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The truth about the Divine Mercy, which is the central subject of John Paul II’s pontificate, appeared in his teaching at the beginning of his pontificate in the encyclical letter Dives in misericordia (1980). Together with Redemptor hominis (1979) and Dominum et vivificantem (1986) this papal document is a part of a great dogmatic trilogy, where the pope speaks to a contemporary man about God who reveals himself to man as the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Mercy is a key to understand the mystery of God and man. According to John Paul II the truth about the Divine Mercy is the central element of the mission which the disciples got from their Lord. It includes the profession of faith in merciful God and worshipping him through courageous and hopeful look into future. It is carried out by proclaiming the Divine Mercy in liturgy of the Word, Eucharistic celebration and sacrament of reconciliation which are the sources of mercy for man.
The author presents the structure of international affairs in thought Jan Paul II. Issue ethics are the fundamental and universal normative system, that regulate international relations. The article begins with the description of levels at which ethics in international relations is present (rational human nature, states, of international community). Fundamental issue based on national human nature and ability to recognize moral order in social human nature. The author attempts to explain what rational moral order has a positive influence on creation: nation, state and international community. This knowledge help to develop legal system, which observe international institutions. Finally the author analyses the reasons for growing importance of the ethics as well as the obstacles in that process.
The article presents the main threads of the Pope’s teaching during his visit in Płock in 1991. John Paul II was considering then the content of the tenth commandment of the Decalogue. In this context, he meditated the desire for material things and the value of freedom in a person’s life.
Artykuł prezentuje główne wątki z nauczania Jana Pawła II podczas wizyty w Płocku w 1991 roku. Papież rozważał wtedy treść dziesiątego przykazania Dekalogu. W tym kontekście zastanawiał się nad pożądaniem rzeczy materialnych oraz wartością wolności w życiu człowieka.
The author compiled the findings of representative CBOS research conducted at the end of 2005 and the beginning of 2011. The research concerned the attitude of Poles towards John Paul II. For the vast majority of Poles John Paul II remains a special and outstanding figure, almost everyone appreciates his services to the world and his homeland. Equally important is the influence of the blessed Pope (soon probably a saint) on the religious life of his compatriots. He is still not only the object of national pride, but also a guarantor of vitality of the Polish Catholicism, a role model and the highest religious authority. The attitude of Poles towards “their own Pope” is intensely emotional. Especially the people who met him personally declare a strong bond and the willingness to follow his teaching in their lives. However, the respondents who failed to meet the Pope hold him in high esteem as well. It is difficult to anticipate whether Poles will maintain high rates of religiousness. Certainly, cultivating the memory of John Paul II will impact on the religious life of believers. The sociologists realize some secularization processes are inevitable, especially among young Poles, affected by strong tendencies of the secular, consumer and postmodern culture. Even nowadays, over 40% of respondents refuse to identify themselves with the teaching of the Catholic Church. Young Poles (18–24 year olds) in comparison with other age groups are the least interested in religion and the teaching of John Paul II. Additionally, they often tend to “believe in their own way”, increasingly distancing from the Christian doctrine. It is not an optimistic prediction for the future from the point of view of “the vitality of the Polish Catholicism”.
Kościół nieustannie odpowiada na wezwanie do ewangelizacji, ponieważ jest świadom obowiązku misyjnego. Teologicznej refleksji dotyczącej misji Kościoła została poświęcona encyklika Jana Pawła II pt. Redemptoris missio. W niniejszym artykule została podjęta próba zbadania, w jakim zakresie to papieskie nauczanie jest podejmowane w kaznodziejstwie misjonarzy oblatów Maryi Niepokalanej. Autor wskazuje na obszary tematyczne encykliki, do których nawiązują w swoim przepowiadaniu oblaci, i prezentuje zagadnienia, których wyraźnie brakuje w publikowanych tekstach kazań.
The Church constantly responds to the call to evangelize as it is aware of its missionary duty. Theological reflection on the mission of the Church was the main topic of the encyclical of John Paul II Redemptoris missio. This article attempts to examine the extent to which this papal teaching is undertaken in the preaching of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. The author points to the thematic areas of the encyclical that the Oblates refer to in their preaching, and presents issues that are missing in the published texts of the sermons.
Samotność ludzi starszych w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II jest fenomenologiczną interpretacją ludzkiego doświadczenia samotności w okresie starości. Badaniem objęto nauczanie papieża Jana Pawła II. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie, czym jest samotność dla papieża, oraz sposobów pomocy ludziom starszym u kresu ich życia, doświadczających chorób i samotności. Do owych sposobów papież zalicza usuwanie przez polityków wszelkich form dyskryminacji, angażowanie ludzi starszych do różnych projektów i programów. Podkreśla rolę naturalnego środowiska, jakim jest rodzina, oraz pogłębionego życia duchowego.
The loneliness of older people in the teaching of John Paul II is a phenomenological interpretation of the human experience of loneliness in old age. The study includes the teaching of Pope John Paul II. The aim of the article is to show what is solitude for the Pope, and the ways how you can help the elderly at the end of their lives who are experiencing illness and loneliness. To these ways thePope includes: removal by politicians all forms of discrimination, engaging older people to various projects and programs, pointing to the natural environment which is the family, and deepen the spiritual life.
Dla właściwego funkcjonowania życia społecznego i pokojowego współżycia różnych grup, osób, społeczności i państwa nieodzowne jest podjęcie zadania wychowania do gotowości wzajemnej solidarności. Żadne społeczeństwo, bez nawet najmniejszej gotowości do wzajemnej solidarności nie jest zdolne do właściwego funkcjonowania, a nawet do życia. Wspólne cele danego narodu, dziedzictwo kultury i tradycji budują świadomość solidarności w ramach konkretnego społeczeństwa czy narodu. A zatem każda świadomość solidarności uwarunkowana funkcjonalnie powinna być zakorzeniona i ostatecznie umotywowana uniwersalną solidarnością wszystkich ludzi. W swym nauczaniu papież Jan Paweł II pogłębiał motywacje solidarności jako cnoty ludzkiej i chrześcijańskiej, akcentując społeczny wymiar solidarności. Zwracał uwagę na teologiczne rozumienie solidarności, rozwijając problematykę solidarności w głębokim tle kwestii społecznej o wymiarze globalnym. Należy wychowywać młodzież do uczestnictwa w życiu społecznym i kulturalnym w duchu solidarności. Uświadamiać, że dobro narodu zależy od ich postawy moralnej, od woli przetrwania, od wierności wartościom, które w ciągu wieków kształtowały historię i kulturę wspólnoty. Solidarność umotywowana jest naturalną otwartością człowieka, jako istoty społecznej, na drugą osobę, z którą współdziałać należy w dążeniu do realizacji dobra wspólnego. Niezbędna jest stała gotowość do przyjmowania i wypełniania tych zadań, które są konsekwencją uczestnictwa jednostki w życiu społecznym.
For the proper functioning of society and the peaceful coexistence of different groups of people, communities and the state, it is essential to educate young people towards the readiness for mutual solidarity. In the absence of willingness to show mutual solidarity, a society can neither function properly nor live, however small this willingness may be. The common objectives of a nation, cultural heritage and tradition build awareness of solidarity within the particular society or nation. Therefore, the functionally conditioned consciousness of solidarity should be rooted and ultimately motivated by the universal solidarity of all men. In his teaching, John Paul II deepened the motivation for solidarity as a human and Christian virtue, emphasising its social dimension. The pope drew attention to the theological understanding of solidarity, developing the theme of solidarity on the deep background of social issue and its global dimension. Young people should be educated to participate in social and cultural life in the spirit of solidarity. They should be led to realization that the welfare of the nation depends on their moral attitude, the will to survive, the fidelity to values which have shaped the history and culture of the community over the centuries. Solidarity is motivated by a natural openness of human beings to other persons with whom there is a need to cooperate in pursuit of the common good. Hence, there is a need for constant readiness to accept and complete the tasks which result from the participation of the individual in social life.
The beginnings of human history can be found in the Book of Genesis. God shows a man concrete tasks related to marriage and family. Similarily, John Paul II devotes a lot of attention to this subject. In his publications, he analyses the content of God’s message of the man’s creation and reveals the uniqueness of his vocation in marriage as well as in his life in purity. He emphasizes that marriage and family are fruits of love, a gift that a man should take care of.
Początki dziejów człowieka znajdujemy w Księdze Rodzaju. Bóg przedstawia tam człowiekowi konkretne zadania związane z małżeństwem i rodziną. Podobnie Jan Paweł II poświęca wiele uwagi temu tematowi. W swoich publikacjach dokonuje analizy treści Bożego przesłania stworzenia człowieka, ukazuje niezwykłość powołania w małżeństwie, jak i w życiu w czystości. Akcentuje też, że małżeństwo i rodzina są owocami miłości, darem, o który człowiek powinien się troszczyć.
Verbum Vitae
tom 20
The article picks up the theme of fatherhood in the teaching of John Paul II. The basic ideas of the teaching are to be sought in the publications by K. Wojtyla like ReflectionsonFatherhood and Radiation of Fatherhood. The issue of fatherhood is important for every human being, it lays at the foundations of our identity. The one who believes in God is aware of “being begotten” (cf. Ps 2:7; Acts 13:33) and of coming from God. God the Father is a source of every fatherhood (cf. Eph 3:15). One cannot be a father without being a child (cf. Matt 18:3), and to be a child means to acknowledge the Father and to become his son/daughter. Christ revealed God as his Father, he spoke of Him “my Father”, he taught his disciples the prayer of “Our Father” (cf. Matt 6:8-9; Rom 8:15). The only begotten Son of God, as the second Adam, restores the fatherhood of God to man. This way he makes the “solitude” of Adam shine with the “radiation of fatherhood”.
Content available remote Więzienie jako miejsce odnowy w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II
Więzienie stanowi dla osób odbywających w nim karę źródło cierpienia, naraża na utratę indywidualności, pozbawia możliwości bycia sobą, ogranicza praktycznie we wszystkich istotnych aspektach codziennego bytowania. Czas pobytu w nim jest skrupulatnie liczony przez skazanych. Jednakże czas uwięzienia nie musi z konieczności być czasem straconym. Ten czas według nauczania Jana Pawła II należy do Boga i tak go trzeba przeżywać. To czas, który może zrodzić nową wizję życia, spowodować zbawienną przemianę charakteru, a dla niektórych może stać się okazją do odkrycia prawdziwego oblicza Boga. Uwięzienie może zatem nabrać głębszego sensu i służyć odnowie człowieka.
The prison is a source of suffering for people serving a sentence, exposes them to the loss of individuality, deprives them of the possibility of being themself, and limits practically all essential aspects of everyday existence. Every day in prison is carefully counted by the inmates. However, the time of imprisonment need not necessarily be wasted time. This time, according to the teachings of John Paul II, belongs to God and it is necessary to live it in this way. It is a time which can give rise to a new vision of life, bring a salutary change of character, and for some, it can become an opportunity to discover the true face of God. Imprisonment can take on a deeper meaning and serve the renewal of man.
The feature of contemporary world is interdependence of both individuals and all societies. Therefore, there is demand for an attitude of solidarity in both domestic and international dimension. The subject matter of solidarity is an important issue in teaching of John Paul II. According to the Polish-Pope it is the rule of solidarity which is one of the foundations of Christian concept of social and political organization and peace around the world. Therefore, the Pope during his pontificate repeatedly appealed both for solidarity between countries and solidarity of individual societies with their neediest members – the homeless, the unemployed, the sick, the disabled, former prisoners etc. International and domestic solidarity is also present in Polish Constitution, which defines foundations of political, economic and social system of state. Polish Constitution, on the one hand, says about the need of cooperation of Polish nation with all countries to the good of humankind, and, on the other hand, defines the obligation of solidarity with others as an unshakeable foundation of Poland. This obligation concerns not only citizens but first and foremost all bodies of public authority. Constitutional rule of solidarity and social justice requires equality in material dimension, that is equalizing of chances of those members of society which for some reasons are in a worse social and economic situation. Therefore, Polish Constitution contains many regulations which oblige bodies of public authority to eliminate social inequalities. Nonetheless, when the state does not discharge of that obligation, individual legal claims don’t arise from these regulations. This is so because the realization of social justice, which is a sign of solidarity reigning in society, is no always possible in full extent.
The feature of contemporary world is interdependence of both individuals and all societies. Therefore, there is demand for an attitude of solidarity in both domestic and international dimension. The subject matter of solidarity is an important issue in teaching of John Paul II. According to the Polish-Pope it is the rule of solidarity which is one of the foundations of Christian concept of social and political organization and peace around the world. Therefore, the Pope during his pontificate repeatedly appealed both for solidarity between countries and solidarity of individual societies with their neediest members – the homeless, the unemployed, the sick, the disabled, former prisoners etc. International and domestic solidarity is also present in Polish Constitution, which defines foundations of political, economic and social system of state. Polish Constitution, on the one hand, says about the need of cooperation of Polish nation with all countries to the good of humankind, and, on the other hand, defines the obligation of solidarity with others as an unshakeable foundation of Poland. This obligation concerns not only citizens but first and foremost all bodies of public authority. Constitutional rule of solidarity and social justice requires equality in material dimension, that is equalizing of chances of those members of society which for some reasons are in a worse social and economic situation. Therefore, Polish Constitution contains many regulations which oblige bodies of public authority to eliminate social inequalities. Nonetheless, when the state does not discharge of that obligation, individual legal claims don’t arise from these regulations. This is so because the realization of social justice, which is a sign of solidarity reigning in society, is no always possible in full extent.
W związku z ostatnimi synodami biskupów (2014 i 2015 r.) pojawiła się w społeczeństwie dyskusja na temat dopuszczania osób rozwiedzionych, którzy ponownie zawarli związek z innymi osobami, do Komunii Świętej. Problem ten dotyka zagadnienia nierozerwalności małżeństwa. Jan Paweł II w odpowiedzi na kryzys wynikający z „plagi rozwodów” przedstawiał w swoim nauczaniu Boży zamysł wobec małżeństwa i rodziny, broniąc nierozerwalności małżeństwa. Podstawą normy dotyczącej nierozerwalności dla św. Jana Pawła II jest rozmowa Jezusa z faryzeuszami (Mt 19, 1–9), w której Chrystus nie tylko potwierdził normę, ale odwołał się do biblijnego „początku”. Podążając za tym nauczaniem, papież konsekwentnie buduje swoją antropologię opartą na opisie stworzenia człowieka. Fundamentem jego wizji jest soborowe nauczanie, że człowiek „nie może odnaleźć się w pełni inaczej jak tylko poprzez bezinteresowny dar z siebie samego” (Gaudium et spes 24). Małżeństwo jest wspólnotą osób (communio personarum) opartą na całkowitym i bezinteresownym darze z siebie, co zakłada nierozerwalność małżeństwa. Ponadto instytucja małżeństwa ukierunkowana jest na pełnię sakramentalną, którą osiąga wraz z przyjściem Chrystusa. Jako sakrament małżeństwo uczestniczy i wyraża nierozerwalną miłość Chrystusa do Kościoła. Na tej podstawie, antropologicznej i sakramentalnej, św. Jan Paweł II broni nierozerwalności związku małżeńskiego.
Owning to the 2014 and 2015 Synods of Bishops a question has been raised and discussed in a society about admitting the divorced and remarried people to Holy Communion. This question, in fact, pertains to the teaching of the Church on the indissolubility of marriage. John Paul II responding to the crisis caused by the “plague of divorces” showed God’s plan for marriage and family. He claimed that the conversation between Christ and the Pharisees (Mt 19:1–9) was the source of the moral norm about the indissolubility of a marital bond in which Jesus not only confirmed the norm but also reffered to the biblical “beginning”. Following Christ’s teaching, the Pope consequently developed his anthropology based on the account of creation. The foundation of his view on human being is the conciliar teaching that man “cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself” (Gaudium et spes, 24). Marriage is a communion of persons (communio personarum) based on the total and sincere gift of self which demands the indissolubility of the bond. Moreover, the institution of marriage is oriented towards its sacramental fulfilment in Christ. As a sacrament, marriage participates and expresses the unbreakable bond between Christ and the Church. John Paul II was a firm defender of marriage indissolubility who drew his teaching on these two premises, anthropological and sacramental.
tom 3(39)
The article, taking into account the essence of love and its meaning for personal development, explains the diversity of forms of love and indicates that the attitude of love is based upon kindliness, goodness, forgiveness, tolerance, overcoming weakness and upon hope. The attitude of love is geared to creation of good, waiving offences and drawing conclusions from every difficult or unpleasant situation. Thanks to love a man transgress himself, his world grows and he develops himself spiritually. The paper also emphasizes that the ability to love and the need of love are one of the deepest, most primal human needs and the transmission of feelings of love on different stages of human's development, starting from childhood, is the most common human experience. The carried out analysis also stresses that the process of the upbringing to love cannot be left to its fate, but to loving and correctly formed family. The author of the paper, making use of many years’ standing research on the legacy of John Paul II, outlines his understanding of love and tasks that arise from the relation to this important value and attitude, for married couples and families. The parenthood and upbringing are depicted as the communio personarum and family as the place of upbringing to love and live in the community of persons. Writing about types and the essence of love author apart from Karol Wojtyła, quotes views of other thinkers: St. Thomas, rev. F. Sawicki and contemporary philosopher G. Reale. She emphasizes that love is a personal relation that we learn in family. The article provides the detailed description of tasks for individual family members in the process of shaping the attitude of love and indicates on family as the most important and irreplaceable environment.
Papal attention towards the elderly makes us aware that we witness more and more distinct and prophetic perception of an important issue of the elderly. Due to prolongation of human lifespan one can observe such issues as: how to fill one’s time, how to form intergenerational relationships (due to the disappearance of intergenerational transmission), how to find the vocation for the elderly and how a younger generation could become more open to the elderly. Speaking to the elderly and the youth, John Paul II reached to the memory of his generation to recall and reshape the ideas of generational coexistence which are not always and not everywhere implemented. Younger generations do not always have only good experience. On the basis of papal speeches the article presents the notion and significance of multigenerational family and the notion of old age. We show the opinion of John Paul II concerning intergenerational dialogue, mission of the elderly, their essential role in the life of a family, society and the Church and concerning the activities of the society and Church for the benefit of the elderly. Most papal speeches are the appeal of the Head of the Church to respect the lives of the elderly.
Content available Trzeźwość i abstynencja w nauczaniu Kościoła
Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na trzeźwość i jej znaczenie w życiu każdego człowieka. Należy bowiem zdawać sobie sprawę, że właśnie trzeźwość odgrywa w ludzkim życiu dominującą rolę – wpływa na jego rozwój, prawidłowe funkcjonowanie rodziny i społeczeństwa. Związana z cnotą umiarkowania pozwala panować nad pożądaniami i przyjemnościami, głównie zmysłowymi tak, by człowiek potrafił kierować się nie tylko sercem i wyobraźnią, ale także rozumem. To właśnie trzeźwość otwiera na miłość, wolność, dojrzałość, odpowiedzialność względem siebie i bliźniego, kierując go ku najwyższej wartości, jaką jest Bóg. Temat trzeźwości towarzyszy człowiekowi już od samego początku jego istnienia. Mówi o tym już Pismo Święte Starego i Nowego Testamentu, które przestrzega przed nadużywaniem alkoholu, pisząc o jego zgubnym działaniu zamykającym człowiekowi drogę do zbawienia będącego celem każdej osoby. Toteż o trzeźwości, oraz zgubnych skutkach związanych z jej brakiem, Kościół mówi w swoim nauczaniu od pierwszych wieków istnienia. Już wielcy Ojcowie Kościoła, tacy jak: św. Klemens Aleksandryjski, św. Hieronim, św. Augustyn wypowiadali się na ten temat, a w średniowieczu św. Tomasz z Akwinu opisał cnotę trzeźwości w swoich pismach. Kościół, kierując się troską o człowieka i realizację jego powołania, nieustannie z całą mocą i siłą wspiera działania zmierzające do życia w trzeźwości. Realizuje to zadanie między innymi poprzez nauczanie,oraz dokumenty, w których mówi na temat trzeźwości.
The starting point for writing the article was to draw attention to sobriety and what it is for every human being. One should be aware that sobriety plays a dominant role in human life - in its development and in the proper functioning of the family and society. The virtue of moderation can prevail over the desires and pleasures, especially sensual pleasures, enabling a person to be guided not only by the heart and the imagination, but also by reason. It is sobriety that opens the way to love, freedom, maturity and responsibility for one another, directing people to the highest value, which is God. The issue of sobriety has accompanied man from the very beginning of his existence. The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments warn against the abuse of alcohol, writing about its pernicious effect in closing the way of salvation, which is the goal of every human person. Therefore Holy Church mentions sobriety, and the evils associated with its absence in her teaching from the first centuries of her existence. Even the great Fathers of the Church, such as St. Clement of Alexandria, St. Jerome and St. Augustine, spoke on sobriety, and in the Middle Ages St. Thomas Aquinas described the virtues of sobriety in his writings. The Church, guided by concern for the human being and the realization of his vocation, always lends her power and whole-hearted support to campaigns that encourage people to live in sobriety. She accomplishes this task by teaching, and by the documents which discuss matters of sobriety.
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