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tom 3
nr 2
In the present investigation, 15 first term university students were faced with 80 context-based idioms in English (L2) and Swedish (L1) respectively, 30 of which were in the source domain of animals, commonly used in both languages, and asked to explain their meaning. The idioms were of varying frequency and transparency. Three main research questions were thus addressed:1. How well do students master idioms in their L2 as compared to their L1?2. How do (a) degrees of transparency, (b) idiom frequency and (c) the choice of source domain affect students’ L1 and L2 comprehension?3. To what extent is context used when interpreting L1 and L2 idioms?Results show that while the frequency of an idiom does not appear to play a part in whether it is comprehended or not in either language, the degree of transparency is of great importance in students’ L2. Also, students make extensive use of context in their L2.
Content available Searching for an English self through writing
tom 5
nr 3
Most Finnish university students, just like the other new global elites (Kramsch, 2013), use English without problems. Some students, however, struggle with English to the extent that their studies suffer. One could say that they have a deeply “wounded” English self (Karlsson, 2013). My context of research and practice is the Autonomous Learning Modules (ALMS) at Helsinki University Language Centre. In my work as a language counsellor and practitioner-researcher, pedagogical concerns are always primary, and there is a need to appreciate diversity yet notice every student’s unique experiences. The broad background of my recent work is English as part of the identity of young academic Finns. In particular, I have been interested in how students with a “wounded” English self can develop new identity positions, and in how a language counsellor can help them in this process. In this paper, my focus is on the subtle practical interconnections between learner autonomy, learner diversity, and learner identity as they emerge in a diary written by a student of English with dyslexia and language (classroom) anxiety. A narrative case study of Mariia illustrates how the counsellor’s appreciation and her own recognition of the complex ecological realities (Casanave, 2012) surrounding and interacting with her learning encourage and empower her. Mariia uses her freedom to control her own learning (Huang & Benson, 2013) and makes choices from the many lifewide experiential learning opportunities in her life (Karlsson & Kjisik, 2011). Reflective writing in the learning diary helps her to construct a realistic vision of herself as a learner and user of English, and she leaves the identity position of a failure in the classroom and claims a new, more successful one (Norton, 2014).
tom 9
The article reflects upon remembrance of uranium mining and its political repercussions in Poland, Czechoslovakia and East Germany. The author uses various ecocritical writings to analyze the narratives of human exploitation (forced labour and political prisoners) and environmental devastation (landscape and human settlements). As a result she finds common motives. These include acts of remembering or certain generic features, which invite comparative analysis of Miedzianka, Jáchymov and “Wismut”. The author concludes that after 1989 the three uranium mines undergo a similar transformation process and turn into lieux de memoires.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badania 50 osób, które na skutek wypadku utraciły sprawność ruchową. Analiza treści przeprowadzonych z nimi wywiadów narracyjnych wskazuje na to, że pozytywny ton afektywny opowiadań o wypadku i jego wpływie na życie jednostki wiąże się z wyższym poziomem wzrostu potraumatycznego. Innymi czynnikami sprzyjającymi doświadczaniu wzrostu potraumatycznego okazały się nadzieja na sukces i nadzieja podstawowa, a także obecność w treści narracji motywu sprawczości.
In the article we present data collected from 50 people who lost their motor ability in accidents. Analyses of narrative interviews conducted with the accident victims suggest that a positive affective tone of narratives about the accident itself and the accident's influence on later life is connected to higher levels of posttraumatic growth. Other factors facilitating the experience of post-traumatic growth were hope and basic trust, as well as the theme of agency present in the narratives.
Content available První světová válka v prezidentských projevech
The paper focuses on reflection of the First World War in presidential speeches in years 1990–2013. This period delimits mandates of former Czech presidents Václav Havel and Václav Klaus. Ways in which both presidents referred to the historical event and in which they utilized its interpretation for legitimization of their political goals are compared. As its theoretical framework, the study utilizes an approach that has been developed by Jeffrey Alexander and Philip Smith as part of their program in cultural sociology. The study aims to identify the most significant cultural codes and narrative strategies of the analyzed speeches and to relate them to (supra)nationalistic metanarratives that they help to maintain. The study also points to the fact that presidential speeches represent an important case of utilization of past for the purposes of legitimization of state policy while also being a practice with which states are established.
tom 5
nr 2
A better understanding of the multifaceted, dynamic and situated identity of the language learner stands at the center of much current SLA research. One of the main ways in which it is investigated is through the examination of autobiographical language learning histories. In an effort to better understand some of the processes which lead to a motivated, confident and successful language learner and user, this article analyzes the language learning histories of two EFL student-teachers, notable for their commitment to the learning and teaching of English. A close analysis of their narratives, focusing on thematic, stylistic and performative aspects, reveals what narrative psychologist McAdams (2006) has called “redemptive” patterns, that is, narrative structures in which hardship leads to inner growth and difficulties become “springboards” (Pals, 2006) to success. The two narrators also display a similar flexibility in their evolving self-positioning in response to the difficulties they narrate, and for both, attachment to the imagined community of Anglophone popular culture is an essential component in this process. Together, the learning experiences delineated in the accounts support the call for student-focused pedagogy, which puts emphasis on creating a positive emotional atmosphere, on the one hand, and providing rich intercultural knowledge, on the other.
Artykuł ma na celu prezentację determinantów procesu readaptacji społecznej w narracjach byłych skazanych przebywających w Centrum Integracji „Pro Domo” w Krakowie. Analizie poddane zostaną wypowiedzi siedmiu byłych skazanych dotyczące czynników sprzyjających i blokujących skuteczną readaptację. W narracjach byłych skazanych dominuje troska o społeczne funkcjonowanie ze szczególnym naciskiem na odbudowanie, jeśli to możliwe, więzi rodzinnych, podjęcie pracy i samodzielne utrzymanie się. Istotne staje się też pokonanie uzależnienia od środków odurzających. Mimo że badani doświadczają codziennych trudności, podejmują jednak wysiłek powrotu do społeczeństwa i ułożenia sobie życia na wolności. Sprzyja temu pobyt w domu przejściowym, który staje się dla nich szansą. We wnioskach autor prezentuje rekomendacje dla praktyki resocjalizacyjnej. Readaptacja asystowana daje o wiele większe szanse skutecznej readaptacji społecznej, niż pozostawienie byłego skazanego samemu sobie.
The article aims to present the determinants of the process of social readaptation in the narratives of ex-prisoners from the “Pro Domo” Integration Center in Krakow. The analysis will cover the statements of seven ex-prisoners regarding factors which favor and block effective readaptation. The narratives of former convicts are dominated by concern for social functioning, with a special emphasis on rebuilding, if possible, family ties, taking up work and independent living. It is also important to overcome addiction to intoxicants. Despite the fact that the respondents experience everyday difficulties, they make the effort to return to society and set up a life of freedom. This is facilitated by staying in a halfway house, which represents an opportunity for them. In the conclusions, the author presents recommendations for resocialization practice. Assisted readaptation provides a much greater chance of effective social readaptation than leaving the ex-prisoners to themselves.
Memories of the Partition of India have, over the last decades, been constructed through a broad range of media, such as biographical memory, historiography, or literature. An interesting more recent example of remembrance is the illustrated golden jubilee edition of Khushwant Singh’s novel Train to Pakistan (2006) which features more than 60 of photographs of the US-American photojournalist Margaret Bourke-White and a wide range of editorial paratexts. An analysis of this new edition will show that the textual and visual narratives thus combined differ widely and do not support each other as the editor Pramod Kapoor claims. However, if we look at the project as a whole we find it to be more than simply an “illustrated version” of the original novel. Rather, it can be seen as what Marianne Hirsch has called a ‘postmemory’ project: Kapoor connects different viewpoints and narratives and thus finds a form of expressing his own view of Partition and the ways the second generation should deal with it.
Content available Porozumenie naratív u detí v predškolskom veku
The survey demonstrates a new approach for assessing the level of a text comprehension in pre‑school children on a sample of 40 children (N = 40, age range 3;2–5;9, mean age 4;5). Performances of text comprehension are compared in terms of gender, age, as well as comprehension of explicit and implicit information in a text. The survey shows that in terms of gender there are no overall statistically significant differences between boys and girls, as they are not found significant differences between explicit and implicit comprehension among the sample. The survey also confirms a relationship — the correlation between non‑verbal intelligence and comprehension of implicit information. On the other hand, the correlation between non‑verbal intelligence and comprehension of explicit information was not found.
Štúdia predstavuje nový prístup hodnotenia porozumenia na úrovni textu u detí v predškolskom veku na vzorke 40 detí (N = 40, vekové rozmedzie 3;2–5;9, priemerný vek 4;5). Výkony v oblasti porozumenia textu sú porovnávané z hľadiska pohlavia, veku ako i porozumenia explicitných a implicitných informácií v texte. Štúdia ukazuje, že z pohľadu pohlavia neexistujú celkovo štatisticky významné rozdiely medzi chlapcami a dievčatami, ako ani nie sú zistené signifikantné rozdiely medzi explicitným a implicitným typom porozumenia u jednotlivých detí vo vzorke. Súčasťou štúdie je i naznačenie vzťahu korelácie medzi intelektom a implicitným porozumením. Naopak vzťah medzi intelektom a explicitným porozumením na základe našich dát v štúdii potvrdený nebol.
Die Studie stellt neue Beurteilung des Textverständnisses (Textzusammenhänge) bei den Kindern im Vorschulalter dar (40 Kinder, N = 40, Alter zwischen 3;2–5;9, Durchschnittsalter 4;5). Die Leistung im Bereich der Textverständlichkeit wird je nach Geschlecht, Alter aber auch Verständnis der expliziten und impliziten Informationen im Text verglichen. Die Studie zeigt, dass es aus der Sicht des Geschlechtes, zwischen Mädchen und Jungen, keine statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede gibt. Weiterhin gib es keine Unterschiede zwischen dem expliziten und impliziten Verständnis bei einzelnen Kindern in der Studie. Ein Teil der Studie bestätigt den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Intellekt und dem implizitem Verständnis. Im Gegenteil wurde eine Korrelation zwischen Intellekt und explizitem Verständnis in unserer Studie nicht bestätigt.
Content available remote Paměť, trauma, smrt : intervence jazyka v narativu
This article discusses the options that narrative and language have in their attempts to capture or describe traumatic experience and death. It concentrates on two prose texts by Karel Čapek, Obyčejný život and Povětroň, and the first phase of Freudian psychoanalysis, pointing at generally distinguishable limits and distortions that arise when narrative and language come in contact with trauma and death. Contrary to the current trend within "trauma studies", the article does not deal with autobiographical records of traumatic experience. It rather tries to point out that thinking consistently about the connection between memory, language and trauma tends to blur and question the traditional distinction between fiction (understood as a work of imagination) and autobiography (taken as a description of real events). It also tries to show that psychoanalysis arrives, explicitly and implicitly, at a similar conclusion. The last part of the article poses the question what the resulting relationship between the outside (narrated, written story) and the "inner" experience is like, and to what extent the structure of this dyad can also be questioned.
Content available Polish Files in the Lomholt Archive of Mail Art
This text is devoted to the archives of mail art complied by the artists and the participants of the mail art network. Mail art was one the most representative artistic phenomena of the 1970s along with feminist art, performance, video art and land art. Today, all those phenomena find their place in the official art world except for mail art, which still remains outside the official institutions of the art world, in private collections. In recent years, most of those collections have been systematized and presented to the public. We should therefore attempt to establish the artistic significance and value of those private archives. This text seeks to contribute to this project, describing in details the Polish section of the archive compiled by the Danish artist Niels Lomholt.
Tekst dotyczy archiwów gromadzonych przez artystów mail artu i uczestników mail artowskiej sieci w latach 70. Mail art był zjawiskiem charakterystycznym dla sztuki lat 70., obok sztuki feministycznej, performance, sztuki video czy sztuki ziemi. O ile jednak wszystkie te zjawiska znalazły dzisiaj swoje miejsce w świecie sztuki, to mail art pozostał poza instytucjami świata sztuki, w rozlicznych archiwach, które są dzisiaj porządkowane i opracowywane. Jakie jest znaczenie i artystyczna wartość tych archiwów? Na to pytanie stara się odpowie-dzieć ten tekst, przyglądając się polskiej części archiwum duńskiego artysty Nielsa Lomholta.
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