Purpose: The purpose of the article is to systematise and present – against a background of the essence of ESG accounting – the applicable and proposed legal framework for non-financial reporting in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The article uses qualitative research methods: the method of studying literature and legal acts, the method of analysis and synthesis, as well as the descriptive method and deductive inference. Findings: The results of the literature studies make it possible to conclude that the topic of ESG reporting is not new, but it is gaining importance, and this process will most probably continue. The growing demand and pressure for companies to be more environmentally and socially responsible are accompanied by the efforts that they make to present the best possible information in this area. To some extent, these activities are voluntary, but they are increasingly enforced by legal regulations. Non-financial information is gaining importance for various stakeholder groups, who are increasingly aware and sensitive to environmental, social and corporate governance issues. It, therefore, seems obvious that the disclosure of ESG information – in part voluntary and influencing marketing – is becoming increasingly regulated and necessary. This is evidenced by further EU regulations and their transposition into domestic legislation. Analysis of the regulations already in force and the draft CSRD Directive cited in the article clearly indicates that the European Commission has been increasing the obligations related to ESG reporting in recent years, and they will be further increased in the future. Originality/value: The value of the article is the analysis, synthesis and systematics of issues related to the essence and framework of non-financial reporting (sustainable development) in Poland, including issues related to the currently applicable and proposed European Union legislation.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is the presentation of the essence of non-financial reporting, the transposition of the Directive into Polish law and, as a result, the extension of mandatory disclosure (including reporting standards). Design/methodology/approach: The article is based on an analysis of literature with the use of analysis method (including the analysis of subject literature, legal acts, reports and studies prepared by various institutions published on the Internet), the descriptive method and graphical data presentation method. Findings: The structure of the study includes the presentation of: the essence of the problem, the scope of mandatory disclosure, standards that may govern its preparation and the initial conclusions resulting from the analyses of reports of companies obliged to report non-financial data. The justification of the need to prepare non-financial reports is provided as the mitigation of information asymmetry that occurs among different stakeholder groups. Non-financial reporting is perceived as a chance to increase knowledge on chances and risks and to analyse and organize the company’s activities. Those types of reports allow to dialogue with stakeholders, build trust and eventually win the competitive advantage. Non-financial reports also form a knowledge database for managers, the use of which increase the effectiveness of management. Originality/value: The analysis, synthesis and systematics of the presented issues (such as the essence, scope and standards of mandatory non-financial reporting) are the value of this article. Its results contribute to further analysis and the result of the analysis should be creation of recommendations for entrepreneurs regarding the choice of non-financial reporting standards, its form and scope.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to determine whether and what impression management techniques are used by Polish listed energy-sector companies in their non-financial reporting to possibly create not a true but an embellished image of their operations. Methodology/approach: The research entailed examining the non-financial annual reports published (in Polish) by eight large, listed companies. Both quantitative content analysis, to determine the scope of environmental disclosures, and qualitative content analysis, which focused on the visual and narrative style, were applied. The word count method was also applied concerning the positive (good) and negative (bad) wording used in the reports. Our linguistic analysis took into account both the semantic and inflexion aspects of Polish idiomatic expressions. Findings: We found that the companies exploited various manipulation techniques, both in the visualisation and the narrative used in their non-financial reports. Perfect graphics, blameless narrative style, or dynamic text organisation are among the top positive aspects. At the other end of the scale are aspects such as excessive wording, unnecessary repetitions of various keywords, or the intentional omission of adverse vocabulary. While both sets of techniques are more likely to be applied by bigger entities, smaller companies do not seem to care as much for such details. Research implications/limitations: This research provides a valuable contribution to a better understanding of how companies employ modern narrative-oriented information management techniques relating to readers’ perceptions of non-financial statements. This may lead to enhancing formal requirements concerning the quality of non-financial disclosure in corporate reporting. The research was limited to only eight (all) energy companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange for the financial years 2017–2020. Thus, there is a need to investigate whether other listed companies use impression management techniques in non-financial reporting. Originality/value: This article is the first publication to show how Polish large energy-sector joint-stock companies manage their environmental impression in non-financial reporting. The analysis extends the knowledge on creating a business operations image that is favourable to stakeholders by companies with a high environmental impact. This is of particular importance considering the non-financial reporting obligation that such entities have to meet as per Directive 2014/95/EU.
The article aims to present sustainable development reporting based on data obtained from Polish commercial banks, considering different approaches and scopes of presenting non-financial data, even though specific guidelines have been issued. The research procedure included a literature review of Polish and foreign literature and research using the case study method. The article presents examples of environmental, social and governance (ESG) activities reported by selected commercial banks in Poland in a case study. ESG activities are reported separately and presented as part of annual reports. Many of the banks’ activities presented in the survey can serve as a model for others, as not all banks have a clearly written ESG strategy. A positive effect of reporting ESG activities is the clarification of indicators, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, eliminating exposure to the extractive sector or increasing “green” financing. This article can contribute to showing role models for banks in three areas, i.e., environmental, social and corporate governance. As a result, the authors tried to propose solutions where sector organisations could compare themselves in nonfinancial areas.
Celem artykułu była identyfikacja praktyk w zakresie rozwoju kompetencji pracowników, które mogą służyć kreowaniu wizerunku atrakcyjnego pracodawcy, ujętych w sprawozdaniach niefinansowych przedsiębiorstw będących laureatami konkursu „Randstad Award 2015. Wizerunek kreuje rzeczywistość”. Zastosowano metodę krytycznej analizy literatury i metodę analizy treści źródeł zastanych w postaci sprawozdań niefinansowych. W wyniku przeprowadzonego badania wskazano praktyki przedsiębiorstw w zakresie rozwoju kompetencji ich pracowników.
The aim of the article was the identification of those practices that stimulate professional competence development and were disclosured in the non-financial reporting of enterprises presented as winners of „Randstad Award 2015. Image creates reality”. The critical literary analysis method and the content analysis of non-financial reports have been used. As a result of research: there established which practices aimed at competency development of employees are disclosed in the non-financial reporting of the companies and which of them support the employer branding.
The paper addresses the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting. The concept of CSR reporting is increasingly being discussed among practitioners and academics. The main objective of the paper is to investigate the trends of CSR reporting in Poland and to try to implement them in WIG 30 companies. The research confirmed the existing information chaos in these disclosures of socially responsible issues in various reports. An analysis of domestic and foreign literature has been performed which pointed to the multidimensionality of actions taken by companies in the context of CSR reporting. The research points to the need to apply standards regarding the disclosure of non-financial information in the form of reports for public limited companies.
W artykule podjęto problematykę raportowania społecznie odpowiedzialnego. Koncepcja ta staje się coraz częściej przedmiotem dyskusji zarówno wśród praktyków, jak i świata akademickiego. Głównym celem artykułu jest zbadanie, jak kształtują się trendy obowiązujące w Polsce w zakresie raportowania CSR oraz próba ich implementacji na spółki z WIG 30. Badanie potwierdziło istniejący chaos informacyjny w zakresie ujawniania kwestii społecznie odpowiedzialnych w różnego rodzaju raportach. Dokonano analizy literatury krajowej i zagranicznej, która wskazała na wielowymiarowość działań podejmowanych przez spółki w kontekście raportowania CSR. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań wskazano na potrzebę stosowania standardów w zakresie ujawniania informacji niefinansowych w postaci raportów, dla spółek publicznych.
Environmental reporting of climate-related information concerns how the company’s activities affect the climate (both negative effects and protection activities) and how climate change affects the functioning of business entities. Specific obligations regarding reporting issues related to sustainable development (including climate) have been imposed on entities operating in the financial services sector. They must disclose specific information on how they introduce sustainability risks into their operations and take into account adverse sustainability impacts. The article addresses the inclusion of sustainable development issues in non-financial reports, which has attracted the interest of many authors. However, the article complements the existing scientific achievements in the field of non-financial reporting by isolating and detailing previously undiscussed climate issues.The aim of the article is to present the current state of reporting climate-related information in banks’ non-financial reporting. The article uses the analysis of legal acts, and literature on the subject, as well as the study of secondary data from non-financial reports of banks listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and belonging to the WIG-Banki and WIG-ESG indexes. The conducted research shows that the new legal regulations introduced at the European level, addressed to the financial sector, force greater involvement in climate protection activities. The surveyed banks fulfil the obligations imposed on them, although this is done to a limited extent. The presented data is to a large extent dispersed in various parts of reports on activities and reports on nonfinancial information, which may result from the lack of uniform standards in this regard. The scope of climate-related information disclosed is similar to the reports of individual banks and concerns both the impact of the banks’ activities on the climate and the impact of the financial products offered on the climate. In conclusion, the surveyed banks try to be socially responsible and consciously attempt to include climate issues in their reports. However, the reporting of thisinformation is only at an early stage.
Raportowanie środowiskowe informacji związanych z klimatem dotyczy tego, w jaki sposób działalność przedsiębiorstwa wpływa na klimat (chodzi zarówno o negatywne skutki, jak i działania na rzecz ochrony) oraz jak zmiany klimatu oddziałują na funkcjonowanie podmiotów gospodarczych. Szczególne obwiązki dotyczące raportowania kwestii związanych ze zrównoważonym rozwojem (w tym klimatem) zostały nałożone na podmioty działające w sektorze usług finansowych. Muszą one ujawniać określone informacje dotyczące sposobów, w jaki wprowadzają do działalności ryzyka i biorą pod uwagę niekorzystne skutki dla zrównoważonego rozwoju. Problematyka artykułu związana z ujęciem kwestii dotyczących zrównoważonego rozwoju w raportach niefinansowych jest przedmiotem zainteresowań wielu autorów. Artykuł uzupełnia istniejący dorobek naukowy w zakresie raportowania niefinansowego przez wyodrębnienie i uszczegółowienie nieporuszanych wcześniej kwestii dotyczących klimatu. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie aktualnego stanu raportowania informacji związanych z klimatem w obligatoryjnej sprawozdawczości niefinansowej banków. W artykule posłużono się analizą aktów prawnych, literatury przedmiotu, a także badaniem danych wtórnych pochodzących z obligatoryjnych sprawozdań niefinansowych banków notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie i należących do indeksu WIG-Banki oraz WIG-ESG. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że wprowadzone na poziomie europejskim nowe regulacje prawne skierowane do sektora finansowego wymuszają większe zaangażowania w działania na rzecz ochrony klimatu. Badane banki wypełniają nałożone na nie obowiązki, aczkolwiek jest to realizowane w ograniczonym zakresie. Prezentowane dane są w dużym stopniu rozproszone w różnych częściach sprawozdania z działalności oraz raportu na temat informacji niefinansowych, co może wynikać z braku jednolitych standardów w tym zakresie. Zakres ujawnianych informacji związanych z klimatem jest zbliżony w raportach poszczególnych banków i dotyczy zarówno wpływu działalności banków na klimat, jak również oddziaływania na niego oferowanych produktów finansowych. Podsumowując, badane banki starają się być odpowiedzialne społecznie i świadomie podejmują próby ujęcia w swoich sprawozdaniach zagadnień dotyczących klimatu. Raportowanie tych informacji jest tam jednak dopiero na początkowym etapie.
The article presents various methods of measuring intellectual capital (IC), such as direct methods, market-based methods, and scorecards, as well as research methods. The aim of the study was to present an original methodology for examining the potential of intellectual capital based on the IC Rating and Technology Broker methodology. The results of a quantitative study of intellectual capital potential were ranked based on the responses of employees to a 70‑question survey. The author presented unique indicators of intellectual capital for each of the three layers: human, organizational, and relational capital, which visualize the process of effective managerial decision-making. The article emphasizes the importance of managing intellectual capital in the process of creating value and its connections to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), especially in the longer-term perspective of gaining a competitive advantage through building an identity based on environmental and social values.
Artykuł prezentuje różne metody pomiaru kapitału intelektualnego, takie jak metody bezpośrednie, oparte na kapitalizacji rynkowej i karty wyników, a także metody badawcze. Celem opracowania było przedstawienie autorskiej metodyki badania potencjału kapitału intelektualnego na kanwie metodologii IC Rating i Technology Broker. Wyniki badania ilościowego potencjału kapitału intelektualnego zostały uszeregowane na podstawie odpowiedzi pracowników, ankiety składającej się z 70 pytań. Autor zaprezentował unikalne mierniki kapitału intelektualnego dla każdej z trzech warstw: kapitału ludzkiego, organizacyjnego i relacyjnego, które wizualizują proces skutecznego podejmowania decyzji zarządczych. Na końcu artykułu podkreślono znaczenie zarządzania kapitałem intelektualnym w procesie tworzenia wartości i związki z ESG, szczególnie w dłuższej perspektywie uzyskiwania przewagi konkurencyjnej poprzez budowanie tożsamości opartej na wartościach środowiskowych i społecznych.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane ze zmianami klimatu w odniesieniu do prowadzonej polityki, oczekiwań rynku i konsekwencji, jakie niosą one dla biznesu. Wyjaśniono, jak analizowanie śladu węglowego organizacji i produktu w całym łańcuchu wartości pomaga w redefiniowaniu dotychczasowych modeli biznesowych w celu poszukiwania przewagi konkurencyjnej. Przedstawiono praktyki liderów globalnych rynków i nastawienie polskich przedsiębiorstw do zagadnień klimatycznych. Omówiono ponadto wytyczne KE dotyczące raportowania niefinansowego w odniesieniu do klimatu, a także dobrowolne inicjatywy liderów rynku wykraczające daleko poza wymagania prawne.
Setting and communicating ambitious goals – even challenges, reporting effects achieved as well as sharing ideas drive pro-climate activity on a global scale. Sooner or later we will have to join and take action on climate change, too. Without specific actions in business strategies and models, it may be impossible to take advantage of the opportunities that have arisen. The European Commission’s guidelines for reporting on non-financial information in relation to the climate not only encourage, but also help in practical way to prepare for a change in the way of thinking about the business. We should be aware that it is a derivative of actions taken by market leaders who set global trends. On the occasion of transformation, they not only strengthen their positive image, promote corporate social responsibility, but also achieve economic success. The newly defined business models that they are gradually implementing, assume a continuous improvement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a significant increase in the use of renewable energy and further improvement of energy efficiency throughout the entire value chain. The savings, which are already valued in billions of euros, should be an inspiration for those who still with uncertainty and lack of conviction approach better understanding of their impact on the climate, not to mention disclosing this information to the market. It is up to the managers to decide whether they want to stand in line with the best or just watch how they strengthen their market position.
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