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Content available Filozofia przyrody po niemiecku
Recenzja książki: Hans-Dieter MUTSCHLER, Wprowadzenie do filozofii przyrody. Wybrane zagadnienia, przeł. Józef Bremer, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2005, s. 238.
Review of: Hans-Dieter MUTSCHLER, Wprowadzenie do filozofii przyrody. Wybrane zagadnienia, przeł. Józef Bremer, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2005, s. 238.
Source literature lists several versions of creationism as well as numerous manners of understand- ing evolutionism. Creationist views may be limited to four basic ones: fundamentalist creationism, creation science, intelligent design and evolutionary creationism. In my article I will justify which of these versions of creationism may be considered as dialoguing with science, and which of them turn out, to a greater or lesser degree, unable to enter into this dialogue. I will answer the question how creationism should be understood in order for it to be able to engage in a debate with modern science. In other words, the central question of this article will be: how is the dialogue between religion (creationism) and science (evolutionism) feasible?
The objective of this article is to provide an answer to the question as to how to philosophize within the context of science, which constitutes a more specific version of one of the essential metaphilosophical questions: how should one philosophize? A compelling answer to such inquiries was proposed at the end of the 20th century by the Cracow philosophers of nature and went under the name of „philosophy in science” research program. In this elaboration, on the basis of findings originating in the cosmological domain, I analyze to what extent this is indeed an innovative answer to the metaphilosophical question stated above – that is how to philosophize within the context of science.
This essay will present Hobbes as the most consistent philosopher of the 17th century, and show that in all areas his endeavors have cogency that is unrivalled, in many ways even to this day. The second section will outline Hobbes’ conception of philosophy and his causal materialism. Section 3 will deal briefly with Hobbes’ discussion of sensation and then present his views on the nature and function of language and how reason depends upon language. Section 4 portrays his views about the material world; Section 5 deals with nature of man; and the 6th section with the artificial body of the commonwealth and the means of its creation.
In Physica I,8 Aristotle endeavors to show that a long-term Eleatic puzzle about coming-to-be can be resolved by appealing to his own ontological principles of change (substratum, privation, and form). In this paper, I posit that the key to Aristotle’s resolution lies in the introduction of aspectual distinctions within numerical unities. These distinctions within the terminus a quo and the terminus ad quem of coming-to-be made it possible for Aristotle to maintain, while answering the puzzle, that there is no coming-to-be ex nihilo and, at the same time, that the product of coming-to-be is something that did not exist before; i.e. that there is coming-to-be. Finally, I suggest that this resolution could be seen as an interesting case of the application of conceptual tools developed in the Sophistici Elenchi, and I analyze the advantages of this resolution over the Platonic resolution of a similar sort of Eleatic problem.
The paper deals with the theories of Ruđer Bošković (1711–1787) on senses. Bošković did not systematically present his approach, but it can be considered on the basis of his works on optics, but, firstly, in his Theoria Philosophiae Naturalis redacta ad legem unicam virium in natura existentium (Vienna 1758). In this study the basic concepts of Bošković’s viewpoints on senses regard the genesis of our individual ideas that are acquired through the senses, which are based on the principle of causality. For Bošković senses are directly related to the ideas, actually to the so-called acquired ideas. Our senses are, however, limited and that is the reason why we cannot experience the absolute change of state.
The impact of christian theism on the understanding of science and the relationship between the natural and the supernatural realm during the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, and the thesis of the inherent conflict between science and religion The carried out analyses show the inadequacy of a widespread thesis, due to the works of John William Draper and Andrew Dickson White, on the resulting from the nature of these two fields conflict between science and religion. The above thesis is contradicted by the role in the Christian theism doctrine of scientific revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the article, I present by what means in modern European culture the influence of the dominance of the Christian theism on the concept of science was expressed and the relationship between science and religion as adopted by the forerunners of modern science. I point out that the Christian doctrine of creation was primarily a source of basic assumptions about the existence of the natural order and the faith in the possibility of recognizing it by men. A reference to the concept of a supernatural Creator- Lawmaker served as an explanation of the general characteristics of nature. The analysis of the nature and attributes of God was also included into the scope of the natural philosophy. Apart from that, the Christian theism was used to justify the desirability of research, the choice of a particular methodology, the decisions among competing theories and was a source of detailed explanations of events and features of natural objects. The natural theology drew on arguments proving the existence of the Creator from natural studies. The above presented image of science in the 16th-17th centuries and the role of Christian theism at its contemporary stage of development allows for arguing that the thesis on the „innate” conflict between science and religion, allegedly resulting for the nature of these two fields, is incorrect.
Content available remote Encyklika kryzysu i nadziei
Czy tego chcemy czy nie, czy jesteśmy tego świadomi albo uparcie odrzucamy to przekonanie, jesteśmy częścią przyrody. Korzystając z jej darów, szczególnie w okresie ostatnich pięćdziesięciu lat konsumpcyjnego życia zbliżyliśmy się i przekroczyliśmy zdolność planety do regeneracji jej zasobów. Dane naukowe na temat łączności człowieka z przyrodą a przede wszystkim zależności od różnorodności elementów biosfery oraz raporty i wyniki obrad licznych konferencji poświęconych problematyce zrównoważonego rozwoju cywilizacji wkraczają w życie przeciętnego obywatela Planety Ziemia bardzo powoli. Encyklika „Laudato si'. W trosce o wspólny dom”, Ojca Świętego Franciszka (2015), ma szanse dotrzeć do chrześcijan na całej Ziemi, poruszyć ich sumienia i wyzwolić prośrodowiskowe i prospołeczne działania w codziennym życiu. Papież zabrał głos w obronie przyrody, która jest wspólnym domem wszystkich istot żywych, ale zwrócił także uwagę, że ekologia ma sens wtedy, gdy widzimy wielkość człowieka i jego wyjątkowość, gdy chroniąc naturę nie zapominamy o naturze ludzkiej i jej prawach.
Whether we like it or not, whether we are aware or stubbornly reject this belief, we are part of nature. Using her services, especially during the last fifty years of consumerism we approached and exceeded the planet's capacity to regenerate its resources. Now scientists collected a lot of data on the connection between man and nature and above all, on dependency on the diversity of the biosphere. These reports and deliberations of numerous conferences dedicated to problems of sustainable development of civilization enter into awareness and effect the lives of the average citizen of our Planet Earth very slowly. On Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si') is the new appeal from Pope Francis (2015) addressed to "every person living on this planet" for an inclusive dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. Pope Francis calls the Church and the world to acknowledge the urgency of our environmental challenges and to join him in embarking on a new path. This encyclical is written with both hope and resolve, looking to our common future with candor and humility. The encyclical has a chance to reach out to Christians all over the Earth, to raise their conscience and to liberate pro-environment and pro-social activities in everyday life. The Pope spoke up in defense of nature, which is the common home of all living beings, but also noted that ecology makes sense only when we see the greatness of man and his uniqueness, while protecting nature, we do not forget about human nature and its laws. The authors of the article recall elements of the history of thought forming the concept of sustainable development, assessed commonly as the basis for the survival of human civilization. They highlight the groundbreaking importance of the inclusion of the Church in shaping the ecological conscience. Authors also express the hope that that conscience is a force of modern Homo sapiens to radical, giving hope for the survival of the species, changes of life organization at socio-economic and natural level.
Content available The Ethics of Responsibility as a Way to the Future
The basic concept in the philosophy of Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker is the concept of time. Playing the dominant role in the thought and philosophy of Weizsäcker, the concept is the point of departure for an attempt to find ways to cognize and recreate the unity of Nature, to understand “the unity of physics” and its reconstruction in the neo-Kantian spirit, as well as seek and analyse conditions of the possibilities of science and its ethical dimension. In this context Weizsäcker analyses relations between the structure of time and the ethical responsibility of a man practising science. The present study aims to demonstrate the basic elements of this relation as the foundation of the ethics of scientific research. Responsible scientific research is only possible when men operating within the field are guided by objective principles of the ethics of responsibility.
Content available W stronę odnowionego wizerunku Newtona
Book review: Niccolò Guicciardini, Isaac Newton and Natural Philosophy, Reaktion Books, London 2018, ss. 268.
Recenzja książki: Niccolò Guicciardini, Isaac Newton and Natural Philosophy, Reaktion Books, London 2018, ss. 268.
This article attempts to analyse the influence of William of Ockham’s views upon the transition from the medieval to the modern understanding of the final directedness of nature (i.e. the non-rational entities). To begin, the views of a number of modern authors on the idea of natural final causality are analysed. A “traditional” interpretation according to which the transition from the medieval period to modern times involved giving up the notion of a final causality in the natural sciences, and replacing it with efficient causality is criticised. The author favours instead a recent and more subtle interpretation, pointing out that modern philosophy does not reject final causality; rather, it offers a reinterpretation of this notion. Accordingly, the author proposes to distinguish between two different strands within modern philosophy. The next part of the article is an analysis of Ockham’s views , focusing in particular on the themes that – it is claimed here – could have influenced the birth of the modern understanding of natural final causality. The author characterises and discusses four such themes, and tries to associate them with the aforementioned two strands in the modern approach to the teleology of nature.
Artykuł ten stanowi próbę omówienia wpływu, jaki poglądy Williama Ockhama wywarły na przejście od średniowiecznego do nowożytnego rozumienia celowości świata natury (tj. celowości bytów nierozumnych). Rozważeniu poddaje się sposób, w jaki do idei celowości świata natury odnosili się wybrani autorzy nowożytni. Krytyce poddaje się „tradycyjną” interpretację przejścia, jakie dokonać miało się w tym aspekcie między średniowieczem a nowożytnością, podług której nowożytność miała przynieść całkowity kres posługiwaniu się celowością w filozofii natury, zastępując ją odwołaniami do przyczynowości sprawczej. Następnie wskazuje się na nowsze, bardziej subtelne próby podejścia do tego zagadnienia, wskazujące na to, iż w filozofii nowożytnej mamy raczej do czynienia z reinterpretacją, a nie porzuceniem idei przyczynowości celowej. W związku z tym autor artykułu proponuje wyróżnienie w obrębie owej filozofii dwóch głównych nurtów. Dalszą część stanowi analiza koncepcji Ockhama, polegająca na wskazaniu w niej tych wątków, które – jak się twierdzi – mogły wywrzeć szczególny wpływ na narodziny nowożytnego rozumienia celowości świata natury. Autor wymienia cztery takie wątki, próbując je powiązać z wyróżnionymi wcześniej dwoma nurtami nowożytnego rozumienia teleologii natury.
Content available The climate change crisis?
A necessary (though probably not sufficient) condition for creativity in the sciences and the arts to flourish is a liberal/democratic socio-political environment. In Europe this was manifested in the Enlightenment as Galileo, Copernicus and others laid the foundations for the evidence-based natural philosophy which signaled the birth of “The Enlightenment”. The importance of intellectual and personal freedom for humanitarian advance is clearly manifested in the exponential success of the sciences in conquering many humanitarian problems from starvation and disease to the more obvious technologies that make modern life relatively pleasant for many - especially in the developed world. On the down side however has been the reckless thirst of a plethora of governments to exploit the vast powers of the sciences to construct ever more powerful destructive weapons. Since then, the great thinkers from Kant to Russell, scientists from Einstein to Feynman and writers from Whitman to Shaw have repeatedly pointed to the importance of the doubt-based philosophy that is the crucial antidote to the stultifying effect of dogmas of all kinds. Indeed it is only doubt that leaves the road open for all advances in human endeavour. In the 21st Century we have reached a watershed in that the human race now confronts a set of crises significantly more serious than any previously. These threats can only be overcome by an open minded liberal education of the next generation of young people. Before the name “Science” was coined it had another name, “Natural Philosophy” which more adequately describes its primary place in the spectrum of human culture. More important than any other aspect is the fact that Natural Philosophy is the only philosophical construct we have devised to determine Truth with any degree of reliability. As such it should be a primary ethical focus for the education of every child, student and citizen so at the very least they can decide whether what they are being told is actually true. This is also a strong intellectual basis for fostering creativity. For a truly humanitarian global society to evolve, equality of opportunity and personal freedom will be a necessary for all young people whatever their race, colour, nationality and most importantly sex. All technologies have the capacity to benefit society or to be detrimental and so as powerful new technical advances arise there is an onus on everyone to understand some important SET factors. As our modern world is so completely - and precariously - balanced on SET, an understanding of these disciplines by all in positions of responsibility is vital. Although wise decision-making may not be guaranteed by knowledge, common sense suggests that wisdom is an unlikely consequence of ignorance. Education is certainly a key factor and the Internet must be harnessed to improve matters. With the Vega Science Trust ( an exciting new Global Educational Outreach for Science Engineering and Technology initiative GeoSet ( and ( we are now working with other Universities to make outstanding educational material available on the Internet in any part of the world.
Niezbędnym (choć prawdopodobnie niewystarczającym) warunkiem zapewnienia kreatywności w zakresie nauki i sztuki jest rozwój liberalno-demokratycznego środowiska społeczno-politycznego. W Europie zależność ta widoczna była między końcem VII a początkiem XIX wieku, kiedy to Galileusz, Kopernik i inni tworzyli podstawy filozofii naturalnej, opartej na dowodach, co oznaczało początek „oświecenia”. Znaczenie wolności intelektualnej i osobistej dla rozwoju idei humanistycznych widać wyraźnie w sukcesach nauki w zwalczaniu wielu problemów ludzkości, począwszy od głodu i chorób, skończywszy na technologiach, które znacznie ułatwiają życie ludziom, szczególnie w krajach rozwiniętych. Zjawiskiem negatywnym jest dążenie wielu rządów do wykorzystywania mocy nauki w celu budowy coraz potężniejszych środków destrukcji. Od czasów oświecenia wielu wielkich myślicieli: od Kanta do Russela, naukowców: od Einsteina do Feynmana, i pisarzy: od Whitmana do Shawa, podkreślało wielokrotnie znaczenie filozofii opartej na wątpliwości, która stanowi istotne antidotum na porażające działanie wszelkiego rodzaju dogmatów. I rzeczywiście - jedynie wątpliwość otwiera drogę dla wszelkiego postępu w działalności człowieka. W XXI wieku osiągnęliśmy pewien próg rozwoju, a ludzkość stoi przed wieloma problemami, znacznie poważniejszymi niż te w przeszłości. Te problemy i zagrożenia można pokonać poprzez wdrażanie liberalnej, otwartej edukacji wśród kolejnej generacji młodych ludzi. Zanim powstał termin „nauka”, stosowano określenie „filozofia naturalna”, które bardziej adekwatnie określa jej miejsce w spektrum kultury człowieka. Najważniejsze jest to, że filozofia naturalna jest jedyną koncepcją filozoficzną, która w jakimś stopniu może pomóc w dotarciu do prawdy. Jako taka, filozofia ta powinna stanowić podstawę etyczną edukacji każdego dziecka, studenta i obywatela, aby byli oni w stanie ocenić, czy treści im przekazywane są zgodne z prawdą. Stanowi to także mocną podstawę intelektualną dla wspierania kreatywności. Aby stworzyć rzeczywiście humanistyczne społeczeństwo globalne, konieczne jest zapewnienie możliwości i wolności osobistej wszystkim młodym ludziom bez względu na ich rasę, kolor, narodowość i, co najważniejsze, płeć. Każda technologia może być pożyteczna lub szkodliwa dla społeczeństwa; w związku z jej szybkim rozwojem wszyscy musimy rozumieć pewne najważniejsze kwestie dotyczące SET (nauka, inżynieria, technologia). Ponieważ nasz świat tak bardzo zależny jest od nauki, inżynierii i technologii, niezwykle istotne jest zrozumienie tych dyscyplin przez wszystkich, którzy zajmują istotne pozycje w społeczeństwie. Chociaż wiedza nie gwarantuje podejmowania mądrych decyzji, wydaje się jednak, że mądrość nie wynika z ignorancji. Edukacja jest elementem najważniejszym, a Internet należy wykorzystać do jej poprawy. Wraz z Vega Science Trust ( nową, globalną inicjatywą edukacyjną w zakresie nauk ścisłych i technologii GeoSet ( i współpracujemy aktualnie z innymi uniwersytetami, aby udostępnić w Internecie wartościowe materiały edukacyjne dla wszystkich zainteresowanych na całym świecie.
The paper drawn attention to natural philosophy as a branch of philosophical studies aimed at rational comprehension of the integrity of nature and its fundamental principle. It has been necessary to provide confidence in the knowledge of natural philosophy of modern university students, as this knowledge helps them to understand the nature of a general. That allows the students to understand all things in their unity and in a variety of forms, build a rational and scientific picture of the world, as a whole, from inorganic nature - to life and human life.
W pracy omówiono znaczenie i zasady filozofii przyrody, stanowiącej gałąź nauk filozoficznych, dla racjonalnego pojmowania integralności natury i zasad jej funkcjonowania. Koniecznym więc jest przekazywanie tego typu wiedzy studentom wyższych uczelni, gdyż pomoże im ona w lepszym zrozumieniu otaczającego nas świata w powiązaniu z kierunkiem stanowiącym przedmiot ich studiów.
Forum Philosophicum
tom 19
nr 2
In this essay, I argue that Robert Boyle does not hold that true religion requires us to believe doctrines that are in violation of the law of noncontradiction or that it yields logical contradictions. Rather, due to the epistemological limitations of human reason, we are sometimes called to believe doctrines or propositions that are at first blush contradictory but, upon further inspection, not definitively so. This holds for doctrines considered singly or together and is an important qualifier to the traditional line of scholarship’s flat claim that Boyle’s limits of belief are logical contradictions. My conclusions here are at odds with Jan W. Wojcik’s claim, in her important, revisionist work on the famous natural philosopher, that he teaches that sometimes we are required to believe religious doctrines that violate the law of noncontradiction.
Content available remote The “Physica Mosaica” of Johann Heinrich Alsted (1588-1638):
Some early modern scholars believed that Scripture provided more certain knowledge than all secular authorities – even Aristotle – or investigating nature as such. In this paper, I analyse one such attempt to establish the most reliable knowledge of nature: the so-called Mosaic physics proposed by the Reformed encyclopaedist Johann Heinrich Alsted. Although in his early works on Physica Mosaica Alsted declares that his primary aim is proving the harmony that exists between various traditions of natural philosophy, namely between the Mosaic and the Peripatetic approaches, and despite the fact that his biblical encyclopaedia of 1625 was intended to be based on a literal reading of the Bible, he never truly abandoned the Aristotelian framework of physics. What is more, in his mature encyclopaedia of 1630, he eventually openly preferred Aristotle to other naturalphilosophical traditions. I argue, therefore, that Alsted’s bold vision of Mosaic physics remained unfulfi lled and should be assessed as an unsuccessful project of early modern natural philosophy.
Někteří raně novověcí učenci byli přesvědčeni, že Písmo poskytuje jistější poznání nežli všechny světské autority – s Aristotelem včele – či zkoumání samotné přírody. Ve své studii se zabývám jednou z takových snah o získání toho nejspolehlivějšího vědění o přírodě: takzvanou mosaickou fyzikou, jak ji koncipoval reformovaný encyklopedista Johann Heinrich Alsted. Ačkoliv ve svých raných dílech, jež se Physica Mosaica týkají, Alsted za svůj nejvyšší cíl prohlašuje dokázání souladu mezi různými podobami přírodní fi losofi e, především mezi mosaickým a peripatetickým přístupem, a navzdory tomu, že jeho biblická encyklopedie z roku 1625 měla být založena na doslovném čtení Bible, Alsted ve skutečnosti nikdy neopustil aristotelská východiska přírodní fi losofi e. Co je ještě pozoruhodnější, Alstedova vrcholná encyklopedie z roku 1630 již přímo upřednostňuje aristotelismus před jinými přírodně-fi losofi ckými přístupy. Tvrdím proto, že Alstedova smělá vize mosaické fyziky zůstala nenaplněna a měla by být hodnocena jako neúspěšný projekt raně novověké přírodní filosofie.
The aim of this paper is to present the views of one of prominent Polish chemists, namely Bohdan Szyszkowski. Presented views are concerning the relation of the concepts of aether, continuity and causality in the context of revolution in physics that took place at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. The issues particularly concern his thoughts related to the old quantum theory and special relativity. In particular, this article presents the role of these concepts in the foundations of physics and – in a more general aspect – in the recognized fields of knowledge. The nature of Szyszkowski’s analysis allows him to be considered a very interesting thinker in the area that today is called the philosophy of physics or, perhaps more accurately, the philosophy in science. An important observation made by Szyszkowski is emphasized that mathematical structures cannot have physical properties. Attention was also paid to the Polish intellectual community, which was formed in Kiev before 1919.
The main focus of this study is a reconstruction of the natural philosophy of the early modern Prešov's scholar Jan (Johannes) Bayer (1630–1674), with special regard to its Mosaic profile. After a critical reading of the research done on Bayer up to this point, the author concludes that Bayer’s natural-philosophical work, as such, has not yet been satisfactorily analyzed, nor has its connection to its supposedly two most important sources, Francis Bacon and Jan Amos Comenius, been sufficiently explored. The study therefore concentrates on a critical analysis of Bayer’s interpretation of creation and his natural history, which are then both situated in the philosophical context of their time. The author then notes that although Bayer’s project of erecting an original and on the (especially Aristotelian) tradition independent Mosaic natural philosophy ended in failure, the thinker’s work can be assessed as a valuable attempt to synthesize Baconian and Comenian motifs while at the same time reflecting broader intellectual contexts of the period.
Hlavním tématem této studie je rekonstrukce přírodní filosofie raně novověkého prešovského učence Jana (Johannese) Bayera (1630–1674) se zvláštním zřetelem k jejímu mosaickému profilu. Na základě kritické analýzy dosavadního bayerovského výzkumu dospívá autor ke zjištění, že dosud nebylo uspokojivě analyzováno ani Bayerovo přírodně-filosofické dílo jako takové, ani dostatečně prozkoumána jeho návaznost na předpokládané dva nejvýznamnější zdroje, Francise Bacona a Jana Amose Komenského. Studie je proto soustředěna na kritickou analýzu Bayerova výkladu stvoření a popisu přírody, které jsou následně zasazeny do dobového filosofického kontextu. Autor konstatuje, že ačkoliv Bayerův projekt vystavění originální a na (především aristotelské) tradici nezávislé mosaické přírodní filosofie skončil neúspěchem, lze myslitelovo dílo hodnotit jako cenný pokus o syntézu baconovských a komeniánských motivů, odrážející však rovněž širší dobové intelektuální souvislosti.
Studia Gilsoniana
tom 10
nr 1
In this article the author discusses Dennis F. Polis’ defense of the compatibility of biological evolution and Thomistic metaphysics. Some of Polis’ methodological and metaphysical arguments are examined and it is explained why they are unfaithful to the Thomistic tradition of metaphysics. There is a discussion of why metaphysics can, within certain parameters, critique the science of evolutionary biology, as well as a discussion of the role of metaphysics in the hierarchy of the sciences. The relationship between biological species to the notion of species in philosophy, including related metaphysical topics, such as essences and Divine ideas in God, is discussed. It is determined that Polis’ view suffers from a kind of relativism and nominalism that is incompatible with the moderate realism of Aquinas. Some of Aquinas’ key existential insights in metaphysics are discussed in this context as well. In addition to being corrective, this essay helps point the way to a better defense of the compatibility of biological evolution and Thomistic metaphysics.
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