W oparciu o dane dotyczące poszczególnych gałęzi górnictwa w artykule przedstawiono – w ujęciu statystycznym i analitycznym – problematykę naprawy szkód powodowanych ruchem zakładów górniczych w 2018 r.
In 2018, in all sectors of mining, the amount of PLN 372,527.6 was spent in total for the repair of damage caused by the operation of mining plants and preventive measures taken against the results of exploitation of minerals. 6,485 facilities were subject to repair. Preventive measures were applied in 1,009 facilities (PLN 54,903.4 spent). Among all branches of the mining industry, hard coal mining industry spends by far the largest amount of funds for repairing damage every year. In 2018, the amount of PLN 322,918.4 was spent on this purpose. Brown coal mines and non-ferrous metal ore mines incurred more significant expenditure (PLN 26,086.1 thousand and PLN 22,540.7 thousand, respectively). In all Polish mining, nearly half of the costs involved repairing damage by natural restitution. Such expenditure amounted to PLN 168,511.5 thousand. Most of those funds were allocated for the repairs of residential buildings (PLN 52,402.7 thousand), then by the repairs of roads, streets and Bridges (PLN 26,446.7 thousand in total) and repairs of railway structures and equipment (PLN 18,839.9 thousand). Financial liabilities of the mines in terms of various compensations amounted to PLN 126,300.4 thousand in 2018. In this category of cost, the largest amounts were allocated for one-off compensations for building structures (PLN 59,584.0 thousand). As in the previous years, settlements were the vast majority of the formal basis for repairing damage. In 2018, 11,999 settlement agreements were concluded, while common courts delivered final and binding judgements in 226 cases.
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