A laboratory experiment, carried out for five months, was designed to assess the effects produced by the neonicotinoid Actara 25 WG, used at a dose recommended by the manufacturer, in the dynamics of the populations of epigeic Eisenia fetida (Sav.) and Dendrobena veneta (Rosa)earthworms. The study was conducted in a climatic chamber and involved balanced biomass of mature specimens representing both species, in 3 replications of soil medium with the insecticide, in addition to controls. The growing populations were inspected five times, by means of manual segregation of the substrate. The insecticide led to an increase in both the number of specimens and the biomass of E. fetida population (overall, as well as mature and immature worms), yet it reduced their reproduction (decreased the number of cocoons) (p<0.05). In the case of D.veneta, the neonicotinoid insecticide produced positive effects only in the mature specimens (p<0.05).
The rapid analytical method was developed in response to increasing concern over the environmental impact of azoles (sterol biosynthesis inhibitors) and neonicotinoids (nicotinic acetylcholine receptor site). These chemicals are commonly used to protect fruit and vegetables crops against fungi and pests. Seven insecticides and twenty one fungicides commonly occurring in food industrial wastewater have been determined. For this purpose, active substances from two new pesticide classes were extracted and isolated by QuEChERS by addition of acetonitrile, buffering salts and chitin as a clean-up sorbent. The novelty of this procedure was one step sample preparation including extraction and removing of co-extracts in short time. Instrumental analysis was conducted by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry using multiple reaction monitoring. The limits of detection ranged from 0.002 to 0.005 μg·L-1 with satisfactory accuracy and precision The recoveries for the pesticides ranged from 81–103%, with high repeatability (n = 3, RSD ≤ 9%) and low LOQs (0.01 μg·L-1). Matrix effects calculated were less than 12% for all analyses. The method was applied to routine analysis of food industrial wastewater. Concerning the results, total pesticide levels in most cases were below 1 μg·L -1. The most significant pesticides in terms of concentration and frequency of detection were acetamiprid (0.07 μg· L-1); tebuconazole (1.2 μg· L-1) and thiacloprid (0.04 μg·L-1).
Contamination of surface and groundwater by neonicotinoids is a global problem and requires comprehensive action by individual countries in order to identify in detail the processes affecting the transport of these pesticides, their properties, and their harmfulness to the environment. The aim of this study was to assess the transport (expressed by sorption parameters) of selected neonicotinoids in the aquatic environment, using batch tests. Tests were carried out for acetamiprid individually and a mixture of five neonicotinoids (acetamiprid, clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiacloprid, and thiamethoxam), for three different aquifer materials and quartz sand. Based on the obtained values of the sorption parameters, the greatest sorption of neonicotinoids was observed on soil with the highest content of organic matter and clay minerals content, while no sorption of these pesticides was observed on quartz sand. In addition, it was noticed that individual neonicotinoids undergo sorption to a different degree — thiacloprid was the most sorbed (R-value in the range 3.13–26.03), while thiamethoxam was the least (R-value in the range 1.89–8.41).
Neonikotynoidy to insektycydy powszechnie występujące w środowisku oraz w żywności. W artykule opisano podstawowe metody ich ekstrakcji z różnych matryc oraz identyfikacji i analizy ilościowej przy użyciu techniki LC-MS/MS. Omówione zostały także podstawowe problemy w analizie obejmujące niskie stężenia związków, wpływ matrycy na wyniki, a także ograniczenia związane z jonizacją tych substancji.
Neonicotinoids are insecticides commonly detected in the environment and in food samples. The article describes the most common methods of their extraction, identification and quantitative analysis using the LC-MS/MS approach. Difficulties in analytical procedures, including very low concentrations of analytes, matrix effects and limited ionisation in ESI-MS are also briefly discussed.
Neonikotynoidy to niedawno wprowadzona na rynek, a już najpowszechniej stosowana we współczesnym rolnictwie, grupa insektycydów. W artykule opisane są właściwości tych związków, ich skrajnie wysoka toksyczność dla owadów zapylających oraz wybranych bezkręgowców wodnych, a także już odkryte negatywne efekty w środowisku, wywołane przez ich obecność. Krótko omówione zostały także aspekty prawne stosowania neonikotynoidów w Unii Europejskiej, a także perspektywy ich użycia w przyszłości.
Neonicotinoids have been introduced to the market quite recently, but they are already the most widespread insecticides used worldwide. In the article we describe their properties and very high toxicity towards pollinating insects and certain groups of aquatic invertebrates as well as already discovered negative impact on the environment. A short description of some legal aspects of neonicotinoids use in European Union is also presented, together with the prospects of their use in the future.
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