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Content available remote Dezintegracja nauk o zarządzaniu : problemy metodologiczne
The aim of this paper is to provide some explanations for the process of management science fragmentation. The negative consequences are also presented. Some recommendations about future solutions, using the concept of paradigms of management, are made.
Article presents review of paradigms that are compulsory in management sciences and applied in enterprises functioning in the knowledge economy. The starting point is the presentation of the paradigms conception of theory of organization and management that identifies different approaches due to organizational complexity and environment's turbulence. Then comparison of paradigms obligatory to strategic management is done in the background of deliberations dedicated to"7 F" paradigm, C.K. Prahalad and V. Ramaswamy value co-creating paradigm and G. Hamel and C. Prahalad paradigm of generating lever effect. The conclusion of these considerations is the discussion about the newest propositions of contemporary management paradigms, namely sustainability and neoevolutionism implicated in the management sciences area.
Artykuł poświęcony jest rozwojowi nauki zarządzania w Polsce od okresu międzywojennego do współczesności. Wspominając dorobek polskich naukowców, autor wskazuje na uwarunkowania polityczne i gospodarcze kolejnych etapów jej rozwoju oraz źródła – jak określa – relatywnego sukcesu polskiego zarządzania w okresie transformacji. Jego zda-niem, należy ich szukać zarówno w konkurencyjnej presji, jakiej poddana była praktyka, jak i w rozwoju teorii i akademickich ośrodków zarządzania.
Crisis situations appear very often and unexpectedly. Although each crisis situation, as well as participating in it, are different, general rules are created to deal with crisis. This article shows how manager should behave and communicate with workers in crisis situation. Some personality traits like emotional balance, extroversion, openness, emotional intelligence, creativity help him. Action and communication of manager in intervention depending on the situation. In case of emergency manager should used to communicate prescriptive otherwise, should be used more empathic listening and questions. Good communication is very important to help other find emotional balance.
Introduction/background: The success of ISO 9001 quality management system results from its inner integrity and complexity based on rich achievements of management sciences. Thus deeper understanding of particular components and requirements of the standard demands paying attention to their sources deriving from specific concepts and methods of management, which became an inspiration for the international standardization in the area of quality management in organization. Aim of the paper: The aim of the paper is to identify and interpret the sources of current requirements of ISO 9001 quality management system in the legacy of management sciences. Materials and methods: The study includes literature review aimed at capturing the substantive and historical connections between the developed concepts and methods of management and the contemporary shape of systemic solutions in the field of quality management expressed by means of ISO 9001 standard. Results and conclusions: The requirements of ISO 9001 quality management system are characterized by a number of substantive links with the achievements of management sciences developed throughout the history, derived both from classical and modern concepts and methods of management. Originality of this work results from holistic and historical approach to identification and interpretation of sources for changing requirements of the quality management system. The value lies in formulating specific managerial conclusions to improve the evolution, implementation and application of ISO 9001 standard in the future.
Content available remote Znaczenie kompetencji psychologiczno-społecznych w pracy menedżera
W związku z szybkim tempem zmian i złożonością problemów, z jakimi muszą zmierzyć się współcześni menedżerowie, zwraca się uwagę na szczególne znaczenie tych kompetencji, które determinują skuteczne działanie w różnych kontekstach zawodowych, grupach zadaniowych oraz pozwalają na pełne wykorzystanie potencjału kwalifikacyjnego i doświadczenia zawodowego. Kompetencje te określa się mianem kompetencji transferowalnych. Charakterystyczną cechą tych kompetencji jest ich transferowalność, czyli możliwość "przeniesienia" i zastosowania w innych/nowych sytuacjach zawodowych lub osobistych (Turek, Wojtczuk-Turek 2010). Wśród kompetencji transferowalnych coraz częściej wskazuje się na grupę tzw. kompetencji miękkich, które z jednej strony umożliwiają realizację założonych celów w relacjach z innymi ludźmi, z drugiej zaś wiążą się predyspozycjami związanymi z efektywnością osobistą. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie roli tzw. miękkich kompetencji w pracy menedżera. Opisana zostanie problematyka kompetencji społeczno-psychologicznych w naukach o zarządzaniu, ewolucja funkcji, zadań i roli menedżerów. W części empirycznej przedstawiono wnioski z badań autorki dotyczące omawianej problematyki.
Due to the fast changes and the complexity of problems that current managers have to deal with, the competencies which determine an efficient action in various occupational contexts, task groups and allow to use qualifying potential and work experience are very closely taken into consideration. These competencies are called transferable competencies. Their characteristic feature is their transferability i.e. the possibility to "transfer" and use them in different/new work-related or personal situations (Turek, Wojtczuk-Turek 2010). The group of so-called soft- competencies is being pointed out more and more often among transferable competencies. On the one hand, they allow to realize already established aims in relationships with other people, and on the other hand, they relate to predispositions connected with personal efficiency. The aim of this article is to show the significance of so-called soft competencies in manager's work. The problem of psychosocial competencies in management sciences will be discussed as well as evolution of function, tasks and role of managers. The conclusion supported by the research of the author will be provided in the empirical part.
Content available Czynniki rozwoju marketingu politycznego®
Artykuł niniejszy prezentuje ewoluowanie marketingu politycznego w różnych kierunkach, różnicując zarówno strukturę, jak i funkcję procesu marketingowego. Ukazanie procesu ewoluowania zostało poprzedzone charakterystyką nauki o polityce oraz nauki o zarządzaniu – w tym obszarze sytuuje się marketing polityczny. Przeprowadzono wywód na temat różnego podejścia teoretycznego do marketingu politycznego, który ciągle dynamicznie się rozwija, rozszerzając swoją koncepcję na sferę polityki. Następnie zanalizowano ewoluowania rynku politycznego w sferze podmiotowej, przedmiotowej i przestrzennej. Celem analizy przedstawionej w artykule poza opisaniem procesu ewoluowania marketingu politycznego jest sformułowanie minimalistycznego modelu marketingu politycznego na podstawie rekonstrukcji, interpretacji i uporządkowania odpowiednich założeń oraz tez marketingu i teorii polityki zawartych w pracach klasyków marketingu, przy wykorzystaniu również dorobku współczesnej myśli politologicznej. Model ten rozumiany jest jako systematyzacja prawidłowości rządzących procesem marketingu politycznego.
The following article presents the evolution of political marketing in different directions, both diversifying the structure and the function of marketing process. Presenting the process of evolution has been preceded by the characteristics of political studies and marketing studies – in this area political marketing is placed. Arguments have been analysed on various theoretical approaches to political marketing. The marketing, which develops continuously and dynamically, spreading its concept onto the sphere of politics. Next, the evolution of political market in subject, object and space sphere has been analysed. The aim of the analysis presented in the theses, apart from the process of political marketing development, is to formulate the minimalistic model of political marketing based on reconstruction, interpretation, and systematisation of applicable presuppositions and theses of marketing and political theory included in the works of marketing classics while using also the output of contemporary political thought. This model is understood as the systematisation of regularities governing the process of political marketing.
The paper discusses the problem of the place that management science occupies among other sciences, with emphasis on its integration with economic knowledge. The identity of management science is highlighted from the perspective of its historical, albeit relatively short periods of development. Within the context of the fundamental issues of the philosophy of management as exemplified by ontology, epistemology, methodology and axiology, the authors of the paper strive to present the major challenges faced by contemporary management science.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych w czerwcu 2015 roku wśród uczestników studiów III stopnia prowadzonych na Wydziale Organizacji i Zarządzania Politechniki Śląskiej. Badania te dotyczyły motywacji, oczekiwań i doświadczeń studentów odnośnie do podjętych studiów doktoranckich. Odpowiedzi na niektóre pytania były nieoczekiwane i zastanawiające. Sformułowane wnioski będą podstawą do refleksji nad kształtowaniem postaw doktorantów, ukierunkowanych na wzrost jakości prowadzonych badań naukowych.
The article presents the results of a research conducted in June 2015 among PhD students at the Faculty of Organization and Management, Silesian University of Technology. The research were related to motivation, expectations and experiences of PhD students with regard to Doctoral Programs. Some answers were unexpected and puzzling. Conclusion will be the basis for reflection on the evolution of PhD students attitudes focused on the quality of research.
Purpose: The aim of this paper was to verify the necessity of devising a tool, method, procedure of selecting research methods and techniques for the research process, in order to increase the quality and reliability of the conducted research. Design/methodology/approach: Within the scope of the research process a questionnaire was used, which was distributed in two forms to management theoreticians and practitioners. 401 management science theoreticians and 118 management practice representatives were examined. Thus, the research problem was defined as follows: Is it necessary to develop (model, procedure, tool, approach) to the research process? Findings: Conclusions derived from the completed analysis of national and foreign literature on management sciences indicate the need to perform a diagnosis. The diagnosis refers to the development of a procedure for selecting methods and techniques for the sake of research processes in management sciences. The research carried out has identified the methods, procedures and approaches that are most relevant to the research process and its various components in management sciences. This makes it possible not only to determine the extent to which individual methods and techniques are used or combined, but also to identify certain regularities in the perception of the research process in this context and other variables that may influence the relevance of the appropriate choice of methods and techniques for the research process in management science in order to increase the reliability, level and quality of the research conducted. Research limitations/implications: The methodological and method-related correctness of the presented work is confirmed by the answers to the questions included in the questionnaires. They most often highlighted barriers in planning and conducting scientific research, obstacles beyond the methodological ones, mistakes most often made in scientific research in management sciences, the applicability of results to business practice. Practical implications: The conclusions of the research confirm that for the effective operation of the research process, it is necessary to develop a kind of 'behavioural algorithm' that will allow methods to be adapted to the posed research problem, once the gap has been defined, which will result in added value for practice. This is also confirmed by reactions of management practitioners to these statements. 89% of the surveyed practitioners believe that there is a need to develop a model, procedure, tool or approach to support the appropriate selection of methods for the research process. Social implications: In management sciences it is genuinely easy to create ‘new theories’ that are not finally verified. A swift introduction of new, recommended management-related concepts and methods, as well as their rapid rejection resulted in negative organisational changes. It would be difficult to determine the reasons why the applied methods lack effectiveness. Was the failure triggered by an inadequate method used for a management process or by its unskilful implementation. Originality/value: One verified the necessity of devising a tool, method, procedure of selecting research methods and techniques for the research process, in order to increase the quality and reliability of the conducted research. The elaborated methods, procedures or models were verified in practice with the aim of making the research reliable.
tom nr 6
14347--14353, CD 6
Wychodząc z założenia, że paradygmat staje się elementem wspólnym, zapewniającym łączność, a także wpływającym na jednomyślność ocen i sądów w ramach określonej dyscypliny, autor zwraca uwagę na to, że w dyscyplinie nauk o bezpieczeństwie, a zatem również w logistyce w zarządzaniu kryzysowym mamy wiele przykładów uzasadniających tezę o niejednoznaczności przypisania problematyki do wyznaczonych historycznie dyscyplin. Autor podkreśla, że we wszystkich fazach zarządzania kryzysowego logistyka odgrywa niezwykle istotną rolę. Narastająca różnorodność zagrożeń we współczesnym świecie powoduje konieczność zauważenia roli i rozwoju logistyki społecznej, a podstawowego znaczenia nabiera paradygmat zorientowany na trwały, zrównoważony rozwój społeczny. W oparciu o zasygnalizowany szerszy kontekst badawczy wskazano, iż problematyka zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa publicznego i zarządzania kryzysowego ma charakter multidyscyplinarny, dla której platformą normalizującą powinny być nauki o zarządzaniu.
Assuming that a paradigm is an element both connecting and influencing unanimous evaluation within a discipline, the author focuses on safety sciences. There are many examples within security sciences, logistics in crisis management included, confirming the thesis of ambiguity of research problems as beign assigned to traditional disciplines. He argues that logistics is essential for each stage of crisis management. Increasing differentiation of threatens in modern world moves us to discover the role and development of social logistcs. A paradigm oriented on permanent, sustainable development is indispensable. Referring to a broad research context, the author argues an interdisciplinarity of public security and crisis management, as well as their referral to management services.
Content available remote Kierowanie personelem : uwarunkowania psychospołeczne i organizacyjne
The efficiency of the organization management is reflected in both skillful and effective use of its main resources for achieving its goals and objectives. Human resources are basic resources that interact with each other. The quality of the rational use of other resources (financial, material and informational) is fully dependent on human resources. Therefore, effective and creative management of human teams of the organization decides mainly upon its development and market position. As part of the systematic analysis of the content of the publication, there are covered conditions and factors that fundamentally affect the effectiveness of managerial work of subordinates, including the following: - psychosocial conditions, - situational and task conditions, - structural and organizational conditions.
This article aims to systematize the fundamentals of organization and management studies practiced as a humanistic discipline. General characteristics of the humanities have been used here for a reinterpretation of the internal division of management science into several paradigms. A large group of them turns out to be consistent with traditions and tenets of the humanities – being un-rigorous, interdisciplinary, and subjective. The areas of interest, objectives, and research methods employed by the humanistic approach to management research make it distinct and different from the research conducted within the economic mainstream. The authors recall voices that point to two kinds of crisis: a (cognitive) crisis of the mainstream approach, and a (political, PR) crisis of the humanities. They argue that both could be resolved through an even deeper saturation of the management science with humanistic values.
Celem artykułu jest usystematyzowanie założeń stanowiących o istocie nauki o zarządzaniu uprawianej jako dyscyplina humanistyczna. Wychodząc od charakterystyki nauk humanistycznych w ogóle, autorki dokonują reinterpretacji wewnętrznego podziału nauki o zarządzaniu na nurty lub perspektywy poznawcze i wskazują, że duża ich część w spójny i konsekwentny sposób realizuje fundamentalne założenia i tradycje humanistyki – takie jak jej nieparadygmatyczność, interdyscyplinarność czy subiektywizm. Przedstawione w artykule obszary zainteresowań, cele oraz metody humanistycznego badania organizacji i zarządzania świadczą o jej odmienności i odrębności od badań prowadzonych w ramach głównego nurtu ekonomicznego. Przypominając głosy wskazujące na pogłębiający się kryzys (poznawczy) nauki o zarządzaniu, a także (wizerunkowo-polityczny) kryzys humanistyki, autorki wskazują na szansę przełamania ich obydwu poprzez jeszcze głębsze nasycanie nauki o zarządzaniu wartościami humanistycznymi.
Environmental protection was placed by the legislator as one of the public tasks performed by local government. Due to the fact that the local government performs decentralized tasks, which are mainly intended to meet the needs of local communities in a given territory, tasks related to the field of environmental protection also serve the needs of residents of communes, poviats and voivodships in terms of the use of the environment. Therefore, the type and nature of these tasks will be adapted to the role and specialization of individual local government units. Local government units perform tasks stipulated in the existing legislation. They are also obliged to use instruments related to planning and strategic documents that take account of statutory environmental protection assumptions. In order to achieve higher effectiveness in the scope of environmental protection, local government units may take actions that facilitate the use of techniques and methods for environmental management and use quality management tools.
Content available Pilot study in the research procedure
Introduction/background: The intent of the paper was to verify the hypothesis: H0 – Pilot study is an integral part of any research process and directs the research process. H1 – Pilot study is not an integral part of any research process and does not direct the research process. Aim of the paper: The aim of the paper is to verify whether a pilot study is an integral part of any research process and whether it directs research processes. Materials and methods: In order to verify the hypothesis, a quantitative survey (questionnaire) was conducted, which was addressed to a group of management science theoreticians (401 representatives). Results and conclusions: The results obtained revealed that: 86% of the surveyed scientists, specialising in management science, believe that pilot studies direct the research process, 88% of all scientists specialising in management science believe that pilot studies have an impact on the course of the research process, 70% of all management scientists believe that pilot studies are an integral part of any research process. Thus, hypothesis H1 was rejected. Of key importance, from the point of view of the development of this science, are the needs to develop principles for the application of the methods that make up the pragmatic methodology, and to disseminate methodological paradigms identified in particular in the approach of the contemporary methodology of management sciences.
Celem artykułu jest usystematyzowanie założeń stanowiących o istocie nauki o zarządzaniu uprawianej jako dyscyplina humanistyczna. Wychodząc od charakterystyki nauk humanistycznych w ogóle, autorki dokonują reinterpretacji wewnętrznego podziału nauki o zarządzaniu na nurty lub perspektywy poznawcze i wskazują, że duża ich część w spójny i konsekwentny sposób realizuje fundamentalne założenia i tradycje humanistyki – takie jak jej nieparadygmatyczność, interdyscyplinarność czy subiektywizm. Przedstawione w artykule obszary zainteresowań, cele oraz metody humanistycznego badania organizacji i zarządzania świadczą o jej odmienności i odrębności od badań prowadzonych w ramach głównego nurtu ekonomicznego. Przypominając głosy wskazujące na pogłębiający się kryzys (poznawczy) nauki o zarządzaniu, a także (wizerunkowo-polityczny) kryzys humanistyki, autorki wskazują na szansę przełamania ich obydwu poprzez jeszcze głębsze nasycanie nauki o zarządzaniu wartościami humanistycznymi.
This article aims to systematize the fundamentals of organization and management studies practiced as a humanistic discipline. General characteristics of the humanities have been used here for a reinterpretation of the internal division of management science into several paradigms. A large group of them turns out to be consistent with traditions and tenets of the humanities – being un-rigorous, interdisciplinary, and subjective. The areas of interest, objectives, and research methods employed by the humanistic approach to management research make it distinct and different from the research conducted within the economic mainstream. The authors recall voices that point to two kinds of crisis: a (cognitive) crisis of the mainstream approach, and a (political, PR) crisis of the humanities. They argue that both could be resolved through an even deeper saturation of the management science with humanistic values.
Content available remote Zarządzanie „Pracą 2.0”
The main purposes of this paper are to search the essence of the concept “work 2.0” and to show basic managerial implications of this concept. In the paper only the main problems of “work 2.0” are analyzed. The analysis is presented at the context of the “management 2.0” as a necessity connected with the contemporary, digital and knowledge-based economy. Here one can read about differences between “work 2.0” and teleworking. Thee special attention is paid to the challenges of knowledge workers management. The concept of hyperspecialization is also analyzed. There are shown both strengths and weaknesses of this tool of “work 2.0” management.
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