Znaczenie nawigacji jako dyscypliny naukowej i działalności praktycznej. Wykonane, podjęte i planowane przedsięwzięcia innowacyjne w branży lotniczej. Nowoczesne urządzenia nawigacyjne stosowane w zarządzaniu ruchem lotniczym i związana z tym potrzeba kształcenia kadr do ich obsługi. Rola CKKLC w tej dziedzinie. Perspektywy współpracy naukowo-technicznej z otoczeniem gospodarczym.
Significance of the navigation as the scientific discipline and the practical activity at the same time. The realized, undertaken and planned innovative measures in the aerial branch. The modern navigation systems applied to in the air traffic management system and the need of the cadres training connected with the aforementioned for the service of this devices. The role of the CKKLC in this domain. The perspectives of the scientific and technical co-operation with the economic environment.
The aim of this article is to assist anyone considering implementing these systems. Along the document the main differences between conventional and remote control are stated, with the intention to clarify what advantages they can bring, the changes involved when adopting remote towers, and a brief outline of a transition plan for adopting these systems. Subsequently, the benefits to a country’s air navigation from utilizing these systems is discussed by studying the case of Colombia, a country with a unique orography. In addition, the specific characteristics of the airports are analysed to propose the candidates which may have the best outcome if remote tower systems are implemented.
The results of research concerning the implementation of the GNSS technique in the area of air navigation are presented in this article. In particular, a research test was conducted for the purposes of checking the functioning of a satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) to assist with air navigation. Ultimately, analyses of the parameters of accuracy, availability, continuity and integrity with the procedure when landing aircraft with an SBAS APV-I landing were conducted. The navigation and observation data of the GPS system and differential European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) corrections were used in the research test. The navigation and observation data of the GPS system in the RINEX format were registered through the Topcon Hiper Pro receiver placed in the cabin of pilots in the Cessna 172 aircraft during a flight experiment conducted in Dęblin in 2010. The coordinates of the Cessna 172 aircraft in the ellipsoid BLh frame were reconstructed by using the solution offered by the single point positioning (SPP) method in the RTKLIB program. The accuracy when setting coordinates of the aircraft is higher than 2.4 m in the horizontal plane and better than 4 m in the vertical plane. The integrity of the satellite positioning is higher than 15 m in the horizontal plane and better than 21.1 m in the vertical plane. The availability of the constellation of GPS/EGNOS satellites equalled 100% during the flight experiment, which confirms that the loss of continuity when determining the position of the aircraft did not occur. The parameters of the accuracy and the integrity with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) technical standards were compared in this article. The results of the conducted test shows that the presented research methods can be applied in the precise positioning of the aircraft when using the GPS/EGNOS solution for air navigation.
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W artykule przedstawiono proces transformacji w światowej nawigacji powietrznej, który implikuje konieczne zmiany w działalności lotniczej. Wynikają one z konieczności implementacji podpisanej rezolucji A-37 ICAO, nakazującej wprowadzenie w każdym kraju nawigacji opartej na PBN (Performance Based Navigation - PBN). Oznacza to przechodzenie od nawigacji sensorowej do dokładnościowej, stanowiącej istotny element utrzymywania witalności lotnictwa, a jednocześnie zapewnia: bezpieczne, wydajne i elastyczne użytkowanie przestrzeni powietrznej, ochronę środowiska naturalnego, zrównoważone operacje na globalnym, regionalnym i krajowym poziomie. Finansowanie ewolucji nawigacji odbywa się poprzez realizację międzynarodowych programów naukowo- badawczych np. SESAR. Polska uczestniczyła w projekcie SHERPA, w ramach którego opracowała i wprowadziła do operacyjnego działania 21 procedur podejścia do lądowania RNAV GNSS. Przeprowadzone w ramach tego projektu eksperymenty umożliwiły opracowanie tego tematu.
The article shows the process of transformation in the world’s air navigation which implies necessary changes in air activity. These changes resulted from the necessity to implement the resolution A-37 ICAO, which ordered implementation the Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) in every country. This basically means to move sequentially over time from sensor’s navigation to navigation based on accuracy, which is a major milestone for aviation as well as ensures: safe, efficient and elastic using the airspace, protection of the natural environment, balanced operations on global, regional and domestic levels. Funding of these transformation is provided through the realization of international research and development programmes and activities – for example SESAR. Poland also participated in the SHERPA project, in frames which 21 procedures of the RNAV GNSS final approach were established and introduced into the operational use. Experiments conducted as part of this project enabled development of this topic.
The article presents a modified scheme of determining the accuracy parameter of SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System) positioning with use of two supporting systems: EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) and SDCM (System of Differential Correction and Monitoring). The proposed scheme is based on the weighted mean model, which combines single solutions of EGNOS and SDCM positions in order to calculate the accuracy of positioning of the aerial vehicle. The applied algorithm has been tested in a flight experiment conducted in 2020 in north-eastern Poland. The phase of approach to landing of a Diamond DA 20-C1 aircraft at the EPOD airport (European Poland Olsztyn Dajtki) was subjected to numerical analysis. The Septentrio AsterRx2i geodesic receiver was installed on board of the aircraft to collect and record GPS (Global Positioning System) observations to calculate the navigation position of the aircraft. In addition, the EGNOS and SDCM corrections in the “*.ems” format were downloaded from the real time server data. The computations were realized in RTKPOST library of the RTKLIB v.2.4.3 software and also in SciLab application. Based on the conducted research, it was found that the accuracy of aircraft positioning from the EGNOS+SDCM solution ranged from -1.63 m to +3.35 m for the ellipsoidal coordinates BLh. Additionally, the accuracy of determination of the ellipsoidal height h was 1÷28% higher in the weighted mean model than in the arithmetic mean model. On the other hand, the accuracy of determination of the ellipsoidal height h was 1÷28% higher in the weighted mean model than for the single EGNOS solution. Additionally, the weighted mean model reduced the resultant error of the position RMS-3D by 1÷13% in comparison to the arithmetic mean model. The mathematical model used in this study proved to be effective in the analysis of the accuracy of SBAS positioning in aerial navigation.
This article presents research results concerning the determination of the position of a Cessna 172 aircraft by means of the DGPS positioning method. The position of the aircraft was recovered on the basis of P1/P2 code observations in the GPS navigation system. The coordinates of the aircraft were designated due to the application of the Kalman forward-filtering method. The numerical calculations were conducted using RTKLIB software in the RTKPOST module. In the scientific experiment, the authors used research materials from the test flight conducted by a Cessna 172 aircraft in the area of Dęblin in the Lublin Voivodeship in south-eastern Poland. The research experiment exploited navigation data and GPS observation data recorded by the geodetic Topcon Hiper Pro receiver mounted in the cockpit of the Cessna 172 and installed on the REF1 reference station. The typical accuracy for recovering the position of the Cessna 172 with the DGPS method exceeds in the region of 2 m. In addition, the authors specify the parameters of availability, integrity and continuity of GNSS satellite positioning in air navigation. The obtained findings of the scientific experiment were compared with the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO’s) technical standards.
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