This article presents a theoretical analysis of the problem of educational influence of musical art in the formation of the child’s personality of the preschool age. The author notes that the development of a preschooler, his formation as a person - a cardinal problem for preschool education. Musical art has an inexhaustible potential impact on the internal world of the child, it is a kind of means of communication, promotes self-knowledge and self-expression of a personality, the formation of his world, as repeatedly told the writers, composers, teachers, psychologists, art historians, scientists in various spheres. In the direction of humanistic education through the art of music it is transformed into personal human values that are essential in human life. Aesthetic education of preschool children by means of music is aimed at developing the ability to perceive, feel and understand beauty, notice the good and bad, act independently, joining thus to different types of artistic activity. The author stresses that I. Gazina in her study has noted that the Ukrainian folk music and song that are easy to comprehend, highly emotive and full of meaning, reflecting the traditional Ukrainian national culture, undoubtedly the best educational factors impact on preschool children. Music for them is natural ambience that evokes creativity, develops artistic and aesthetic abilities of the individual, specifically affect the underlying processes of the internal world of the child, the formation of patriotic feelings and the formation of interest in the Ukrainian national values which, in turn, is a sure foundation for further formation of the citizen-patriot with wide national consciousness and identity. National culture is the basis of formation of a fully developed personality and its implementation. Musical activity creates the necessary conditions for the moral education of the individual, the formation of his moral qualities, education foundations of general culture. National education by means of music aimed at the formation of patriotic feelings and interest in Ukrainian national values, in turn, is a reliable foundation for the further formation of a citizen-patriot. Thus, the art of music has a great educational potential, the use of which contributes to the formation of the child’s personality of the preschool age.
W okresie II Rzeczypospolitej w pracy szkół duży nacisk kładziono na kwestię wychowania. Oprócz stworzenia systemu szkolnego i likwidacji zjawiska analfabetyzmu postanowiono budować w społeczeństwie poczucie tożsamości narodowej, w dużej mierze zdeprecjonowanej przez zaborców, oraz kształtować świadomość obywatelską. Służyć temu miało wychowanie narodowe i państwowe. Jego idee wdrażały szkoły wszystkich typów w Polsce. Wychowanie narodowe i państwowe widoczne było także w pracy szkół Tarnowa i powiatu tarnowskiego. Zarówno formy realizacji, jak i treści merytoryczne koncentrowały się wokół chlubnych wydarzeń z historii Polski oraz osób biorących w nich udział. W trakcie realizacji podejmowano działania uczące dzieci i młodzież samorządności, kształtujące postawy patriotyzmu, szacunku dla dorobku polskiej kultury, poszanowania własnego kraju i polskiej państwowości.
During the period of Second Republic of Poland, there was a high emphasis on the matter of education. Except creating the scholar system, elimination of the phenomena of illiteracy, the essential element was building the sense of national identity depreciated in a large measure by occupants and formation of the civic awareness. The national and state education was to serve these purposes. Its ideas were introduced in schools of all types in Poland. The national education was also noticeable in the work of both schools of Tarnów and Tarnow District. The forms of implementation as well as the substantive content focused on the most important and glorious events in the history of Poland and people who participated in them. During the implementation, the actions concerning teaching children and young people of self-management, shaping the basics of patriotism, respect for the achievements of Polish culture, respect for their country and the Polish state were taken.
The aim of this article is to describe the process of emancipation in scouting and civic education in the scouting education of girls/women/scouts in Poland until 1921. The year 1921 is crucial as it closes the issue of gaining some rights by women in Poland (suffrage) and straightens up national issues - Poland regains independence and the struggle for its borders ends, scouting unites. The article shows what role the path of independence and emancipation and, above all, civic and scouting education played in the life of girl scouts. The text answers the question to what extent the imperative “to speak and act” reflecting emancipatory and civic competences is reflected in the history of Polish girl scouting (until 1921).
Celem artykułu jest opisanie procesu emancypacji w skautingu oraz edukacji obywatelskiej w wychowaniu skautowym dziewcząt/kobiet/skautek na ziemiach polskich do 1921 roku. Rok 1921 jest kluczowy, bo zamyka kwestię wywalczenia przez kobiety w Polsce części praw (prawa wyborcze) oraz prostuje sprawy narodowe – Polska odzyskuje niepodległość i kończą się walki o jej granice, jednoczy się harcerstwo. W artykule pokazano, jaką rolę w życiu skautek odegrały ścieżka samodzielności i emancypowania, a przede wszystkim edukacja obywatelska i wychowanie skautowe. Tekst odpowiada na pytanie, na ile imperatyw „mówić i działać” odzwierciedlający kompetencje emancypacyjne i obywatelskie znajduje odzwierciedlenie w historii skautingu żeńskiego na ziemiach polskich (do 1921 roku).
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