Various aspects of the anticipated (expected) breach of obligations under a contractual relationship have long been the subject of discussion with respect to the Polish Civil Code of 1964, which does not provide a general legal basis entitling the creditor to terminate the contract before it becomes due. This situation has changed with the entry of the amendment of May 30, 2014, as the introduction of Art. 4921 of the Civil Code was an important legislative step, which requires a comprehensive comment. A comprehensive linguistic and functional analysis of the said provision, regulating an inevitable non-performance, however, requires a broader view, especially from the perspective of the common law system (as an institution of Anglo-Saxon origin) or other international regulations (which are a source of inspiration for the Polish legislator). Both legal and comparative verification not only facilitates a fuller understanding of the nature of the anticipatory breach institution itself, but above all, allows one to realize the consequences and a number of contentious issues involving the practical application of the institution of art. 4921 of the Civil Code from the perspective of participants of the legal and economic market.
Pojęcie communitas, wprowadzone do dyskursu antropologicznego przez Victora Turnera pod koniec lat 60. XX wieku, powróciło do debaty humanistycznej u progu XXI wieku za sprawą Roberta Esposito. Niniejszy esej przywraca zmarginalizowaną przez Esposito antropologiczną tradycję w myśleniu o tym, co wspólne. Autorka podkreśla znaczenie procesualności i antystrukturalności egalitarnych form bycia razem oraz ich potencjał wyzwalania kreatywności. Analizując relację między munus a ludus, ukazuje teatralność jako immanentną właściwość communitas. Skupienie na estetycznych i twórczych aspektach wspólnotowości pozwala odsłonić i nazwać wiele jej form oraz scharakteryzować rozmaite modele teatralnej communitas. Autorka wskazuje na nienormatywny i transformacyjny potencjał teatru eksperymentalnego (Jerzy Grotowski, Sarah Kane, Ron Athey, Krzysztof Garbaczewski), by podkreślić kolektywny, efemeryczny i ekscesywny charakter teatru wymykającego się ekonomii rynku, a także uwydatnić znaczenie transwersalnej communitas, w której człowiek jest tylko jednym z wielu aktorów. Niektóre wątki argumentacji zostały rozwinięte w umieszczonej w aneksie rozmowie z Leszkiem Kolankiewiczem.
The term communitas, introduced into anthropological discourse by Victor Turner in the late 1960s, returned to humanist debates at the threshold of the twenty-first century by way of Roberto Esposito. Referring to Esposito’s concept of communitas, this essay brings out the anthropological tradition in thinking about the common, which Esposito had marginalized. The present author emphasized the importance of processuality and antistructural dimensions of egalitarian forms of togetherness, along with their potential to liberate human capacities of creativity. Examining the relation between munus and ludus, she shows theatricality residing immanently in the root of communitas. Focusing on the aesthetic and creative dimensions of togetherness helps in detecting multiple forms of commonality, and indicates various models of theatrical communitas. Exploring a nonnormative, transformative potential in experimental theater (Jerzy Grotowski, Sarah Kane, Ron Athey, Krzysztof Garbaczewski), she emphasizes collective, temporal, and excessive natures of theater that eschews the market-driven economy, along with the importance of a transversal communitas where the human being is only one of many actors. Some threads of the argumentation are expanded upon in a conversation with Leszek Kolankiewicz, included as an appendix.
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