This paper examines territorial partnerships (TPs) through the prism of neo-institutional theory and governance. As an example, it considers area-based rural partnerships (Local Action Groups-LAGs) situated in the Sub-Carpathian region of Poland. It identifies the mechanisms by which TPs are created and major aspects of their activities. An overview is given of the social-economic factors conditioning the implementation of TPs in the Sub-Carpathian region. The important role of local authorities in establishing and managing the majority of the LAGs under analysis is revealed. The analysis concludes that LAGs are run in a manner typical of representative democracy and that this manner is contrary to the basic tenets of heterarchic governance. However, the partnership model of accomplishing common projects and the positive outcomes of the projects are likely to produce considerable added value in rural communities.
The aim of the article is to present changes in environmental consciousness of Poles during the last twenty years. Data come from fourteen research reports featuring quantitative data gathered 1992 to 2011. The focus of the analysis is an assessment of environmental threats, the place of the environment in the values system, especially with regard to the perception of environmental protection in the context of economic activities, and the feeling of being informed in environmental matters. Results of the analysis bear on praxeological aspects of environmental policy. It is argued that policy aiming at raising environmental consciousness remains unsuccessful in spreading environmental actions, mostly as a result of significant trust shortages towards society’s institutions and fellow citizens. Environmental actions are those involved in social dilemmas that are characteristic for development of common goods. Overcoming those dilemmas is only possible when considerable amounts of trust and social capital is in place.
Neo-institutional theory highlights the impact of the institutional environment on organisations. This leads to the emergence of homogeneous institutional structures due to the existence of a dominant institutional logic that is an independent determinant of organisational processes. University reforms focused on marketisation mean that the institutional logic associated with academic governance needs to undergo an evolution. The success of university transformation depends on whether a new logic referring to the idea of managerialism and based on the principles of strong leadership can be reconciled with an academic logic based on collegial decision-making processes. In the empirical part of the article, the author assesses changes in the management structures of Polish universities that are a result of reforms to the higher education system. Based on an analysis of the statutes of 36 public universities, two groups of universities have been identified, those that try to maintain the conservative academic status quo, and those that adapt their authority structures to a changing institutional environment. The results show that the scale of changes is determined by the prestige of a university. While highly-rated universities are trying to maintain traditional academic authority structures, lower-ranked universities are more likely to implement ideas typical of a managerial institutional logic.
Teoria neoinstytucjonalna wskazuje na wpływ środowiska instytucjonalnego na organizacje. Prowadzi to do tworzenia homogenicznych struktur instytucjonalnych, będących skutkiem występowania dominującej logiki instytucjonalnej, która może być traktowana jako niezależna determinanta procesów zachodzących w organizacji. Reformy uczelni ukierunkowane na ich urynkowienie oznaczają konieczność ewolucji akademickiej logiki instytucjonalnej związanej z procesami składającymi się na ład akademicki. Sukces transformacji uniwersytetu zależy od możliwości pogodzenia nowej logiki nawiązującej do idei menedżeryzmu z jej zasadami silnego przywództwa, z logiką akademicką, której fundamentem jest kolegialność procesów decyzyjnych. W części empirycznej artykułu podjęta została próba oceny zmian w architekturze struktur odpowiedzialnych za kierowanie uniwersytetami w Polsce, będących efektem znowelizowanej ustawy o szkolnictwie wyższym. Na podstawie analizy statutów 36 uczelni publicznych zidentyfikowano uczelnie, które starają się zachować konserwatywny akademicki status quo, oraz takie, które adaptują swoje struktury władzy do zmieniającego się środowiska instytucjonalnego. Wyniki pokazują, że skala przeprowadzonych zmian jest determinowana przez prestiż uczelni, określony na podstawie miejsca zajmowanego w rankingach akademickich. Uczelnie wyżej notowane starają się utrzymać tradycyjne akademickie struktury władzy, w tym radę wydziału jako kolegialny organ decyzyjny, oraz silny mandat dziekana wybieranego przez pracowników wydziału. Uczelnie niżej notowane w rankingach są skłonniejsze do implementacji rozwiązań typowych dla menedżerskiej logiki instytucjonalnej.
The issue of the “identity” of comparative education as a field of study or a discipline has been discussed for decades. Yet a kind of systematic structure that provides the basic principles for a coherent exposition of the field remains open. “Comparative education” is no longer conceived as an imaginary field’s coherence but, rather in terms of distinct branches of comparative and international studies in education and their underlying issues. Such an understanding is fostered through a deepened awareness of the basic problems, and successive solutions, constitutive of the emergence and further conformations of the comparative approach in education and the social sciences. Thus, academic journal publications of the past decade to shape education policy research within an Asia-Pacific context have been analyzed. Facts of increasing research collaboration, growing policy evaluation research, and growing attention to higher education have been presented. Significant difference in research impact and diffusion between Asia-Pacific and American education policy studies has been shown. Perspectives for future research directions in education policy research in an Asia-Pacific context have been suggested.
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