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tom Vol. 39, No.1
The present study of factors which affect the load of water ecosystems with mineral nitrogen compounds (N-NH_4 and N-NO_3) was conducted in the Olsztyn Lake District and covered the time period from 1992 to 1999. Three capture basins were investigated: agricultural drained with a drain network, agricultural drained with a drainage ditch, and agricultural-forested drained with scattered drains and ditches. It was found that the concentration and load of mineral forms of nitrogen in waters running off from rural areas were closely dependent on meteorological conditions, the kind of artificial drainage system in use, and the type of land use in the catchment area. In waters carried away through the drainage systems, average annual concentrations of N-NH4 ranged from 0.16 mg dm^-3 (the agricultural capture basin drained with ditches) to 1.09 mg dm^-3 (the agricultural catchment drained with a network of drains); the amounts of N-NO_3 ranged from 0.29 mg dm^-3 (the agricultural-forested catchment) to 8.06 mg dm-3 (the agricultural catchment drained with a network of drains). It was also observed that a larger share of arable lands in the land use structure in a given catchment caused an increase in the load of N-NO_3 determined in drained waters. In addition, it was confirmed that the amounts of mineral nitrogen carried away with drained waters annually varied from 12.78 kg N (6.7 kg N on average) per 1 ha of an agriculturally used catchment, of which N-NO_3 was a dominant form (12.23 kg).
tom R. 48, nr 12
Podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak wpływa skład chemiczny atmosfery spiekania na strukturę i własności mechaniczne spiekanych konstrukcyjnych stali manganowych o składzie Fe-3%Mn-0,6%C. Dotychczas uważano, że aby uzyskać wysokie własności wytrzymałościowe spiekanych stali manganowych, proces spiekania musi być prowadzony w atmosferze bogatej w wodór. Obniżenie zawartości wodoru w atmosferze spiekania, w połączeniu z utrzymaniem wysokich własności mechanicznych stali, może korzystnie wpłynąć na ekonomię procesu wytwarzania stali manganowych, co z kolei wykaże znaczenie manganu jako dodatku stopowego zastępującego dotychczasowo stosowane chrom, nikiel, molibden i miedź.
An attempt was made to answer the question, how chemical composition of a sintering atmosphere influences the structure and mechanical properties of the sintered constructional manganese steel of the composition Fe-3%Mn-0,6%C. It was believed so far that, in order to get high mechanical properties of the sintered manganese steels, the sintering process should be conducted in a hydrogen-rich atmosphere. However, decrease of hydrogen content in a sintering atmosphere combined with maintaining high mechanical properties of the steel produced may have a beneficial effect on the costs of manganese steel fabrication process, which in turn indicates the benefits of using manganese as an alloy additive instead of chromium, nickel, molybdenum and copper, which are used at present.
tom No. 55 (1)
Although the phenomenon of compensatory growth has been documented in some animals and higher plants, little information is available on its manifestation in marine microalgae. We have conducted the first study on the compensatory growth of the red tide causative dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense after its recovery from different nitrogen concentrations. The results showed that NaNO3 concentrations of 0 and 7.5 mg l-1 significantly reduced the growth of P. donghaiense, as compared to 37.5 and 75 mg l-1. When the microalgal cells were returned to 75 mg l-1, they exhibited subsequent compensatory growth. The most significant compensatory growth was found in those cells previously experiencing 0 mg dm3, followed by 7.5 mg dm3, indicating that compensatory growth depended on the extent of nitrogen stress they had been subjected to. Our results suggest that compensatory growth can be induced in the marine microalga P. donghaiense after its recovery from nitrogen fluctuation, and that this should be taken into consideration in the prevalence of P. donghaiense blooms in coastal waters.
Content available remote Nitrogen regime of sward-podzolic loamy soils in the north-eastern part of Belarus
tom Nr 17
Charakterystyka wód nadosadowych. Gospodarowanie wodami nadosadowymi pochodzącymi z odwadniania osadów Efektywność procesów oczyszczania wód nadosadowych Metody fizyczno-chemiczne i biologiczne.
Organic carbon deposited in marine sediments is an important part of the global carbon cycle. The knowledge concerning the role of shelf seas (including the Baltic Sea) in the carbon cycle has increased substantially, however organic carbon accumulation rates in the Baltic sediments still require clarification. This paper describes methods used for assessing organic carbon and nitrogen accumulation rates in six sediment cores collected in the sediment accumulation areas in the Baltic Sea. Mass sediment accumulation rates were based on 210Pb method validated by 137Cs measurements. The organic carbon accumulation rates ranged from 18 to 75 gźCźm-2źyr-1. The C/N ratios and δ13C were used to access sedimentary organic matter provenance. The C/N ratios in the investigated cores vary in the range from 7.4 to 9.6, while δ13C ranged from -24.4‰ to -26.4‰. Results of the terrestrial organic matter contribution in the sedimentary organic matter were calculated basing on δ13C using the end member approach. Large proportion (41-73%) of the sedimentary organic carbon originates on land. The obtained results indicate the Baltic Sea sediments as an important sink for organic carbon. Substantial fraction of the sedimentary load originates on land.
The studies concerned the ecosystem of the Solina-Myczkowce cascade of reservoirs. While the elemental C:N ratio was higher in the Solina Reservoir branches and in the Myczkowce Reservoir (>10), the values for stations located near the Solina Dam were low (<10). Markedly, the lowest values for δ13C were noted in the Myczkowce Reservoir (-28.5‰), and these contrasted with the higher values found in the Solina Reservoir (ca. -27‰). δ15N varied from 2‰ in the upper Solina to above 3.5-4‰ downstream. While the data obtained indicate the autochthonous origin of sedimentary matter, primary production influences the properties of the bottom sediments in the lower part of the Solina reservoirs
Synthesis and characterization of some new coordination compounds of organotin(IV) with nitrogen and oxygen donor ligands have been described. These have been obtained by the reactions of dibutyltinoxide with monobasic bidentate ligands derived by the condensation of 2-acetylfuran or 2-acetylthiophene with glycine, .8-alanine, valine, leucine and tryptophan in 1 :2 stoichiometry. Suitable structures based on IR, multinuclear magnetic resonance (1H, 13C and 119Sn) spectral studies have been indicated for these new derivatives.
At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries large peatland areas of the Stołowe Mountains were drained for the forestry use. The aim of the study was to assess the real impact of the natural (climate) and anthropogenic (forestry drainage) factors on the actual nitrogen mineralization in the shallow organic soils in the Stołowe Mountains National Park (SMNP). For the needs of the study, two research transects were established on the fen peatlands located in the central part of the SMNP. Each transect consisted of three sampling plots. The soil samples for the basic soil properties analysis were sampled in April, while undisturbed soil samples for mineral nitrogen were collected in April (spring), July (summer) and October (autumn) to show the seasonal dynamics of nitrogen mineralization. The obtained results revealed that the currently investigated fen peatland soils were rather slightly affected by the drainage network remains. A vast domination of ammonium over the nitrate form observed in the study soils during the growing season might indicate a periodical soil moisture increase limiting the mineralization process. The amount of precipitation and soil moisture had dominant impact on the N mineralization process, especially on the N-NO3 concentrations.
The study was conducted on a degraded Lake Długie in Olsztyn (surface area 26.8 ha, max depth 17.3 m) restored in 1987 – 2000 with the method of the artificial aeration with destratification. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the applied method on the exchange of nitrogen compounds between the bottom sediments and overlying water. The results revealed that the applied method caused a decrease of nitrogen release from the bottom sediments and influenced the content of this component in the sediments. The observed changes may have been the effect of the intensification of the coupled nitrification-denitrification processes occurring in the aquatic conditions modified by the restoration.
Content available Isotopic studies of nitrates – a short review
tom 70
Nitrogen is an essential element for life. One of its available forms are nitrates - the compounds playing a key role in the biogeochemical N cycle. However, excessive amounts of nitrates may be harmful to organisms and the environment, therefore in recent years the emphasis is on continuous monitoring of quality of consumed water. Nitrates from different sources have wide, but different ranges δ15N and δ18O. Also researchers observed typical changes in both delta values induced by biological processes and in the case of mixing water with anthropogenic nitrates. This is a reason why the isotopic analysis are often used to identify the source of contamination in a reservoir or to quantitatively describe the processes occurring in an ecosystem.In this review article, we present a model of the global nitrogen cycle, along with the latest data on the disturbances caused by human activity. We describe the processes occurring in the N cycle and biogeochemical mechanisms, which modify the nitrogen isotopic composition in their compounds. We also present a short description of analytical techniques utilized for studying isotopic compositions of nitrates. In addition, we discussed the methods for extraction and preparation of nitrates from freshwater and ocean water, by determining the δ15N,  δ18O and δ17O (or Δ17O) values. The final part is a description of applications of developed techniques for environmental research.
Od marca do października 2003 r. prowadzono badania zawartości N-NO3, N-NO, i N-NH4 i K w wodach powierzchnlowych na terenie zlewni jeziora Świdwie. Badane wody charakteryzowały się stosunkowo niskimi stężeniami N-NO3 i K, które przeczą negatywnemu wpływowi gospodarki rolnej na jakość wód w zlewni jeziora Świdwie. Ustalono, że dominującą formą azotu w wodach rzeki Gunicy i Małej Gunicy był N-NO3, a w kanałach Strugi Żurawiej i Bolków-Łęgi N-NH4. Zaobserwowana w VIII 2003 roku, we wszystkich punktach pomiarowych, około 4-krotnie większa wartość koncentracji K związana była 7. wystąpieniem w tym czasie intensywnych opadów atmosferycznych. Stwierdzony spadek stężeń związków azotu w porównaniu z okresem 1995-96 korzystnie wpłynął na jakość wód w zlewni Świdwia. Dodatkowe obniżenie stężeń N-NH4 w wodach Strugi Żurawiej i kanału Bolków-Łęgi uzyskać będzie można przez poprawę gospodarki wodno-ściekowej na terenie zabudowanym w sąsiedztwie tych cieków.
The studies 011 the content of N-NO3, N-NO2 i N-NH4 and K in surface water of the catchment area of the Lake Świdwie have been carried out in the period III to X 2003. The analyzed water were characterized by rather Low concentrations of N-NO3 and K, which contradicts the belief that agriculture has a negative influence on the quality of water in the Świdwie basin. It was found that in water of Gunica and Mała Gunica rwers contained mostly N-NO3, and in canals of Struga Żurawia and Bolków Łęgi N--NH4 was dominant. The fourfold amount of potassium found in August 2003 in all sampling sites was connected with very high precipitation, Decreased concentrations of nitrogen compounds have been observed In 2003 and advantageous influenced on surface water quality in the Świdwie basin.
Content available remote Usuwanie azotu ze ścieków przez tlenowy osad granulowany
Przedstawiono najnowsze poglądy dotyczące usuwania azotu przez ten rodzaj biomasy, ze szczególnym naciskiem na symultaniczną nitryfikację i denitryfikację. Zaprezentowano również wyniki badań nad granulacją osadu czynnego w pierwszych instalacjach pilotowych.
Presentation of the latest views on nitrogen removal with this kind of biomass, with special stress on simultaneous nitrification and de-nitri-fication. Research results for active sludge granulation in first, piloting installations.
tom Vol. 24, no. 1
W czterech badanych wermikompostach wyprodukowanych przez dżdżownice Eisenia fetida (Sav.) z różnych odpadów organicznych (osady ściekowe, trociny, podłoże po produkcji pieczarek, odpady przemysłu mięsnego) oznaczono całkowitą zawartość węgla i azotu oraz ich ilości w kwaśnych i alkalicznych wyciągach. Zawartość węgla i azotu w wyciągach kwaśnych wynosiła odpowiednio w procentach zawartości ogółem; w 0,25 M H2SO4 4,28 i 20,2; w 25% H2SO4 9,96 i 24,3, a w wyciągu I alkalicznym (0,1 M NaOH) 55,1 i 10,1 oraz w wyciągu II 22,2 i 5,31. Stosunek Ch:Cf w I wyciągu wynosił 3,37, a w II 2,03.
In flour investigated vermicomposts produced in vermicomposting process by Eisenia fetida from organic wastes (waste activated sludges, sawdust, beds after mushrooms production, waste from meat processing plants) total contents of carbon and nitrogen as well as of both macroelements in acid and alkaline extracts were determinated. The content of carbon and nitrogen in acid extracts in relation to total amounts expressed in procentage were as fallows: in 0,25 M H2SO4 4,28 and 20,2 in 25% H2SO4 9,96 and 24,3 but in alkaline extracts (0,1 M NaOH) first - 55,1 and 10,1 and in second 22,2 and 5,31 respectively. The ratio Ch :Cf in alkaline extracts was in first 3,37 but in second 2,03.
The aim of this study was to verify whether the biogeochemical features (e.g. concentration of nutrients, oxygen consumption, mineralization rate, Eh) of sediments changed by the zebra mussel or its shell deposits differ from those in the ambient soft bottom, and how these differences are related to the structure of benthic macroinvertebrates. In 2006 three sampling sessions were carried out in the Curonian Lagoon, SE Baltic Sea, at three pre-defined sites, corresponding to different bottom types: zebra mussel bed, zebra mussel shell deposits and bare soft sediments. Similarity analysis of biogeochemical parameters indicated that bottom sediments covered with zebra mussel shell deposits were rather distinct from the other bottom types because of the lowest total organic matter mineralization rate and highest organic carbon, total phosphorus and total nitrogen content. The parameters measured in the zebra mussel bed did not deviate conspicuously from the values observed in bare bottoms, except for the higher rate of oxygen consumption in the upper sediment layer. Unsuitable anoxic conditions on the one hand and the "attractive" shelters provided by zebra mussels on the other hand may promote the epifaunal life style in the habitats formed by dense zebra mussel clumps.
Content available remote Efekt laserowy w powietrzu pod ciśnieniem atmosferycznym
Przedstawiono sposób otrzymania stabilnego wyładowania koronowego o dużej energii. Badany układ jest nietypowym, uproszczonym wariantem lasera azotowego typu TEA. Opisane urządzenie może służyć jako źródło wysokoenergetycznej plazmy w urządzeniach oczyszczających powietrze.
The paper shows how to generate stable corona discharge having high energy. The experimental setup is non-standard simplified version of nitrogen TEA laser. Described device can be applied as a source of high energy plasma for air purifiers.
Content available remote Azot i fosfor w złożu i roślinności oczyszczalni hydrobotanicznej
tom Nr 9
Presentation of depositing nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in a hydrobotanic bed and of absorption and cumulation of these compounds by macrophytic flora. Example of hydrobotanic sewage treatment plant in Małyszów.
Content available remote Airborne load of nitrogen to European seas
Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen is an important source of nutrients to the sea, accounting for approximately 30% of the total nitrogen load, which in addition includes input from the rivers and direct discharges. The excess of nutrients in the sea water is causing eutrophication which is a common problem for the European seas. Therefore, atmospheric nitrogen deposition to the seas bas been monitored since 1980s, with the help of measurements only at the beginning and with the help of models later on and at present. The results of the Unified EMEP model are presented for the period 1995-2005. Computed annual wet and dry depositions of oxidized and reduced nitrogen to the Baltic Sea, to the North Sea, to the Mediterranean Sea and to the Black Sea are analyzed, as well as the main emission sources responsible for the deposition. In addition, some indications concerning future scenarios for the airborne load of nitrogen to European seas are given.
Atmosferyczna depozycja azotu jest ważnym źródłem składników odżywczych w morzach, odpowiedzialnym za około 30% całkowitego ładunku azotu, który dodatkowo obejmuje również wkład rzek i źródeł bezpośrednich. Nadmiar składników odżywczych w wodzie morskiej powoduje eutrofizację, która stanowi powszechny problem dla mórz europejskich. Dlatego atmosferyczna depozycja azotu do mórz jest monitorowana od lat osiemdziesiątych, początkowo za pomocą pomiarów, a następnie i aż do chwili obecnej przy pomocy modeli. Rezultaty zunifikowanego modelu EMEP przedstawiono dla lat 1995-2005. Przeanalizowano obliczone roczne, mokre i suche depozycje azotu utlenionego i zredukowanego do Morza Bałtyckiego, Morza Północnego, Morza Śródziemnego i Morza Czarnego, a także najważniejsze źródła emisji odpowiedzialne za depozycję. Ponadto w pracy wskazano na możliwe scenariusze atmosferycznych ładunków azotu do mórz europejskich w przyszłości.
Content available remote Azot w glebach murszowych i murszowatych obiektu Głuch
tom Nr 17
tom Nr 17
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