This paper describes a multiscale model able to predict the influence of multiaxial stress state and plasticity on the magneto-mechanical behaviour of ferromagnetic polycrystals. This multiscale model is based on localisation and homogenisation procedures, and on a magnetoelastic model for single crystal.
Opisano model o wielu skalach pozwalajqcy na przewidywanie wpływu wieloosiowych naprężeń na właściwości magneto-mechaniczne materiałów ferromagnetycznych polikrystalicznych. Model ten wykorzystuje procedury ujednorodniania oraz magnetoelastyczny model kryształu.
This research paper applies the finite element method as a methodology to evaluate the structural performance of nonlinear viscoelastic solids. A finite element algorithm was built and developed to simulate the mathematical nonlinear viscoelastic material behavior based on incremental constitutive equations. The derived Equation of the incremental constitutive included the complete strain and stress histories. The Schapery’s nonlinear viscoelastic material model was integrated within the displacement-based finite element environment to perform the analysis. A modified Newton-Raphson technique was used to solve the nonlinear part in the resultant equations. In this work, the deviatoric and volumetric strain–stress relations were decoupled, and the hereditary strains were updated at the end of each time increment. It is worth mentioning that the developed algorithm can be effectively employed for all the permissible values of Poisson’s ratio by using a selective integration procedure. The algorithm was tested for a number of applications, and the results were compared with some previously published experimental results. A small percentage error of (1%) was observed comparing the published experimental results. The developed algorithm can be considered a promising numerical tool that overcomes convergence issues, enhancing equilibrium with high-accuracy results.
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The paper deals with the safety criteria of design for an infinite fatigue life of machinery parts. Uniaxial and multiaxial zero mean stress are considered. In the latter case, constant-amplitude in-pase stress components, as well as random-amplitude synchronous stress components, are taken into account. Dimensionless and relative safety margins for these stress states are defined. The presented criteria refer to ductile materials showing true fatigue limits. Transformation rules in the plane are given for fatigue limits references to coordinate system different than the componets of the plane stress.
Rozpatrywane są kryteria nieograniczonej trwałości zmęczeniowej części maszyn przy jedno- i wieloosiowych stanach wahadłowych naprężeń o zgodnych w fazie stałoamplitudowych składowych oraz o synchronicznych składowych z losowo zmiennymi amplitudami. Zdefiniowano bezwymiarowe i względne marginesy bezpieczeństwa dla tych stanów. Przedstawione kryteria dotyczą materiałów ciągliwych posiadających granice zmęczenia. Dla granic zmęczenia odnoszących sie do innego układu współrzędnych niż składowe płaskiego stanu naprężenia podano reguły transformacji na płaszczyźnie.
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