Governance is a popular theoretical approach in the social sciences. However, it in-volves a number of definitional and theoretical problems. The issue of the ambiguity of the concept and the numerous attempts to recognize the complexity of reality in its framework is subject to criticism. A categorization of numerous definitions of govern-ance is proposed. The weaknesses of the governance approach as a theoretical framework in the social sciences are indicated: the inability to clearly indicate a causal entity in decision-making networks, wrongful diminution of the role of state agencies, its strong normative dimension. In the conclusions it is stated that governance is an attempt, albeit not very successful, but one and only at a holistic description of the hyperpluralist envi-ronment of public actors. The weakness of governance approach can be overcome by subjecting the phenomena to micro- or meso-level analysis.
The author presents contemporary connotations of the notion of old-age in the context of previous historical and cultural research in that area. Current data obtained from studies of interpersonal relationships is compared with the image of old age created in cultural texts and historical documents. Thus it is possible to verify contemporary axiological attributes of the notion of old age as well as its correspondences with the attributes and connotations established in the cultural memory of Poles today.
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Celem artykułu jest wskazanie metod motywowania pracowników we współczesnej organizacji. We wstępie przedstawiono pojęcie i znaczenie motywowania. W dalszej części pracy porównano podejście do motywowania w nowoczesnej firmie polskiej i zagranicznej oraz wskazano oryginalne sposoby motywowania na przykładzie znanych firm. Na koniec autor podjął rozważania na temat, jak skutecznie motywować w dobie kryzysu, podkreślając, że nie należy zapominać, iż motywacja to nie tylko wynagradzanie, ale również między innymi pobudzanie do rozwoju, umacnianie przywiązania do pracy i swojego przedsiębiorstwa. Z motywacji płyną same korzyści, dlatego też tak istotne jest właściwe motywowanie we współczesnej organizacji, które przekłada się na osiągane przez nią wyniki.
Indicating methods of motivating employees in the contemporary organization is a purpose of the article. To begin with this publication was described the notion and the significance of motivating. Hereinafter the work was compared attempt at motivating in the modern Polish and foreign company and original ways of motivating on the example of reputed firms were indicated. In the end the author took considering to the subject, how effectively to motivate in twenty four hours of the crisis emphasizing that one should not forget that motivation isn’t only rewarding, but also among others stimulating to the development, strengthening tying to the work and one’s enterprise. From motivation very benefits are swimming, therefore due motivating is so significant in the contemporary organization which is being transferred into results achieved by her.
In the article the problem of military and patriotic education of senior pupils in the process of extracurricular work is revealed. Due to the development of an independent Ukrainian state and its Armed Forces according to the new principles provided in the Law «On defense of Ukraine» and «On the Armed Forces of Ukraine», there was an urgent need to develop a new system of military and patriotic education of youth. This requires a new approach to determining the essence, content and tasks of military and patriotic education. The Concept of pre-recruitment training and military and patriotic education of youth sets the following objectives: the promotion of a sense of patriotism, love for people, their history, cultural and historical values; citizenship education and formation of civil consciousness, respect for the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, social activity and responsibility for government and public affairs; forming abilities to the analysis of the external and internal political environment, the ability on this basis independently and adequately evaluate the event and support the defense of the country; the formation of aspirations to acquire military knowledge, achievement of an appropriate level of physical fitness and endurance; raising the prestige of military service, military professional orientation of youth, formation and development of motivation on the development of patriotic feelings, getting ready to defend the Ukrainian state and serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. So, from the point of view of the tasks set in the Concept of pre-recruitment training and military and patriotic education of youth it can be seen that the military and patriotic education in modern conditions is a separate area of education. Its methodological basis constitute conceptual provisions on the development of military and patriotic education of youth; common views on the issue of education of a patriot and a citizen; the formation in youth of high patriotic consciousness, national pride and readiness to perform civil and constitutional duty to defend the national interests of Ukraine. The main purpose of military and patriotic education is to develop in youth a responsible attitude towards the future of military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the education of constant readiness to defend the Ukrainian state.
Главной целью статьи является представление акта восприятия в его сознательном аспекте. Этот сознательный аспект является, согласно автору, обязательной исходной точкой для дальнейших анализов перцепционных процессов (в том числе несознательных процессов). Представляя сознательный аспект восприятия, автор доопределил понятие «сознание» с помощью таких категории как качественный доступ, ограниченное число модальности, преднамеренность, содержательность (концептуальность). В описании акта восприятия автор отличил феноменальную и оценочную перцепцию. Феноменальная перцепция как основная является связанной с феноменальной изменчивостью, которая привела (и ведет к скептицизму). Аргументируя феноменальность (преднамеренное существование) характера сознательного поля, автор указал каким способом, благодаря активации эмоциональной системы, можно получить достоверность акта восприятия (и, следовательно, также, переступить скептицизм).
The main purpose of this paper was to present a conscious aspect of a perceptual act. This aspect is a necessary base for further investigations of perceptual processes (including those that act below the conscious level). Before presenting the conscious aspect of perceptual act the author defined the notion of “conscious” with a help of such categories as qualitative access, limited number of cognitive faculties, intentionality, and content. In describing act of perception he differentiates between phenomenological and evaluative kinds of perception. The first one seems to be basic but results in scepticism due to phenomenological variability. Arguing for phenomenal nature of conscious field the author shows how, thanks to activation of emotional system is possible to achieve the reliability of perceptual act (and yet to weaken scepticism).
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