The Catholic Church in Poland faces various difficult challenges. One of them is the dialogue with people who declare their lack of faith in God. Modern atheism in Polish society is largely a consequence of the persecution of religion conducted for decades by the institutions of the Polish communist state. Current secular tendencies also have a significant impact. The phenomenon of the lack of faith is a challenge that necessitates new forms of pastoral work. The Church takes certain actions inspired, for example, by a document published by the Polish Episcopal Conference Council for Religious Dialogue in 2003, entitled “Dialogue: a Challenge for the New Century.” Part of the document refers specifically to “dialogue with non-believers.” Papal documents on atheism and non-believers provide guidance to priests and lay members of the Church. The Magisterium Ecclesiae has generated several practical recommendations for pastoral work. What is needed is a matter-of-fact, objective description of atheism and the lack of faith. It is necessary to initiate dialogue with non-believers at the doctrinal level, by listening carefully to their views; and at the practical level, by taking actions for the common good. The dialogue should be aimed at achieving a better knowledge of the other party, i.e. understanding the articles of faith on the one hand and, on the other, the theses and rationale behind the lack of faith. Only credible witnesses to the faith in God, those who believe by their own personal choice and conviction, can guide non-believers to the truth about God, Jesus Christ and human beings. The dialogue with non-believers is difficult due to strong non-rational prejudice, e.g. emotional bias, trauma, resentment and aggressive media propaganda against religion. However, one should not give up attempts at dialogue and communication. The imperative of the dialogue stems from Jesus Christ, Son of God who, by assuming human nature, entered the state of dialogue with every human being, both believers and non-believers.
W artykule stawiam pytanie, czy deklarowanie braku wiary w Boga, przy jednoczesnym uczestnictwie w praktykach religijnych, nosi znamiona pozorności. Zagadnienie to analizuję wykorzystując koncepcję działań pozornych zaproponowaną przez Profesora Jana Lutyńskiego. Podaję przykłady rozmaitych motywów, jakimi kierują się ludzie decydując się na uczestnictwo w wydarzeniach religijnych (np. tych charakterystycznych dla okresu komunizmu w Polsce, czy wśród emigracji). Pozareligijne motywy zdają się być właściwe dla ludzi, których wiara jest słaba. Przykłady te pokazują, że przyczyny aktywności ludzi w praktykach religijnych powinny być rozpatrywane w kontekście nie tylko religijnym. Jaka jest skala tego zjawiska? W artykule prezentuję wyniki rozmaitych badań, które pokazują, że „niewierzący praktykujący” w Polsce to około 1/3 wszystkich tych, którzy określają siebie jako „niewierzących”. Niewierzący praktykujący przestrzegają zasad religijnych głównie w czasie świąt. Motywy ich postępowania są w większości przypadków świeckie. Czy można takie działania nazwać pozornymi? Jest wiele właściwości tych zjawisk, które wpisują się w koncepcję działań pozornych przedstawioną przez Lutyńskiego.
The article addresses the question of whether it is possible not to believe in God but still participate in religious rituals, or in other words, is such an action an ‘apparent’ one? This question is considered within the framework of ‘apparent actions’ proposed by Professor Jan Lutyński. Examples are provided of very different motives belonging to a range of people, such as emigrants or those living during the Communist times in Poland, when they decide to participate in certain Catholic ceremonies. Such non-religious motives might be characteristic for people whose faith is weaker. These examples show that the role of participation in so-called ‘cult’ (religious ceremony and ritual) is much wider than just the religious aspect. The article presents results of different studies which show that the number of ‘participating non-believers’ represents about 1/3 of all people in Poland who declare themselves to be ‘non-believers’. ‘Non-believers’ obey religious rituals most often during Christmas time and Easter when their motives are in most cases secular. There are many characteristics of such action that apply to the concept of apparent actions presented by Lutyński.
Dialogue and evangelization are two strategies of the Church towards non-believers. The relationship between the two strategies can be seen either as an exclusive or a complementary one. The paper’s objective is to present the diff erence between the two, starting with St. Paul’s speech at the Areopagus in Athens, where he was named ‘spermologos’ – which means someone who “harvests words”. Dialogue might be called “harvesting words”, while – by analogy – evangelization may be called “planting words”. Each of the processes has a diff erent goal and they should be used adequately to the situation as well as competences of the person who is reaching out to non-believers. However, in both cases, the faith of the believer encountered by the non-believer is an essential element. The faith constitutes the identity of the one who starts a dialogue and of the one who evangelizes.
Dialog i ewangelizacja to dwie strategie Kościoła w odniesieniu do niewierzących. Wzajemną relację obu strategii można ujmować wykluczająco bądź komplementarnie. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie różnicy pomiędzy obiema strategiami. Punktem wyjścia jest wydarzenie przemówienia św. Pawła na ateńskim areopagu, gdzie został nazwany „spermologos”. Termin ten oznacza kogoś, kto „zbiera słowa”. Dialog można nazwać „zbieraniem słów”, ewangelizację – analogicznie –„zasiewem słów”. Oba te procesy mają inny cel i powinny być stosowane adekwatnie do sytuacji i kompetencji tego, kto podejmuje kontakt z niewierzącymi. W obu jednak przypadkach istotnym elementem jest wiara człowieka Kościoła, którego ten niewierzący spotyka. Ona bowiem stanowi o tożsamości zarówno tego, kto podejmuje dialog, jak i tego, kto ewangelizuje.
Benedict XVI's launching of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, of the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Bishops, devoted to the new evangelization, and finally the Lineamenta published in 2011 make a good starting point for the Church's rethinking of its identity and mission. This paper touches upon the issue of the new evangelization, starting from defining its essence, and then it comes to present – drawing upon the Lineamenta – the major forms and methods of transmitting the Gospel that seems to be the most effective in contemporary world. Of utmost importance is the Church's loyalty to the mission bestowed on her by Christ. Also important is that the Church understands the processes that take place in the world to which Christ sends His disciples, as teachers and witnesses of the Good News. Noteworthy is the initiative called „Courtyard of the Gentiles”, which is an interesting proposal of a dialogue with people seeking God.
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