfinansowanie. Należy podkreślić, że budowa pierwszej elektrowni atomowej w Polsce jest zgodna z oczekiwaniami społecznymi dotyczącymi zmiany struktury źródeł energii pierwotnej.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the conditions for the construction of Poland’s first nuclear power plant, which can help modernize the country’s energy sector, fulfil Poland’s international obliga-tions, boost the competitive edge of its economy and subsequently improve the country’s energy securi-ty. To this end, the paper presents current understanding of the issue of a country’s energy security as well as public attitudes towards this source of energy after the Fukushima power plant disaster. It has been emphasized that after the disaster, despite fears connected with a potential risk, many countries are developing their nuclear power, which makes them more competitive in eco-nomic terms. It has also been demonstrated that public support for nuclear energy is dependent on the country’s distance from the place of catastrophe, media dependence on state institutions and existing share of nuclear energy in the energy mix of a given country. The above considerations served as the basis for an analysis of the prospects for the first nu-clear power plant to be built in Poland. According to current forecasts, the first Polish nuclear power plant will operate in 2024, which means a 4-year delay to the current assumptions of the energy policy. This delay will hamper the modernization of the national energy sector and might limit the country’s economic competitiveness. It is expected that the investment will be partly financed by the state budget, which will help its construction. It needs to be emphasized that the construction of Poland’s first nuclear power plant is in agreement with public expectations regarding changes to the structure of primary energy sources.
Program Polskiej Energetyki zakłada wybudowanie i oddanie do eksploatacji pierwszego bloku jądrowego w Polsce, w 2033 r. Harmonogram jest napięty. Trwają prace organizacyjne oraz wypełniane są kolejne zobowiązania.
Wśród interesujących rozwiązań elektrowni jądrowych USA, Rosja i Chiny proponują zastosowanie tzw. pływających morskich elektrowni nuklearnych. Wchodzi w rachubę wyposażenie ich w reaktor wysokotemperaturowy typu HTGR, chłodzony gazem. Przeprowadzono rozważania i obliczenia sprawności dla bloków 560 MW parowej elektrowni jądrowej i elektrowni z turbiną gazową. Wyższa sprawność turbin parowych nie dyskredytuje możliwości zastosowania obu typów obiegów w zależności od lokalizacji i przeznaczenia elektrowni usytuowanych na morzu w pobliżu trudno dostępnych obszarów lądu i wysp.
Among many other interesting solutions of power plants, the USA, Russia and China offer the application of the so-called floating nuclear power plants. In this case the plants would be equipped with a high-temperature reactor of the HTGR type cooled with gas. Conducted were relevant deliberations and efficiency calculations for 560 MW units of a nuclear steam and a gas turbine power plants. Higher efficiency of the steam turbine does not denigrate the possibility to use both types of cycles depending on location and intended use of power plants situated on sea in the vicinity of a hard-to-reach land areas or islands.
Content available remote Energia nuklearna - czas na nową strategię?
tom nr 1
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