The author looks at transformation of the Slovak literature after 1989 in a context of perception of changing collection of romantic myth, the perception of one's own identity and, consequently, the modification of the so-called national character. The aim of this paper is to show, describe and analyse Peter Pišťanek’s short story Mladý Dônč as an example of demythologizing tendences in Slovak prose in the 90s. The question is approached from comparative angle: author looks for links between the structure of the story Mladý Dônč, and hagiographic legends, fairy magic model and traditional Slovak legends of Juraj Janosik. Pišťanek’s ironic approach to the national mythology concerns primarily such its component like idealization of the rural Slovak family or position occupied by folklore in whole 19th century Slovak culture.
Сформировавшиеся в массовом сознании стереотипы европейского и азиатского лидера не соответствуют современной действительности. В условиях культурной глобализации происходит сближение, порою полное совмещение друг с другом идеальных моделей политического лидера, вождя, главы государства, «отца народа» как в теории, так и в исторической практике европейских и азиатских народов и стран. Тем не менее некоторые различия между мусульманским Востоком и христианской, подвергнутой сильной секуляризации Европой остаются. Содержание понятия «национальный лидер / национальный герой» в Европе имеет более сильную этническую составляющую. «Своим» его признает чаще всего определенная этническая группа, в то время как на Востоке лидер мыслится обычно в масштабе суперэтнической, межгосударственной общности. Там на роль лидера чаще может претендовать духовное лицо, что в европейской системе отделения церкви от государства и невмешательства духовенства в политику практически исключается. Крым занимает исключительное положение на границе западной и восточной цивилизаций, и на примерах деятельности трех выдающихся лидеров крымских татар разных исторических периодов – просветителя либеральных взглядов, идеолога пантюркизма Исмаила Гаспринского, Муфтия Таврического, вставшего на путь революционной борьбы с царизмом и большевизмом Нумана Челеби Джихана и «советского диссидента», возглавившего в 1991 году Курултай и Меджлис крымскотатарского народа Мустафы Джемилева – видно, как меняются модели политических лидеров, их методы, цели и идеалы, каковы корни их массовой популярности.
The stereotypical an “European” and an “Asian” leader, formed in the mass consciousness, does not correspond with contemporary reality. Under the phenomenon of cultural globalization, there is a merging or at times a complete integration of ideal models, including the political leader, chief, head of the state and a “Father of the Nation”. These ideal models exist both in theory and in historical practices of the European and Asian peoples and lands. Nonetheless, some distinctions are manifested between the East, referred to as the Muslim Orient, and the West, known as the Christian, strongly secularized Europe. The meaning of the notion a national leader or a national hero in Europe has a stronger ethnic component. In the West, the leader is most often recognized as an “our own” by an ethnic group. Meanwhile, in the East the leader is conceived as a head and member of a superethnic, inter-state community. In the East, a spiritual person can qualify for the role of the leader. This is unlikely to occur in the European system, where the Church and State are separated and there is a non-intervention of the clergy into politics for a long time. The Crimea has an exceptional location on the borderline of the Eastern and Western civilizations. The examples of three prominent Crimean Tatar leaders of different historical time periods demonstrate how their methods, goals and ideals change and the reasons behind their mass popularity. The three leaders are: Ismail Gasprinsky, educator of a liberal views and Panturkizm’s ideologue; Numan Chelebi Djikhan, the Tavria’s Mufty, who chose the path of revolutionary rebellion against tsarism and bolshevism; Mustafa Djemilev, an “Soviet dissident”, who became a head of Crimean Tatar people’s Kurultai and Medjlis in 1991.
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This article examines the so-called second life of the Russian prince Alexander Nevsky. The author set herself two main goals in the study. On the one hand, to sketch out what role the prince occupied in Russian tradition and historical consciousness over the course of the centuries, and, on the other hand, to also appreciate the differing lines of interpretation of his personality in contemporary historiography and to judge what his real historical role was. Was Nevsky an unyielding defender of the Orthodox Church, a national hero, or a traitor to his own people? The foundational source materials for this study are primarily texts of historiographical, hagiographical and literary characters, but iconographic material and works of art are also analyzed, and the author also takes into account the
The article offers an analysis of the representations of Tadeusz Kościuszko in early American newspapers (1776-1820). The study shows that the American press presented Kościuszko as a heroic figure, significant in the making of America as a nation through his participation in the War of Independence. Kościuszko was not initially recognized as an important military leader of the Revolution, but he was re-discovered as an American hero after he had distinguished himself as the leader of the 1794 uprising in Poland. The mythologization of Kościuszko consisted in interpreting his life as a struggle for liberty, equality, and republicanism, the values which laid at the foundation of America as a nation.
Artykuł stanowi analizę wizerunku Tadeusza Kościuszki we wczesnej prasie amerykańskiej (1776-1820). Wyniki badań wskazują, że prasa amerykańska przedstawiała Kościuszkę jako bohatera, postać ważną dla procesu tworzenia się (powstawania) Ameryki poprzez jego udział w Rewolucji Amerykańskiej. Początkowo Kościuszko nie był uznawany za wojskowego przywódcę Rewolucji, ale został okrzyknięty bohaterem amerykańskim po tym jak wsławił się jako przywódca powstania z 1794 roku w Polsce. Mitologizacja Kościuszki polegała na przedstawianiu jego życia jako walki o wolność, równość i republikanizm, wartości które leżały u podwalin amerykańskiego narodu.
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