One of the most important interpretative problems of quantum mechanics concerns the so called hidden variables. Sometimes it is said that the Bell's theorem falsifies theories of such variables, but in fact, it falsifies only local ones. This paper deals with David Bohm's interpretation of quantum mechanics, which is a kind of nonlocal hidden variable theory. This theory delivers a full deterministic and realistic description of quantum phenomena and predicts the same results as standard quantum mechanics. It is argued that this interpretation is still worth being investigated, because it remains in the full agreement with the mathematical formalism of this theory and it surpasses the standard interpretation as far as simplicity and lack of arbitrary assumptions are concerned.
This essay aims to show that the recent development of quantum theory may provide us with an answer to one of the most compelling metaphysical problems, namely the problem of determinism. First, I sketch the conceptual background and draw the distinction between metaphysical and epistemological determinisms. Then, on the ground of the analysis of the problem of determinism in quantum mechanics, I argue that (1) metaphysical determinism is independent of quantum-mechanical formalism, and (2) that quantum nonlocality makes epistemological determinism impossible. I also try to show that metaphysical determinism should be regarded as a Kantian regulative idea which sets the horizon for scientific inquiry but which at the same time lacks what Kant calls “objective validity.” The main conclusion is that metaphysical determinism should be regarded as an idealization – a formal, cognitive principle that we a priori assume and not something that we discover through scientific inquiry.
Atomy, jak rekruci, by się sprawdzić na kwantowym polu bitwy, muszą przejść przysposobienie. Skoszarowane w pułapkach magnetycznych nabierają ogłady, zaś poddane mozolnemu szkoleniu, stają się najbardziej elitarną grupą w znanym Wszechświecie - nielokalnie splątanym oddziałem do zadań specjalnych.
Atoms, like recruits, to prove themselves on the quantum battlefield, must get some drill. Enclosed in magnetic traps they get familiar with each other, while, subjected to strenuous training, they become the most elite group in the known Universe - a non-locally entangled squad for special tasks.
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