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Invasive species are those that have been transferred by humans out of their natural range. Native crayfish species in Polish waters include: Astacus astacus and Pontastacus leptodactylus, whereas invasive species are: Pacifastacus leniusculus, Faxonius limosus, Procambarus clarkii and Procambarus virginalis. The objective of this study was to determine how abiotic and biotic environmental factors contribute to interspecific competition of Polish crayfish based on the available literature. Abiotic factors affecting the interspecific competition include tolerance to extreme pH values, calcium ion content, temperature, oxygenation, water salinity, preferred substrate and the type of water bodies. Biotic factors are, inter alia, pathogens, food base, plant cover and interactions in the prey–predator system, as well as interactions between crayfish species. The most important abiotic factors are water temperature and oxygenation, while the most important biotic factor is the crayfish plague – a deadly disease for native species. Each invasive species has a different set of traits and adaptations that enable a successful invasion. However, a successful invasion of a given species is not determined by one, but many adaptations that coexist.
The invasion of exotic species into native ecosystems is becoming a crucial issue in global biology. Over the last ten years, at least 45 invasions of aquatic species have been reported in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland; the majority of them were introduced through ballast water. Recently, invasion of the estuarine calanoid copepod Eurytemora carolleeae (Temoridae), originating from North America, has been reported in several European estuaries and particularly in the Gulf of Finland. This species is morphologically very similar to the native Eurytemora affinis, but it is easily discriminated by molecular markers. In this study, we monitored the distribution area of the invasive copepod species in European waters, as well as the population structure of (native) E. affinis and (invasive) E. carolleeae, from 2006 to 2018 in the Gulf of Finland. The population density of E. affinis was significantly higher, compared to E. carolleeae, during most of the study period. The only exception was Neva Bay in 2010, wherein the invasive species dominated possibly due to high temperatures and differences in the levels of fish predation. The reproductive performance of E. carolleeae was also higher than that of E. affinis. These results show different population dynamics between the two species. It was revealed that invasive E. carolleeae develops in some of the very same habitats as native E. affinis, thereby potentially becoming a significant component of the zooplankton in the studied area. Moreover, invader has the potential to displace native E. affinis.
The family Gobiidae is the largest teleost family, consisting of more than 2,000 species in more than 200 genera. They have adapted to a wide range of habitats, inhabiting mostly marine and brackish waters. Recently invasive Ponto-Caspian gobies have caused significant changes to the structure of fish assemblage throughout the European waters. The aim of the study was to verify the possibility of identifying three species of the genus Gobiidae based on the analysis of the mitochondrial region of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene. 339 samples originated from seven countries and 17 different sites were investigated. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the extracted DNA was conducted by measuring light absorbance and electrophoretic separation. Approximately 650-bp (base pairs) fragments were amplified from the 5' region of the mitochondrial COI with the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) reaction. Sequences of 652 bp were obtained and compared with reference sequences in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Based on the sequence analysis, we determined that in the analysed geographical regions, the goby preliminary identified morphologically as the round goby was represented by three species: round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), tubenose goby (Proterorhinus marmoratus), and monkey goby (Neogobius fluviatilis). The latter two are newly reported for their new habitats. Genetic characterisation of such populations offers the opportunity to assess their genetic stability, which provides agencies managing the aquatic environment in EU countries with a tool for revising the legislation, including regulations relevant for updating the status of native and invasive species in European waters.
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This study aims to gain insights into the allelopathic effects (by using leaf extracts) of the notorious invasive Solidago canadensis L. on seed germination of the associated Pterocypsela laciniata (Houtt.) C. Shih under different nitrogen (N) forms added: inorganic (NO3--N and NH4 -N), organic (urea-N), and mixed N (a mixture of the three N forms at 1:1:1 ratio). Among the two used concentrations of S. canadensis leaf extracts the higher exhibited inhibitory allelopathic effects on seedling height and biomass, germination potential, germination index, and vigor index of P. laciniata. N demonstrated positive effects on seed germination of P. laciniata. The effects of mixed and organic N on the seedling biomass of P. laciniata were more pronounced than those of inorganic N and control treatment. The vigor index of P. laciniata under mixed N was significantly higher than those under single N form and control treatment. Thus, organic and mixed N showed higher ecological effects on seed germination of P. laciniata than inorganic and single N form. All N forms could alleviate the inhibitory allelopathic effects of S. canadensis on seed germination of P. laciniata. Overall, the inhibitory allelopathic impact of S. canadensis on seed germination of native species may be attenuated under increased and diverse N deposition, thus it could prevent its further invasion.
tom 13
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The concept of hungaricum is connected to keeping of Hungarian native animal species. The traditional and regional foods are the part of Hungarians national inheritance. These foods usually are hand made which can create place of work in the regions with unfavourable circumstances.
Celem artykułu było przedstawienie w jaki sposób produkty pochodzące z chowu rodzimych ras bydła na Węgrzech mogą stać się źródłem utrzymania ludzi na obszarach wiejskich, a także jak programy rozwoju obszarów wiejskich mogą wspierać produkcję towarów rynkowych na wsi.
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Understanding the factors affecting the species richness of alien and native plant is a key issue for predicting the spread of alien species and protecting rare and endangered native species in nature reserves. To investigate the factors affecting alien and native species richness in temperate nature reserves of China, we used a database of 25 nature reserves in Shandong Province of northern China, and studied the relationship of alien and native plant species richness with climatic and anthropogenic factors, as well as area and elevation range. We found that most of the nature reserves in Shandong Province have been invaded by alien plant species. The distribution of alien and native species responds to the same climatic factors, and temperature and precipitation exert strong effects on both groups. Alien and native plant species richness are positively correlated. Human activity is more effective for explaining richness of alien than for native species. Simultaneously, human activity has stronger effects on alien herbaceous than on alien woody plants. Our results suggest that native species richness is mainly explained by climatic factors, whereas alien species richness is mainly explained by climatic factors and human activity together.
In current study 13 native Rubus species of Corylifolii section, cultivated in the Dendrological Garden of University of Life Sciences in Poznań, were investigated. Phenology and growth rate of vegetative and generative stems of these plants were analyzed. Some habitat factors (temperature and precipitation) were also taken into consideration. The differences in seasonal rhythm of individual taxa were noticed. The life cycles of some species were disturbed. Weather conditions were the most important factors to have an significant influence on seasonal rhythm of Rubus species. In general, in 2008 rainfall deficiency during the vegetation caused flower and fruit disorders and the earlier dye coloration of leaves and leaf-fall. But the drought did not always affect growth rate of generative shoots.
Badaniami objęto 13 rodzimych gatunków Rubus, należących do sekcji Corylifolii, rosnących w kolekcji Ogrodu Dendrologicznego Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu. Analizowano fenologię wybranych gatunków jeżyn oraz tempo przyrastania ich pędów wegetatywnych i generatywnych, z uwzględnieniem wybranych czynników siedliskowych (temperatury i opadów). Zauważono różnice w rytmach rozwojowych poszczególnych gatunków, a także dla części taksonów zakłócenia w ich cyklach życiowych. Głównymi czynnikami sprawczymi były warunki pogodowe. W roku 2008 niedostatek opadów spowodował zaburzenia w wykształcaniu kwiatów i owoców oraz wczesne przebarwianie się i opadanie liści. Natomiast susza nie u wszystkich gatunków zahamowała intensywny przyrost pędów generatywnych.
For native species, mixed plantation systems seem to be the most appropriate for providing a broader range of options such as production, protection, biodiversity conservation and restoration. After 11 years, growth and nutrition and soil properties were examined in young plantation of two indigenous tree species in Hyrcanian forests of Iran. Quercus castaneifolia C.A. Mey. (as target species) and Celtis australis L. (as native component species) were planted in five proportions (100Q, 70Q:30C, 60Q:40C, 50Q:50C, 40Q:60C) in Noor, Iran. Diameter at breast height of individual Quercus trees and total basal area were affected by the presence of Celtis. Percent retranslocation of nutrients in Quercus followed in order: K> P> N. Leaf-litter fall production ranged from 4.10 to 6.14 t ha⁻¹ year⁻¹. Ca and Mg concentrations in fully expanded leaves of Quercus, N and K retranslocation of Quercus, concentration of available P in soil were higher in some of the mixed plantations than in monoculture of Quercus. On the other hand, N concentration in fully expanded leaves of Quercus, N fluxes and soil C/N ratio were higher in monoculture of Quercus. Within the framework of this experiment, it appeared that production was maximized when these two species were grown together in the proportion of 60% Quercus and 40% Celtis.
Content available Segetal flora of the Lukow Plain
The aim of the study was to characterize and analyze the segetal flora of the Łuków Plain. The study was carried out from 2003 to 2006 in 182 towns and villages. Vascular flora of the arable fields in the area under study consists of 305 species belonging to 39 families and 168 genera. The analysed flora is characterised by the prevalence of native species (64.6%) over alien species (35.4%). Archaeophytes dominate among anthropophytes, whereas meadow species are the most frequent in the group of apophytes. Annuals and biennials show a slight prevalence over perennials. The analysis of the life-form categories shows the dominance of therophytes (52.8%) as well as a relatively high share of hemicryptophytes (34.4%) and geophytes (12.5%). In the analysed flora, rare and very rare species constitute a vast majority (61.7%), whereas the common and very common species reach 13.1%.
Celem pracy była charakterystyka i analiza flory segetalnej Równiny Łukowskiej. Badania prowadzono w latach 2003-2006 na terenie 182 miejscowości. Flora naczyniowa pól uprawnych badanego terenu liczy 305 gatunków należących do 39 rodzin i 168 rodzajów. Na bogactwo gatunkowe ma wpływ zróżnicowanie siedlisk, rozdrobnienie gospodarstw i tradycyjny system gospodarowania. Analizowana flora cechuje się przewagą gatunków rodzimych (64,6%) nad taksonami obcego pochodzenia (35,4%). Wśród antropofitów dominują archeofity (27,2% flory) a z apofitów najczęściej notowano gatunki łąkowe (23,6% flory). Gatunki krótkotrwałe mają niewielką przewagę nad wieloletnimi. W obrębie form życiowych dominują terofity (52,8%), zwłaszcza wśród antropofitów (85,2% gatunków tej grupy), ale stosunkowo dużo jest hemikryptofitów (34,4%) i geofitów (12,5%). W analizowanej florze największy udział mają gatunki bardzo rzadkie i rzadkie (61,6% flory), natomiast pospolitych i bardzo pospolitych jest 13,1%. Cechą charakterystyczną jest liczne występowanie gatunków speirochorycznych związanych z ekstensywnym rolnictwem: Agrostemma githago, Bromus secalinus i Avena strigosa. Z gatunków subatlantyckich częstym taksonem jest Arnoseris minima, rzadkim Anthoxanthum aristatum, a Teesdalea nudicaulis występuje bardzo rzadko na badanym terenie.
The potential differentiations in litter chemistry among native and non-native trees are poorly understood. We compared the chemical composition of leaf litterfall of 11 exotic tree species, e.g. coniferous: Abies cephalonica, A. grandis, A. procera, Chamaecyparis pisifera, Pinus peuce, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Thuja plicata, and deciduous: Acer rubrum, A. saccharum, Betula alleghaniensis and Quercus rubra, with that of a native European conifer, Pinus sylvestris (as reference to coniferous species) anda mixture of native European Quercus robur, Carpinus betulus, Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos and Corylus avellana leaves (as a reference mixture of deciduous species). We found significant differences among the species studied in nitrogen and carbon content in needles/leaves, C/N ratio, as well as total soluble phenolic compounds (TPh) and total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) content, including soluble carbohydrates and starch. However, we found no clear differentiation of exotic from native tree species in the analyzed elements and metabolites. Among the exotic coniferous tree species, P. menziesii stood out among the species studied – fallen needles of this species were characterized by relatively high TPh and TNC content. The relationships between TPh and TNC content in leaf and needle litter among tree species were similar among two consecutive years. For deciduous tree species, the tendency of higher TPh content and C/N ratio in leaves falling earlier (September; leaves of sun-type) than later (November; leaves of shade-type) was more distinct than in coniferous tree species. Generally, we cannot see any special differences in the levels or mutual quantitative relationships of the chemical compounds studied in fallen needles/leaves of exotic tree species in comparison with native tree species.
The variability of pollen grains of 16 species from genus Rosa L. was studied (i.e. Rosa agrestis, R. canina, R. dumalis, R. gallica, R. inodora, R. jundzillii, R. kostrakiewiczii, R. majalis, R. micrantha, R. mollis, R. pendulina, R. rubiginosa, R. sherardii, R. tomentosa, R. villosa, and R. zalana). The material came from 107 native localities of those species in Poland. The measurements are based on at least 30–50 randomly selected mature pollen grains per specimen. In total, 3510 pollen grains were examined. They were analysed for 8 quantitative features, i.e. length of polar axis (P), length of equatorial axis (E), exine thickness on the pole (Exp), exine thickness at the equator plane (Exe), length of ectocolpi (Le), P/E ratio, and relative thickness of exine (Exp/P and Exe/E ratio). Statistically significant differences were found among the examined species with regard to all analysed pollen features. The pollen and ectocolpi dimensions (P, E and Le) were largest in R.gallica (35.9, 28.1, and 28.0 μm, respectively) and smallest in R. majalis (27.0, 20.2, and 21.2 μm, respectively). The mean coefficients of variability of the pollen features measured can be used to arrange the examined rose species from the least to the most variable as follows: R. pendulina, R. villosa, R. jundzillii, R. inodora, R. canina, R. rubiginosa, R. dumalis, R. gallica, R. agrestis , R. micrantha, R. zalana, R. tomentosa, R. sherardii, R. majalis, R. kostrakiewiczii and R. mollis. The obtained data failed to confirm fully both the division of the Rosa genus currently in force in taxonomy into sections as well as relationships among the examined species from the Caninae section. In addition, values of morphological characters of the same species may differ considerably from one another. The extent of these differences indicated that it was necessary to measure large numbers of pollen grains in order to obtain accurate biometric data.
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