INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the relationship between functional shortening of the rectus femoris muscle, hamstring muscle and knee proprioception in patients after anterior cruciate ligament [ACL] rupture. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A group of 35 men with ACL rupture (without ACL reconstruction), aged 18 to 43 years (28 ± 7.4 years) was enrolled in the study. Firstly, the functional shortening of above mentioned muscles was evaluated in both healthy and injured lower limbs. Knee joint proprioception was assessed using a BTE Primus RS by examining the angular deviation from the center of the kinetic range in the knee joint with and without visual inspection. RESULTS: A statistically significant positive correlation was found between the functional shortening of the hamstrings and the proprioception of the flexion motion assessed under conditions without visual inspection. In addition, a statistically significant negative correlation was found between the functional shortening of the rectus femoris muscle of the injured lower limb and proprioception of the knee flexion movement assessed under conditions without visual inspection. CONCLUSIONS: A deficit of knee proprioception correlates with the functional shortening of the thigh muscles. Pa-tients with functional shortening of the rectus femoris have better knee proprioception. Patients with functional shortening of hamstrings have worse knee proprioception.
WSTĘP: Celem badania jest wykazanie związku między skróceniem czynnościowym mięśnia prostego uda i mięśni kulszowo-goleniowych a kinestezją stawu kolanowego u pacjentów po zerwaniu więzadła krzyżowego przedniego [ACL]. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Badaniem objęto grupę 35 mężczyzn z zerwaniem ACL (bez rekonstrukcji) w wieku od 18 do 43 lat (28 ± 7,4 roku). Funkcjonalne skrócenie wyżej wymienionych mięśni oceniano zarówno na zdrowej, jak i kontuzjowanej nodze. Kinestezję stawu kolanowego oceniano za pomocą aparatu BTE Primus RS, badając odchylenie kątowe od środka zakresu ruchu w stawie kolanowym z i bez kontroli wzroku. WYNIKI: Stwierdzono statystycznie istotną dodatnią korelację między funkcjonalnym skróceniem mięśni kulszowo- -goleniowych a kinestezją dla ruchu zgięcia ocenianego w warunkach bez kontroli wzroku. Ponadto stwierdzono istotną statystycznie ujemną korelację między funkcjonalnym skróceniem mięśnia prostego uda nogi uszkodzonej a kinestezją ruchu zgięcia kolana ocenianego w warunkach bez kontroli wzroku. WNIOSKI: Deficyt propriocepcji kolana koreluje z funkcjonalnym skróceniem mięśni uda. Pacjenci z funkcjonalnym skróceniem mięśnia prostego uda mają lepszą kinestezję stawu kolanowego, natomiast u pacjentów z funkcjonalnym skróceniem ścięgien podkolanowych stwierdzono gorszą kinestezję stawu kolanowego.
: The aim of the study was to assess static postural stability under fatigue in subjects with chronic ankle instability – “copers” in comparison with healthy controls. Methods: We conducted a prospective study on a group of 60 young, physically active subjects, divided into 3 groups: I – 14 subjects with unilateral ankle instability, II – 15 subjects with bilateral ankle instability, III – 31 healthy subjects, without ankle instability. The fatigue trial was based on modified Short-Term Fatigue Protocol. Static stabilography was performed with the use of HUR platform. Results: showed an increase in the value of COP trace length after fatigue test in study population I. The level of COP trace length Z before fatigue was significantly lower than after fatigue. Subjects from study population I had higher levels of COP trace length Z in comparison with the control group. The main effect for the group also proved to be significant. Study population I had higher levels of COP trace length Z in comparison with the control group. For the measurement after fatigue, there was significant difference only between the study population I and the control group. Conclusions: The incidence of structural ankle instability was not correlated with functional instability. Subjects with ankle instability, or “copers”, had good functional levels, enabling them to perform sports activities. “Copers” had weakened proprioception in static stabilography tests. Short and intense fatigue protocol weakened the ability to maintain balance in static stabilography test with eyes closed.