Performative utterances, or speech acts, shaping the extra-linguistic reality occur frequently in legal documents. One of such documents is a notarial act, drawn up by a notary and containing declarations of the parties which change the civil law relations. However, not all declarations in a notarial act are performative utterances: some of them describe the reality, without changing the civil law relations between the parties. A special case of a performative utterance is the signature of the parties, confirming the declarations written by a notary on behalf of the parties. This paper aims to illustrate the diversity of expressions which can be classified as performative utterances, and thus shows that the catalogue of these expressions is much broader than it is often presented in the linguistics literature.
Wypowiedzi performatywne – akty mowy, kształtujące rzeczywistość pozajęzykową występują często w różnego rodzaju dokumentach prawnych. Jednym z takich dokumentów jest akt notarialny, sporządzony przez notariusza i zawierający oświadczenia stron, które kreują nową rzeczywistość prawną. Nie wszystkie jednak oświadczenia w akcie notarialnym stanowią wypowiedzi performatywne – część z nich opisuje rzeczywistość, nie zmieniając stosunków cywilnoprawnych pomiędzy stronami. Szczególnym przypadkiem wypowiedzi performatywnej jest podpis stron, potwierdzający oświadczenia spisane w imieniu stron przez notariusza. Niniejsza praca ma na celu ukazanie różnorodności wyrażeń, które można zaliczyć do wypowiedzi performatywnych i tym samym ukazać, że katalog tych wyrażeń jest znacznie szerszy, niż często wskazuje się na to w literaturze językoznawczej.
The aim of the article was to analyze the legal acceptability of performing a notarial act without remuneration and the institution of judicial exemption from the costs of notary’s remuneration. The work adopted the opinion that a notary public has no possibility of withdrawing from the collection of remuneration for a notarial act. It was also shown that another significant drawback of court proceedings for exemption from the costs of notary.s fees is another highly formalized procedure, which seems to discourage parties from submitting applications in this regard. The conducted analysis leads to the conclusion that the current legal regulations regarding the determination of remuneration for notarial activities and the institution of court exemption from the costs of notary’s remuneration do not provide adequate protection to the parties to notarial activities. As a consequence, a postulate was expressed to start a broader discussion on changing the model of remunerating notaries in Poland.
The term „notarial act” appears both in the language of legal acts and in professional literature. And it is understood in different ways. In particular, it may be interpreted as an action of notary or as a document resulting from this action. Scholars aim to specify the essential elements of this term. However, the findings related thereto are not crucial because what constitutes a notarial act is directly determined by the legislator, providing an exhaustive list of notarial acts and the legal regime for their performance. Therefore, the most important feature of a notarial act is that it is carried out by a notary in order to grant it official credibility by drafting an official document. Any irregularities in performing a notarial act do not affect its validity, but influence the assessment of the act’s reliability and credibility. A notary may even be entrusted with tasks of a contentious nature, requiring authoritative judgment expressed in a document that binds the parties in dispute.
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