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Content available remote Percolation on the institute-enterprise R&D collaboration networks
Realistic network-like systems are usually composed of multiple networks with interacting relations such as school-enterprise research and development (R&D) collaboration networks. Here, we study the percolation properties of a special class of R&D collaboration network, namely institute-enterprise R&D collaboration networks (IERDCNs). We introduce two actual IERDCNs to show their structural properties, and we present a mathematical framework based on generating functions for analyzing an interacting network with any connection probability. Then,we illustrate the percolation threshold and structural parameter arithmetic in the sub-critical and supercritical regimes.We compare the predictions of our mathematical framework and arithmetic to data for two real R&D collaboration networks and a number of simulations. We find that our predictions are in remarkable agreement with the data. We show applications of the framework to electronics R&D collaboration networks
Content available remote New trends in neurocybernetics
Many years ago neural networks are subject of scientific research conducted only for curiosity. The researchers pursue to better understanding of natural brain behaviour by means of forming of mathematical, electronic and simulation models. Unexpectedly as additional result of such research new computational tool occur, which very fast become huge popularity and high effectiveness. Now, when typical neural networks are used almost by everybody for almost everything – new progress in computational applications can come from new “cut end” research on neurocybernetics. The paper shows short survey of some most promising areas of current neurocybernetic research for inducting new possible technological inspirations.
Wiele lat temu sieci neuronowe sieci neuronowe były przedmiotem badań prowadzonych głównie z pobudek teoretycznych. Celem tamtych, prowadzonych przez naukowców prac, było głównie lepsze poznanie biologicznych aspektów funkcjonowania mózgu, a także psychologicznych podstaw kognitywistyki, poprzez budowę matematycznych i elektronicznych modeli symulacyjnych. Niespodziewanym dodatkowym rezultatem tych badań było stworzenie nowych narzędzi obliczeniowych, które dzięki swojej wydajności bardzo szybko zyskały sobie olbrzymią popularność. Obecnie, kiedy sztuczne sieci neuronowe są używane przez niemal wszystkich do rozwiązywania najróżniejszych problemów, dalszy postęp w zastosowaniach obliczeniowych sieci może być osiągnięty poprzez zastosowania badań w zakresie neurocybernetyki. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono krótki przegląd niektórych najbardziej obiecujących obszarów współczesnych badań w zakresie neurocybernetyki, inspirujących nowe możliwości technologiczne.
tom T. 19
Rozważono sieci o wielostopniowych strukturach gwiaździstych. Jako ocenę niezawodności tych sieci przyjęto następującą miarę niezawodności: prawdopodobieństwo zdarzenia, że sprawne węzły mogą komunikować się przez węzeł centralny. Przyjęto następujący model uszkodzeń. Węzły oraz kanały sieci ulegają uszkodzeniom z określonym prawdopodobieństwem, uszkodzenia elementów sieci są od siebie niezależne. Porównano różne gwiaździste struktury sieci pod względem niezawodności. Otrzymane wartości przyjętej miary niezawodności zostały przedstawione w funkcji prawdopodobieństwa sprawności węzłów oraz kanałów. Otrzymane rezultaty numeryczne ilustrują spadek niezawodności przy zwiększaniu stopnia sieci.
This paper investigated the reliability of any-hop star networks. The any-hop star topology is used in centralized computer networks. We will assume that the all nodes and links fail independently. Following measure of network reliability is assumed: the probability of operating nodes can communicate through some central computer. The numerical results are presented in section 3. The values of reliability measures were counted for one, two, three, four-hop star and chain networks. The calculations were done as a function of a probability of links or nodes being operative. The numerical results obtained for these networks shown difference between them.
A key management challenge facing organizations today is the creation of mutual interorganizational relations in the form of a network. Research indicates that increasing an organization’s effectiveness and achieving competitive advantage through appropriate HRM policies and practices can be understood only in the context of the characteristics of network relations. Thus, this paper is aimed at developing a basis for HRM that reflects the requirements of interorganizational cooperation. This goal can be accomplished through studies as well as literature analysis.
Content available remote Some minimization problems for planar networks of elastic curves
In this note we announce some results that will appear in [6] on the minimization of the functional F(Γ) = ∫Γk2 + 1 ds, where Γ is a network of three curves with fixed equal angles at the two junctions. The informal description of the results is accompanied by a partial review of the theory of elasticae and a diffuse discussion about the onset of interesting variants of the original problem passing from curves to networks. The considered energy functional F is given by the elastic energy and a term that penalize the total length of the network.We will show that penalizing the length is tantamount to fix it. The paper is concluded with the explicit computation of the penalized elastic energy of the “Figure Eight”, namely the unique closed elastica with self-intersections (see Figure 1).
Content available remote "Neural encryption" in industrial and telecommunication networks
This paper presents the alternative for popular cryptographic communication protocols, could give the secure data transmission between http and ftp servers in the implementation of the ATmega32 microcontroller. Now we are working with the complete theoretical construction of communication protocol and GOST cipher realized by a neural network. Besides stage of work mentioned above, our main aim is providing possible high stage of secure data transmission and functionality without use asymmetric cryptography. The result will be large computational power, which is not available with these assumptions.
The healthcare industry is a growth driver. However, the health system is facing a crisis, affected by the financial development in Europe. An almost completely regulated market is just as little use, as a largely deregulated market such as in the U.S.A. Both lead to gaps in the sustainable and comprehensive patient care. Based on the German Healthcare System, an analysis is performed. Currently, the German health care system is in a transformation process. Traditional forms of health care services provision and the existing governance system are coming to their limits. The current health care system no longer meets the requirements for ensuring accessible and affordable health care services. As new players on the German hospital market, commercial hospital groups have emerged. To get more informed on the effects at the regional level, a scenario analysis was performed. A trend scenario which shows a clear trend toward a substantial increase of regional imbalances was developed. On one hand, there are highly profitable regions with excellent medical service provision by commercial hospital groups, and on the other hand, there are peripheral regions with a second-rate medicine, which are left to the public sector. The paper derives first ideas about a new structure of the healthcare system for ensuring accessible and affordable health care services for the citizens. The paper shows first ideas about the transformation of healthcare as an opportunity for growth.
Content available On Networking The Analysis of Selected Aspects
In the information society, the existing traditional ways of communication are changing, often in favour of digital forms. What is also transformed are the forms of teaching and educating, which are substituted by distance education with the use of networks of various types. The study focuses on the theoretical and practical determinants of network functioning. In this study, some e-challenges are analysed in the context of new prospects of the informational-educational space based on the global network of Internet. The definitions are presented as well as some exemplary types of network. Moreover, the collaboration and self-training network, and its aims are focused on. Two cases are provided as examples - the Internet platform “Doskonalenie w sieci /Improvement in the Net/” and the international research network IRNet, in the activity of which the authors of the presented article take active part.
Content available remote Algorithm for turnpike policies in the dynamic lot size model
This article considers optimization problems in a capacitated lot sizing model with limited backlogging. Nothing is assumed about the cost function in the case of finite restrictions of the size on the stock and backlogs. The holding and backlogging costs are functions assumed to be stationary or nearly stationary in time. In both cases, it is shown that there exists an optimal infinite inverse policy and a periodical turnpike policy. Some forward and backward procedures are adopted that determine an optimal infinite inverse policy and a strong turnpike policy relative to the class of standard or batch ordering type policies. Some remarks on the existence of planning and forecast horizons are also given.
The paper considers a set membership joint estimation of variables and parameters in complex dynamic networks based on parametric uncertain models and limited hard measurements. A recursive estimation algorithm with a moving measurement window is derived that is suitable for on-line network monitoring. The window allows stabilising the classic recursive estimation algorithm and significantly improves estimate tightness. The estimator is validated on a case study regarding a water distribution network. Tight set estimates of unmeasured pipe flows, nodal heads, tank level and pipe resistances are obtained.
Content available remote The Median Problem on k-Partite Graphs
In a connected graph G, the status of a vertex is the sum of the distances of that vertex to each of the other vertices in G. The subgraph induced by the vertices of minimum (maximum) status in G is called the median (anti-median) of G. The median problem of graphs is closely related to the optimization problems involving the placement of network servers, the core of the entire networks. Bipartite graphs play a significant role in designing very large interconnection networks. In this paper, we answer a problem on the structure of medians of bipartite graphs by showing that any bipartite graph is the median (or anti-median) of another bipartite graph. Also, with a different construction, we show that the similar results hold for k-partite graphs, k ≥ 3. In addition, we provide constructions to embed another graph as center in both bipartite and k-partite cases. Since any graph is a k-partite graph, for some k, these constructions can be applied in general
The paper contains ascertainments that changes taking place in the structure of modern territory and transformations in modern society are/or will be still determined by the processes of transfer of technologies and innovations, diffusion of creativity and differential development of civilizations. Indigenization of globalization (which the author interprets as glocalization) represents a shift from a more territorialized learning process bound up with the nation-state society to one more fluid and translocal. New Regionalism as a paradigm for regional development emphasizes smart, inclusive and sustainable economies. In particular, the author presents a framework for analysing New Regionalism which should include determinants such as innovative capacity, creativity, networks, high level of social capital and the role of civilization in developing regional economic resilience.
W artykule dokonano oceny stanu i warunków rozwoju polskich miast w kontekście procesów i problemów występujących w miastach wysoko rozwiniętych krajów Europy. Te ostatnie, zwłaszcza położone w twardym jądrze UE, wkraczają w nowe stadium rozwoju. Złączone sieciami różnorakich powiązań , tworzą zintegrowane gospodarczo przestrzenie miejskie o największej zdolności konkurowania w globalnej gospodarce, tracąc charakter w znacznym stopniu domkniętych, odrębnych układów społeczno-gospodarczych. Wskazano na prowadzące do tego procesy, podkreślając, że są one w Polsce widoczne, ale niezbyt zaawansowane. Polska jest krajem opóźnionej urbanizacji o mało konkurencyjnej w Europie bazie ekonomicznej miast, niezłym kapitale ludzkim, ale miernym kapitale społecznym i niskiej jakości przestrzeni miejskiej. Zarysowano główne wyzwania rozwoju polskich miast w dobie integracji europejskiej, omawiając także najczęściej spotykane wizje miasta Europy XXI wieku w kontekście celów rozwoju i sposobów ich osiągania.
The paper gives an appraisal of Polish cities in the context of processes and problems observed in cities of highly developed European countries. These last cities, in particular those situated in the hard core of EU, enter a new development stadium. Interconnected by networks of multifarious links, they create an integrated urbanised space of the highest ability to compete in the global economy but lose at the same time the character of relatively closed and spatially distinguished socio-economic systems. The paper, pointing at the processes that lead to this phenomenon, stresses that they are already visible in Poland but not advanced. Poland is a country of a delayed urbanisation and cities the economic base of which is not competitive in Europe. These cities possess a not bad human but rather weak social capital and the urban space is of a low quality. The paper outlines the main challenges Polish cities are facing in the era of European integration and presents also the most frequently discussed visions of XXI century European city described through development goals and strategies.
tom T. 18
Although Grade of Service is very important in VoIP providers evaluation, We wasn't able to find any paper regarding the topic of measuring GoS variables for IP networks utilizing SIP, which are defined like for PSTN/ISDN/GSM networks (post-selection delay, answering delay, release delay, or probability of end-to-end blocking). Due to the lack of research in this field, it was necessary to start from defining measures and cover the full path towards developing an testing application. The most demanding stage was to provide methodology for determining the GoS values in IP networks with SIP. During that phase it was significant to take characteristics of the SIP protocol under deep consideration. As a result of the research practical implementation of tester application was created and tested in operator environments.
Chociaż poziom usług jest bardzo ważny dla operatorów VoIP to zauważa się brak propozycji rozwiązań dla określania wielkości opisujących GoS. W artykule próbuje się wypełnić tę lukę poprzez propozycję metodologii pomiarów wielkości wchodzących w skład GoS. Wielkości te definiuje się podobnie jak to ma miejsce dla sieci PSTN/ISDN/GSM ale uwzględnia się specyfikę protokołu SIP wykorzystywanego do obsługi żądań w sieci IP. Wynikiem końcowym prac jest praktyczna realizacja testera oraz jego zastosowanie do pomiarów GoS w rzeczywistych sieciach operatorskich VoIP.
Opracowanie zawiera ilościową analizę rozpoznawalności stron www, ocenę pojemności zróżnicowania oraz prezentowanych w nich treści, poziomu świadczenia usług oraz jakości serwisów jednostek administracji samorządowej województwa podlaskiego. Praca jest analizą o charakterze podażowym, próbą inwentaryzacji i oceny ważności cech tego medium komunikacji elektronicznej. Popularność jego wzrasta wraz z możliwością dwustronnej komunikacji, ograniczenia czasu i kosztów w załatwianiu spraw publicznych, a zależy w dużym stopniu od widoczności i jakości zasobów w sieci. W opracowaniu wykorzystano stworzoną specjalnie na jego potrzeby aplikację, opartą na makrodefinicjach MS Excel, w celu automatyzacji prac.
The study contains a review of websites of local governments in Podlaskie voivodship. The authors address the problem of demand for internet services, provide the inventory of available websites and evaluate the importance of this form of communication. The popularity of Internet services is clearly growing, especially with respect to interactive solutions, saving time and money of citizens. The quality of website’s contents is also a strong determinant of it’s success.
W pracy wyjaśniono istotę i potrzebę stosowania mechanizmów redundancji. Omówiono dostępne rozwiązania dla środowisk IPv4 i IPv6. Przedstawiono przyczyny i konieczność implementacji protokołu redundancji VRRP dla IPv6. Opisano autorską implementację protokołu VRRP wersji 3 w środowisku IPv6, dla systemu Linux. W podsumowaniu przedstawiono krytyczną ocenę zaproponowanego rozwiązania na tle pozostałych, dostępnych na rynku implementacji protokołów redundancji IP.
The article discusses a new implementation of the VRRP protocol, version 3, deployed under Linux operating system, in the IPv6 environment. As far as the authors are concerned, this is the first implementation of VRRPv3 for IPv6 protocol. It is part of a family of IP redundancy protocols, which are used to provide high network fault-tolerance in the 3rd layer of the ISO/OSI model. The foundation and need for redundancy mechanisms are explained along with an overview of different available solutions for IPv4. A forecast of IP redundancy development for IPv6, followed by a list of implementations supporting it is presented. A detailed description of the VRRP, version 3, currently being in draft state is discussed, with emphasis on the implementation side of the protocol. The summary contains a comparison of the presented solution with other IP redundancy protocols available on the market.
Dotychczasowe badania socjologiczne nad więzią społeczną analizowały przyczyny i stopień , w jakim społeczność nie spełnia już wymogów społeczności tradycyjnej. Współczesne badania nad naturą i strukturą społeczności lokalnych wprowadziły nową typologię odzwierciedlającą stan zaawansowania współczesnych więzi społecznych. Kontakty społeczne pomiędzy mieszkańcami wsi i miast ulegają redukcji zmniejsza się liczba partnerów, a także osób, którym przypisujemy rolę partnera, kręgi stycznościowe są zaś homogeniczne pod względem przynależności społeczno-zawodowej partnerów. Partnerzy interakcji są skłonni oferować swoją pomoc, mimo iż deklarują, że rzadko z niej korzystają, a jeżeli już się o nią zwrócą, to do najbliższej rodziny.
Sociological research on the social bonds so far has analysed causes and a degree in which the community does not meet requirements of the traditional community any more. Modern research on the nature and the structure of local communities have introduced a new typology which reflects the advanced state of modern social bonds. Social relationships between the residents of cities and countries are reduced the number of the partners as well as people who seem to have the role of the partner decrease and the contact circles are homogenous as regards the socio-professional affiliation of partners. Interactions partners are willing to offer their help although they claim that they seldom use it and if only they turn to somebody for help it will be the closest family.
Tekst omawia pochodzenie, cele oraz działalność fundacyjnych organizacji społecznych w Pakistanie. Autor opiera się na studium przypadku organizacji działających w ramach Projektu Rolniczego Beludżystanu. Opisuje cele, działalność, zasoby, korzyści, pozytywne skutki społeczne oraz trudności tego projektu.
The paper discusses the origins, objectives and activities of social apex organizations in Pakistan. It is based on case study of organizations operating within the Project Agricultural Baluchistan. It describes the objectives, activities, resources, benefits, positive social impact and difficulties of the project.
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