This paper uses network-based efficiency measures to evaluate the efficiency implications of the evolution of the transport network in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) over the period 1988-2008. The network-based efficiency measures consider the relative ease of access between cities in terms of weighted relative travel cost. The results indicate that the spatial patterns of network efficiency are different from ‘core-periphery’ pattern derived from classical accessibility indicators. This implies that there are low network efficiency cities and high network efficiency cities in core and peripheral regions at the same time. In the first stage (1988-1998), the efficiency contour shows a ‘corridor’ pattern along the GuangShen traffic corridor between Guangzhou and Shenzhen in the eastern side of the Pearl estuary; in the following decade (1998-2008), with large-scale infrastructural developments, the spatial pattern has changed from a north-south corridor to an east-west contiguous distribution pattern. By 2008, the mean network efficiency value indicates that the efficiency levels within the PRD as a whole are tending towards optimal levels. We conclude by suggesting ways to promote the urban economic development based on the relationship between the network efficiency and per capita GDP.
Uczestnictwo w sieci oraz umiejętność efektywnego wykorzystania informacji i wiedzy, która się w niej znajduje, jest źródłem wartości. Przyjmując za punkt wyjścia powyższe założenie, w artykule przedstawiono problem tworzenia wartości w sieciach organizacyjnych. Omówiono pojęcie wartości ze względu na ocenę efektywności sieci, mechanizmy i czynniki tworzenia wartości w sieciach organizacyjnych. Zwrócono również uwagę na zagadnienie synergii w sieciach organizacyjnych oraz na znaczenie procesów zarządzania wiedzą i uczenia się dla tworzenia wartości w sieciach.
Participation in a network and the ability to effectively use information and knowledge is a source of value. Taking this assumption as its starting point, the article presents the problem of creating value in organisational networks. It discusses the concept of value from the point of view of network efficiency, and the mechanisms and factors of value creation in organisational networks. It also looks at the problem of synergies in organisational networks and the importance of knowledge management processes and learning for value creation networks.
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