An observed trend, which can be defined as tourist interest in natural hazards and disasters, has persuaded the authors to attempt to research several issues, including tourist motivations and specific tourism properties and functions of this form of activity. The objective also covered the allocation of this social and natural process in the general structure of tourism. This interest has a long history, and a new stage is currently forming, which partly results from factors affecting society, such as information and education, which provoke antagonistic reactions. Extreme natural phenomena entail a common reduction of tourist interest in the destination which hosted the event; however, it never drops to zero. Differences are visible depending on the type of phenomenon. On the other hand, natural hazards and disasters are considered to hold a specific tourism value. This article discusses the allocation of this human activity in the tourism forms known to scientists, accounting for its diversity and relating to ethics.
Mitigating climate change ultimately contributes to reducing the costs of adaptation. Expenditures on adaptation are diverse in terms of geographical distribution and they are usually incurred to adapt to climate change or prevent their negative effects, such as natural disasters. These expenditures must be distinguished from expenses to cover disasters’ losses. From the social justice point of view, it is important who bears the costs, who contributes to the additional costs and who benefits from climate change. The paper analyses and compares sources of financing of the costs of climate change adaptation and mitigation, to determine the share of individual actors in their performance. The conducted literature review helped in identifying the sources of financing of these costs. The possibilities of growth of adaptation financing need in the face of climate change predictions, and the ability to finance the rising costs, including new ways of financing, were also analysed.
The main goals of geophysics have been considered in following areas: - prediction and prevention of natural catastrophes and mitigation of their impact, - detection, location and monitoring of contaminated areas and goals related to their reclamation, - goals related to the safety of large and important structures and constructions, - goals related to safe deposition, storage and monitoring of dangerous wastes and toxic materials, - application of geophysical methods and observations to obtain "clean" and renewable energy, - detection, location and dating of archeological materials and monuments of cultural heritage. Due to the great importance of prediction in environmental engineering and protection, its possibilities and limitations have been considered separately.
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Jaką skalę ma detal? Jakie znaczenie ma detal dla architekta, a jakie dla urbanisty? Jakie konsekwencje ma traktowanie kontekstu środowiska naturalnego jakby był to „tylko detal"? Artykuł stawia te pytania w kontekście katastrof naturalnych i klęsk żywiołowych oraz prób opracowania metod projektowania pozwalających na tworzenie miejsc, przestrzeni i miast odpornych na skutki - coraz częstszych i zbierających w gęsto zaludnionych obszarach coraz większe żniwo - klęsk żywiołowych i katastrof naturalnych.
How to define the scale of a detail? What does it mean to an architect and an urbanist? What are the consequences of treating the context of the natural environment as "mere detail"? This article poses these questions in the context of natural disasters and catastrophes as well as attempts to elaborate designing methods which would make it possible to create places, spaces, towns and cities being resilient to the results of tragic events that take their toll in densely populated areas more and more frequently.
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The paper deals with recent developments in the fields of applied mathematics and operational research triggered by the needs of effective support of environmental policy-making processes that require interdisciplinary science-based advice. Mathematical models developed for this purpose demand new modeling paradigms for an adequate integration of pertinent knowledge, and creation of knowledge needed for rational decision-making. The article first summarizes the model-based support for problem solving from the point of view of actual decision-makers. Next, it discusses the model representation of the knowledge pertinent to a given decision-making problem, and the recently developed modeling technology supporting the whole process of modeling complex problems. The last part deals with novel methods and tools for integrated management of risks related to natural catastrophes. The presented methodology is illustrated by its application to actual environmental policy-making support.
W artykule przedstawiono nowe osiągnięcia w dziedzinach matematyki stosowanej i badań operacyjnych, które są wynikiem badań motywowanych potrzebami efektywnego wspomagania procesów decyzyjnych związanych z problemami środowiska naturalnego. Takie wspomaganie wymaga współpracy naukowców z różnych dziedzin w celu budowania modeli matematycznych, które nie tylko reprezentują zintegrowaną wiedzę dostępną w różnych dziedzinach nauki, ale także wspomagają tworzenie wiedzy użytecznej dla podejmowania racjonalnych decyzji. W artykule scharakteryzowano rolę modeli matematycznych w procesach wspomagania decyzji z punktu widzenia decydentów i ekspertów używających tych modeli. Następnie przedstawiono zagadnienia matematycznej reprezentacji interdyscyplinarnej wiedzy użytecznej dla danego problemu decyzyjnego; w szczególności opisano nową technologię modelowania strukturalnego, która wspomaga cały proces modelowania. Ostatnia część artykułu poświęcona jest nowej metodologii zintegrowanej analizy ryzyka związanego z naturalnymi katastrofami; analiza służy znajdowaniu rozwiązań racjonalnych dla instytucji i społeczeństwa, które mają różne cele i ograniczenia. Wszystkie prezentowane metodologie są ilustrowane praktycznymi zastosowaniami we wspomaganiu procesów decyzyjnych dotyczących środowiska naturalnego.
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