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Small solitary open nesting passerines, such is the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla that builds nest in the undergrowth, have little chance of successfully scaring off a predator to defend a nest. The aim of our study was to determine if parental care by Blackcaps can reduce the risk of depredation of its nests. We compared the survival of natural clutches with artificial clutches (plasticine and independently both plasticine & quail eggs). The artificial clutch was placed in a nest after the natural clutch had been concluded, and the results were analysed as matched pairs of data. We assumed that significantly higher survival rates of natural clutches than of artificial clutches deprived of parental care, might indicate a significant positive effect of parental care on reducing depredation risk of Blackcap clutches. Losses caused by birds, rodents and larger mammals were 49%, 41% and 9%, respectively. The differences in survival rates of artificial clutches (plasticine as well as quail & plasticine) and natural clutches were not statistically significant. This might show that parental care is not strong enough to significantly reduce depredation risk of Blackcap clutches. Although this conclusion should be treated cautiously because it was difficult to assess the influence of using artificial clutches on our results.
The function of vestibulum (the outermost empty brood cell, without provisioning mass and larvae) has not been precisely determined so far. It is most probably a behavioral relic, which currently has no adaptive value. However, red mason bees often build vestibulum. In this study, we examined the nest tubes of red mason bees in three sites (Kłoda, Kanie and Warsaw) in Mazovian Province and in one site (Sąpłaty) in Warmian-Masurian Province. About 70% of the nest tubes in Kłoda, Kanie and Warsaw had vestibulum, whereas only 29% of the tubes in Sąpłaty had vestibulum. It can be assumed that the vestibulum protects the brood against unstable atmospheric conditions, and the proximity of the lake Sąpłaty reduced the temperature amplitude. It was found, however, that the vestibulum did not protect the brood cell against nest parasitoides and cleptoparasites. More cells were infested by parasites and kleptoparasites in tubes with vestibulum.
Funkcja vestibulum w gnieździe murarki ogrodowej Osmia bicornis L. Funkcja vestibulum (najbardziej zewnętrznej komory gniazdowej) nie została dotychczas dokładnie określona. Prawdopodobnie jest to behawioralny relikt obecnie bez żadnej wartości adaptacyjnej. Jednak pszczoły chętnie budują vestibulum. W trzech miejscach badań: Kłoda, Kanie, Warszawa (woj. mazowieckie), w 70% rurek gniazdowych znajdował się przedsionek. Stwierdzono, że murarki gniazdujące w Sąpłatach (woj. warmińsko-mazurskie) vestibulum wybudowały jedynie w 29% rurek. Można przypuszczać, że przedsionek chroni czerw przed zmiennymi warunkami atmosferycznymi, a bliskość jeziora łagodziła amplitudy temperatury. Stwierdzono natomiast, że vestibulum nie zabezpieczało komórki z czerwiem przed pasożytami i kleptopasożytami gniazdowymi. W rurkach, które miały vestibulum, stwierdzono więcej komórek porażonych przez pasożyty i kleptapasożyty.
Przebadanych zostało 6 modeli gniazd ogrzewanych płytą podłogową, które monitorowane były w ciszy i przy ruchu powietrza o prędkości 0,5 m/s, płynącym prostopadle do ściany frontowej gniazda. Stwierdzono, że przy ruchu powietrza temperatura wewnątrz modeli A, B, i C obniżyła się, a wewnątrz gniazda D wzrosła. Zmiany te były niewielkie (średnio 0,4-1,2K). Przeniesienie wejścia do gniazda ze ściany długiej na krótką dające pogłębienie przestrzeni gniazda i zmniejszenie otworu wejściowego (modele C1 i D1), również spowodowało wzrost temperatury wewnątrz gniazda. Daje to podstawę do stwierdzenia, że konstrukcje pozwalające na swobodny napływ i wypływ powietrza z gniazda powoduje jego wychłodzenie, lecz w mniejszym stopniu niż można by oczekiwać. Natomiast przy konstrukcjach wymuszających krążenie powietrza we wnętrzu gniazda następuje zjawisko odwrotne, czyli wzrost temperatury, a dodatkowo daje się w nich zauważyć wyrównanie jej wartości w strefie przebywania zwierząt.
The influence of air movement in farrowing pen on the air temperature within piglets' creep area was monitored. The creep area was encased with 6 different cover constructions and tested undr the quiet condition and at the 0.5 m/s air flow. Experimental results indicated that the influence of air flow on thermal conditions within covered creep area was unexpectedly small (less than 1.2 K). Comparison of the results obtained under draft movement to results under quiet conditions showed, that the air temperature in the piglets' nest was lower under cover A, B and C, while inside the model D the air temperature was higher. It could be said, that the cover constructions making possible free air movement inside the nest, lowered the temperature. A contrary phenomenon was recorded under the cover forcing the air circulation inside. It lets also notice more even horizontal temperature distribution in zone of animals' sojourn.
Objectives This study examines prospective ELT teachers’ perceptions of native and nonnative language teachers regarding the definition of NEST and NNEST, overall learning with NETSs and NNESTs, perceived weakness and strengths of NESTs and NNESTs and classroom behaviour and responsibility of NESTs and NNESTs . Material and methods The data will be collected through Likert scale questionnaire which was developed by Hadla (2013) and are going to be administered to ELT students studying at Aksaray University. The collected data will be subjected to descriptive analysis such as percentages, frequencies and statistically significant difference will be tested between the groups. Results This research provides valuable insights into pre-service ELT teachers’ perceptions on NESTs and NNESTS. Although the pre-service ELT teachers do not have a clear mind on the definition of NEST, it is important to note that most of them do not take the colour of skin as an indicator of it. Growing up in an English-speaking country and being raised with native speaking parents are, on the other hand, among the qualities of NESTs according to the participants. The findings also indicate that the participants that are prospective NNESTs themselves link being NEST with better development of speaking (fluency and pronunciation) and listening skill while they are not sure if it also brings better writing and reading abilities or more knowledge on the grammar and vocabulary. Conclusions The issue of NEST and NNEST perceptions differ on perceivers’ being learner or teacher and especially in Turkish context the perceptions might be standing as an obstacle in front of the system preventing it from successful language teaching. Therefore, important changes in language teacher education that helps to develop self-perceptions of NNESTs are required.
Nests of red mason bees (Osmia bicornis L.) are inhabited by characteristic accompanying fauna, which to a varying extent restricts the development of the bee population. The aim of this research was to conduct a comparative analysis of nest material from four sites. At three sites artificial nests of common reed and bee cocoons were placed for the first time (M1 – Kłoda, Masovian Voivodeship, M2 – Sąpłaty, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, M3 – Kanie, Masovian Voivodeship). At the fourth one (M4 – an experimental apiary of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences) mason bee nests and cocoons had been placed every year for 10 years. The number of species accompanying mason bees, the number of dead larvae, fully formed cocoons and parasites/ cleptoparasites at the newly populated sites was determined and compared with the perennial mason bee nesting site. In nests M1, M2 and M3, 5-7 species of accompanying fauna were found, whereasin M4 as many as 14 species were identified. The parasites that restricted the bee population most significantly at all sites were Cacoxenus indagator, Monodontomerus obscurus and Chaetodactylus osmiae. Not all of these species caused most damage at the perennial bee nesting site. C. indagator occupied most cellsin M4, whereas C. osmiae in M3. M. obscurus parasitized the same number of cells in M3 and M4. Other species identified mainly in M4 were Tribolium castaneum, Dermesteslardarius, Ptinusfur,Trichodes apiarius,Auplopus carbonarius, Chrysisignita,Anthrax anthrax, Graphopsocus cruciatus, Lepsima saccharina, Fornicula auricularia, Bombus terrestris.
Artykuł porusza praktyczne wykorzystanie kalkulatora on-line masy gniazdo bociana białego. Kalkulator on-line masy gniazda bociana białego to proste i bezpłatne narzędzie internetowe, które powstało przy okazji pomiaru masy 145 rzeczywistych gniazd tego gatunku. Średnia masa wszystkich poważanych gniazd wyniosła prawie 400 kg. Nawet nowo wybudowane gniazda osiągają imponujące rozmiary – ok. 70 kg. Korzystanie z kalkulatora jest proste. Znajduje się on na stronie Znajdziemy tam instrukcję wprowadzania danych. W celu oszacowania masy gniazda, które nas interesuje należy posiadać 3 podstawowe informacje: średnicę, wysokość i tzw. wskaźnik ubicia. Artykuł zawiera wskazówki jak zdobyć takie informacje i jak je wykorzystać do uzyskania wyniku. Pozwala to na oszacowanie potencjalnego zagrożenia, np. związanego z obciążeniem słupa elektroenergetycznego. Stanowić to może podstawę do przeprowadzenia interwencji polegającej na całkowitym zdjęciu (tylko w szczególnych przypadkach) lub zmniejszeniu gniazda (zalecane).
The article discusses the practical use of the white stork nest weight online calculator. The White Stork Nest Weight Online Calculator is a simple and free online tool that was created while measuring the weight of 145 real white stork nests. The average weight of all respected nests was almost 400 kg. Even newly built nests reach impressive sizes – about 70 kg. Using the calculator is simple. It can be found at There you will find instructions for entering data. To estimate the weight of the socket we are interested in, we need to have 3 basic information: diameter, height and the compaction rate. The article contains tips on how to obtain such information and how to use it to obtain a result. This allows the estimation of the potential threat, e.g. related to the load on a power pole. This may be the basis for intervention consisting of complete removal (only in special cases) or reduction of the nest (recommended).
The study aimed to describe the seed pool accumulated in the nest material of Magpie Pica pica, and to determine the importance of this mechanism of seed dispersal for such ecological processes as colonization of new habitats and expansion of alien plants. The seedling germination and seed extraction methods were used to determine seed abundance in the soil layer, the inner layer, and in the lining of 9 nests collected in three types of agricultural landscape: the first with domination of arable fields; the second with similar shares of arable fields and other landscape elements such as meadows of different types, shrubs, tree clumps and rushes; and the third with domination of lowland hay meadows. In all the nests, considerable numbers of diaspores were found (from 26 to 371 seeds per nest, belonging to more than 80 taxa). The main plant groups found in the nests are species connected with field roads, weeds and ruderal species, but also meadow and brushwood species were found there. The soil was gathered by birds from habitats with low vegetation cover and large areas of bare soil. Although the structure of seed pool of nests suggests that soil was mainly collected in the close vicinity of the nests’ future location, this mechanism of seed dispersal can probably be involved in long distance dispersal. Seeds of two rare kenophytes: Erucastrum gallicum (Willd.) O. E. Schulz and Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC were found in the material of nests localized more than 100 m away from their closest populations. It can be assumed that this mechanism of seed dispersal can play a potential role in the expansion of alien plants and colonisation of new habitats.
The species composition of mesostigmatid mites in the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio and great grey shrike Lanius excubitor nests was studied in the Wielkopolska Region (Central Poland). Totally 15 samples (bird nests) were collected in May 1999. As a result of that study 81 mites were identified and classified to 13 species. The most numerous species was Alliphis halleri.
Zbadano skład gatunkowy roztoczy z rzędu Mesostigmata w gniazdach gąsiorka i srokosza w regionie Wielkopolski (centralna Polska). Łącznie zebrano 15 prób (ptasich gniazd) w maju 1999 roku. Wynikiem tych badań była identyfikacja i klasyfikacja 81 osobników przynależących do 13 gatunków. Najliczniejszym gatunkiem był Alliphis halleri.
Long-term annual variation in the timing of egg laying, clutch size and relationship between clutch size and the progress of the season was analysed for the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca nesting in a mature deciduous woodland in central Poland in 2002–2010. The earliest mean egg laying date was 8 May (2005) and the latest 18 May (2008), resulting in the maximum difference of 10 days between averages for years. No long- term trend was found. The total average of annual mean laying dates was 12 May. For all nine years the average of annual mean clutch sizes was 6.54 ± 0.28 (SE) eggs; for individual seasons mean clutch size ranged from 6.0 to 7.1 eggs but differences among years were not significant. Clutch size clearly tended to decline with the progress of the breeding season within years, with some variation between years; correlation for pooled standardized data was –0.49. This supports the idea that in long-distance single-brooded passerine birds clutch size should decrease with the course of the breeding season due to progressively deteriorating food conditions.
The paper describes chosen habitat conditions determining the occurrence and nesting of the Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus and their effect on the nest type (breeding nest BN or mock nest MN). The Little Bittern is a monogamous bird whose male can build a couple of nests during the breeding season. The main questions posed in this work are: (1) what habitat is chosen for the nesting site, and (2) do habitat conditions influence the nest type? The study was carried out in a fishpond complex in the Lasy Janowskie Landscape Park (SE Poland) during the breeding seasons of 2010−2012. All 44 nests (23 BN and 21 MN) were built in a waterside belt of perennial Common Reed Phragmites australis. All nests were built at sites with water depth between 11 and 101 cm. The type of the nest did not depend on the date when it was built during the breeding season. There was a significant difference in the width of the nests between breeding and mock nests. Moreover, obtained results showed a significant influence of the reed belt height and reed stem diameter on the nest type. Further studies on the Little Bittern's nesting habitat, protection of suitable wetlands, and proper water management are important for the conservation of this vulnerable species.
It is widely accepted that the first White Storks to arrive at a nest remain there to breed. In contrast to this belief, the paper describes the replacement of at least three males and at least one female at one nest in SW Poland during the spring of 1994. The first pair occupied the nest for 5-8 days, the second pair for one day, and probably only the third pair remained at the nest to actually breed. Additional data on arrival patterns show that such replacements of non-breeding storks may occur much more frequently than was previously thought, especially in areas of intense migration. Consequently, the most common phenological observations (e.g. the arrival dates of the first and second White Storks) are not really useful for defining the timing of breeding. It is suggested that the beginning of nest occupancy should be defined by the beginning of the permanent stay of the second partner, and not just by the date of the birds' first appearance.
Powszechnie przyjmuje się, że pierwsze pojawiające się wiosną na gniazdach bociany białe to ptaki przystępujące do lęgu w danym gnieździe. W doniesieniu zweryfikowano ten pogląd w oparciu o obserwacje dokonane w 1994 roku na gnieździe w Sieniawce na Dolnym Śląsku oraz wieloletnie dane z Przedgórza Sudeckiego. W kwietniu 1994 gniazdo to było zasiedlane kolejno przez co najmniej 3 samce — w tym dwa pierwsze, dorosłe, obrączkowane i być może przelotne — w parach z nie obrączkowanymi samicami (samicą?). Pierwsza para zajmowała gniazdo przez 5-8 dni, druga — 1 dzień, i prawdopodobnie dopiero trzecia zasiedliła gniazdo na stałe. Lęg nie zakończył się sukcesem. Krótkotrwałość zasiedlenia gniazda oraz miejsca pochodzenia dwóch pierwszych samców (odpowiednio 236 i 422 km na północny zachód od Sieniawki) wskazują, że były to raczej ptaki w trakcie przelotu, zasiedlające gniazdo tylko chwilowo. Przytoczono dalsze argumenty świadczące o tym, że pierwsze pojawy bocianów na gniazdach dotyczą ptaków nielęgowych prawdopodobnie znacznie częściej niż dotychczas przypuszczano, szczególnie na obszarach położonych na trasie ich wiosennej wędrówki. Potwierdzenie tego przypuszczenia oznaczałoby, że charakteryzowanie początku lęgów bociana na podstawie najczęściej gromadzonych danych fenologicznych (przylot pierwszego i drugiego partnera) może być obarczone dużym błędem. Pożądane jest zwłaszcza precyzyjniejsze określenie terminu zajęcia gniazda. W doniesieniu zaproponowano, aby wyznaczał go początek okresu stałego przebywania na gnieździe drugiego osobnika z pary, a nie tylko data jego pierwszego pojawu. Takie podejście wymaga poszerzenia dotychczasowych metod gromadzenia danych ornitofenologicznych.
The mound building narrowheaded ant Formica exsecta builds guarding outstations, usually at the root of the aphid-housing plants. Colonies of this species can develop into huge polydomous systems, so-called supercolonies, made up of several hundred of related nests and outstations. Although the existence of these guarding structures is well-known, still there is little information available concerning their characteristics. In the frame of this study we analyze the characteristics and the integrative role of outstations within a large polydomous system of F. exsecta as a function of ant nest density. The study was carried out in Transylvania, Romania. Two areas with different ant nest densities were selected for the purpose of this study: high (HD) and low density (LD) sites. Parallel to the density of ant nests, the density of outstations was also higher at the HD site, while the size of outstations and the number of ants residing in them did not differ significantly between the two sites. Outstations were usually maintained by a single ant nest at the LD site, thus the common exploitation of food resources was less frequent, whereas at the HD site outstations were used by more ant nests. This article provides the first evidence to shared use of outstations in F. exsecta. In the view of our results outstations, in addition to guarding aphid colonies, also function as permanent meeting points for workers from different nests, which contribute essentially to the integration of nests within a polydomous system.
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