The studies were conducted on watercourses flowing out of raised peat bog areas in Orawsko-Nowotarska Basin and raised peat bogs and transitional moor in „Międzyrzeki” Reserve on the territory of the Roztocze National Park. New localities where Neidium hercynicum occurred were found on the peatland areas of Southern Poland (Orawsko-Nowotarska Basin) and South-eastern (the Roztocze National Park) during the studies conducted on Jamów, Tokarka and Chyżny streams and on the territory of “Międzyrzeki” Reserve between 2007–2013. Longer and wider specimens were found on both investigated sites in comparison to the dimensions listed in the Krammer and Lange-Bertalot key. N. hercynicum were always found as individual specimens.
The paper presents the results of phytosociological research on the thermophilous oak forest Potentillo albae-Quercetum Libbert 1933 nom. invers., which has been carried out in the central part of the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. The association, which has been stated in 7 localities, is a new type of forest vegetation in this region. On the basis of 35 relevés, made in 2001 following the Braun-Blanquet method, the only subassociation P.a.-Q. brachypodietosum pinnati has been distinguished. It has been divided into two variants: with Pleurozium schreberi (on acid sites), and with Asarum europaeum (on basic ones). The investigated phytocoenoses abound in floristic peculiarities, such as: Adenophora liliifolia, Bupleurum longifolium, Euphorbia angulata, Festuca amethystina ssp. ritschlii, Lilium martagon, Potentilla alba.
The semiparasitic plant common fir mistletoe Viscum album L. subsp. abietis (WIESB.) JANCH is the rarest of three subspecies in Poland. In the country this mistletoe has northern border of distribution range. The previous literature data suggested that the subspecies has only few localities in the Silesian Foothils and in northern part of the Silesian Beskid Mts (southern Poland) and in addition, some of them were not confirmed. Mistletoe Viscum album subsp. abietis has been reported to increase its range and abundance in Europe recently therefore authors decided to update the distribution data of the subspecies the aforementioned area. The data about distribution of host tree silver fir Picea abies was taken from forest database and from personal communication with foresters. The area was search to find localities of the individuals on trees. In case of the single specimens on fir trees binoculars were used. In total 39 localities were given including more than 30 new localities when compared to literature data from 20th century. In Silesian Foothils there are 20 localities and 19 stands in the Silesian Beskid Mts. On the localities the abundance of individuals ranged from single plants on one tree to massive infestation of several dozen of fir trees. The common fir mistletoe distribution seems to be an underestimated in the southern part of the Silesian Voivodeship, it is highly probable that its next localities will be found in nearest future. Despite the category endangered “EN” in the Red Book of Plants of the Silesian Voivodship the species is not threatened anymore. On the contrary it becomes to pose a serious threat to silver fir because it can contribute to decline of trees. During the massive infestation of firs by mistletoe, fir trees often die gradually. The obtained new information will allow for a better recognition of the current species distribution and a possible revision of the threat category of common fir mistletoe in the territory of Silesian Voivodeship. For a more detailed analysis of the degree of expansion of this species, it would be advisable to examine the number of individuals and study the development of mistletoe over time on the host on randomly selected trees.
The semiparasitic plant common fir mistletoe Viscum album L. subsp. abietis (WIESB.) JANCH is the rarest of three subspecies in Poland. In the country this mistletoe has northern border of distribution range. The previous literature data suggested that the subspecies has only few localities in the Silesian Foothils and in northern part of the Silesian Beskid Mts (southern Poland) and in addition, some of them were not confirmed. Mistletoe Viscum album subsp. abietis has been reported to increase its range and abundance in Europe recently therefore authors decided to update the distribution data of the subspecies the aforementioned area. The data about distribution of host tree silver fir Picea abies was taken from forest database and from personal communication with foresters. The area was search to find localities of the individuals on trees. In case of the single specimens on fir trees binoculars were used. In total 39 localities were given including more than 30 new localities when compared to literature data from 20th century. In Silesian Foothils there are 20 localities and 19 stands in the Silesian Beskid Mts. On the localities the abundance of individuals ranged from single plants on one tree to massive infestation of several dozen of fir trees. The common fir mistletoe distribution seems to be an underestimated in the southern part of the Silesian Voivodeship, it is highly probable that its next localities will be found in nearest future. Despite the category endangered “EN” in the Red Book of Plants of the Silesian Voivodship the species is not threatened anymore. On the contrary it becomes to pose a serious threat to silver fir because it can contribute to decline of trees. During the massive infestation of firs by mistletoe, fir trees often die gradually. The obtained new information will allow for a better recognition of the current species distribution and a possible revision of the threat category of common fir mistletoe in the territory of Silesian Voivodeship. For a more detailed analysis of the degree of expansion of this species, it would be advisable to examine the number of individuals and study the development of mistletoe over time on the host on randomly selected trees.
INTRODUCTION Sandy everlasting Helichrysum arenarium L. (Moench.) is a rhizome perennial of the sunfl ower family (Asteraceae). It has erect branching stems which to be an average of 0,3 m tall. The leaves are fl at, gray and woolly. The lower ones being elliptical in shape, upper ones are linear. Flowerheads arranged in dense umbelliform panicle. Involucres are yellow or orange. The plant is a source of valuable herbal material, the infl orecence of Sandy Everlasting (Helichrysi infl orescentia). Active components on the sandy everlasting are the fl awonoides which may have choleretic, hepatoprotective and antibacterial poperties. This stock is used for treatment of digestive system and liver diseases. The species is partially protected in Poland. MATERIAL AND METHODS In the fi eld research in Włoszczowa district I used the fl oristic method. Results have been documented by means of herbarium specimens as well as photographs. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Sandy everlasting were recorded on four sites in the area of Włoszczowa district. Many fl oristic studies this species has been confi rmed in this area. Six new localities of Helichrysum arenarium were found during botanical investigation carried out in the years 2007-2009. These localities are situated in: Rączki (the ATPOL grid reference DE5931), Dobromierz (DE6901), Gościęcin (DE7822), Oleszno (EE6021), Wymysłów (EE7033), Kossów (EE9011).
WSTĘP Kocanki piaskowe Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench. są płożącą się byliną z rodziny astrowatych (Asteraceae). Ich pędy wznoszące osiągają wysokość do 0,4 m. Liście pokryte są szarym kutnerem. Dolne liście ogonkowe mają kształt łopatkowato-lancetowaty, górne, siedzące są równowąskie. Żółte lub pomarańczowe kwiaty zebrane są w kuliste koszyczki, które na szczycie pędu tworzą płaski, baldachokształtny kwiatostan. Surowcem leczniczym jest koszyczek Helichrysi infl orescentia. Najważniejszymi substancjami czynnymi zawartymi w surowcu są fl awonoidy, które działają głównie żółciopędnie i rozkurczowo, a także wykazują działanie antybiotyczne. Surowiec ma zastosowanie w chorobach układu pokarmowego i wątroby. Kocanki piaskowe w Polsce objęte są częściową ochroną prawną. MATERIAŁ I METODY W trakcie prowadzenia badań terenowych w powiecie włoszczowskim posłużono się metodą fl orystyczną. Wyniki badań udokumentowano zbiorami zielnikowymi. Sporządzono również dokumentację fotografi czną. WYNIKI I WNIOSKI Do tej pory z obszaru powiatu włoszczowskiego z literatury znane były cztery stanowiska kocanek piaskowych. W trakcie prowadzenia badań terenowych w latach 2007-2009 stanowiska te zostały potwierdzone oraz odnaleziono kolejne sześć nowych, nie znanych dotąd z terenu powiatu stanowisk zlokalizowanych w miejscowościach: Rączki (kwadrat ATPOL DE5931), Dobromierz (kwadrat ATPOL DE6901), Gościęcin (kwadrat ATPOL DE7822), Oleszno (kwadrat ATPOL EE6021), Wymysłów (kwadrat ATPOL EE7033), Kossów (kwadrat ATPOL EE9011).
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