Ensuring the security of people who hold the most important state positions is one of the most significant tasks for all institutions and people involved in securing the official activities of such people, including their mobility and movement by air. This requires undertaking actions aimed at eliminating security threats and thus minimising risk. Proposals regarding directions of changes in the content of normative documents concerning the transport of the most important people in the state by military aircraft concern: flight experience of crews; selection and assembly of the crew; planning the flight and preparing the crew for the flight; preparation, equipment and technical condition of the aircraft and atmospheric conditions and analysis of them.
The article presents the general organization and operating principles of the national departmental standardization system. The characteristics of the tasks carried out in the area of defense and security, in the new formal, legal, and organizational conditions related to the passive defense of the Polish Navy ships are presented. In addition, the article contains a brief description of standardization documents in the area of national defense applied in the Armed Forces of Poland. One of the areas related to the passive defense and measurements of physical fields in the Polish Navy was also indicated. Normalization is a way by which the Polish Navy can support the development of the military potential through the introduction of new equipment and weapons, which also contributes to the development of scientific research.
W artykule przedstawiono organizację i ogólne zasady działania krajowego resortowego systemu normalizacji. Scharakteryzowano zadania realizowane w obszarze obronności i bezpieczeństwa w nowych uwarunkowaniach formalno-prawnych. Ponadto zawarto w nim krótki opis dokumentów normalizacyjnych z obszaru obronności państwa stosowanych w Siłach Zbrojnych RP oraz wskazano jeden z obszarów obejmujących normalizację zagadnień związanych z obroną bierną i pomiarami pól fizycznych w Marynarce Wojennej RP. Normalizacja jest sposobem, za pomocą którego poprzez wprowadzanie nowego sprzętu i uzbro-jenia Marynarka Wojenna RP może wspomagać rozwój potencjału wojskowego państwa, co przyczynia się również do rozwoju badań naukowych.
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