Indoor air quality is an important factor influencing the human health and well-being. It is just as important as the quality of the outdoor air, as people spend most of their lives staying indoors. In order to improve the quality, it is vital to use the right filters that clean the air of chemical, physical and biological pollutants. Filtration efficiency largely depends on the filter material. Currently, polyester fibers, glass, polyurethane and latex are used for the production of filter fabrics. One of the latest solutions are filter materials coated with nanosilver disinfectant. Tests have been carried out in order to determine the microbiological efficiency of the nanosilver filter material (class F5, F7, F9) for the presence of the three most common strains of bacteria in the indoor air (Micrococcus luteus, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens). On the basis of results read 24, 72 hours and 7, 14 and 30 days after the drying-out of filters, the effect of the filter material treated with nanosilver on the growth of bacterial cells was established. The results allowed to determine the effectiveness of filters with nanosilver. They inhibit the growth of bacteria, both gram positive and gram negative. They also provide better indoor air quality, restrict the amount of biological pollution by reducing the growth of microorganisms on the surface of the filters. Therefore, the filters with nanosilver have higher filtration efficiency. Moreover, they remain clean for a longer time compared to the air filters that are not covered by the antibacterial compound.
Nano cząstki srebra (Ag-NPs) są coraz częściej stosowane dla uzyskania antybakteryjnych właściwości wyrobów włókienniczych. Badano dwoma metodami antybakteryjną skuteczność przeciwko szczepom Escherichia coli i Staphylococcus aureus, odporność na pranie zaimpregnowanych tkanin oraz zmianę koloru pokryć podłogowych pokrywanych preparacją z koloidalnego srebra. Uzyskano świetne wyniki pokrywając tkaniny nylonowe z pokrywą preparacją zawierającą 50-100 ppm składnika czynnego i uzyskując redukcję 99.42% przeciwko Staphylococcus aureus oraz 79.25% przeciwko Escherichia coli. Stwierdzono również zachowanie właściwości antybakteryjnych po dziesięciu praniach. Badano możliwość usuwania cząstek srebra ze ścieków za pomocą spektroskopii UV. Obecność cząstek nanosrebra na powierzchni tkanin potwierdzono stosując SEM i EDX. Zastosowanie badanej preparacji zapobiega powstawaniu przykrego zapachu związanego ze wzrostem patogenicznych mikroorganizmów.
Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) are increasingly being incorporated in a variety of products, textiles, and in healthcare, mainly due to their antibacterial properties. The present study investigated the antimicrobial efficiency and colour changes of floor covering loaded with colloidal silver nanoparticles via a simple and cost-effective method. The influences of colloidal concentration on antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus as well as laundering durability were studied. The results of the silver-treated floor covering (nylon 6 piles) with 50 - 100 ppm dilution exhibited outstanding antimicrobial efficiency and indicated a 99.42% reduction in Staphylococcus aureus and a 79.25% reduction in Escherichia coli. Furthermore, the bioactivity of Ag-NPs was maintained even after ten washings. The removal of silver nanoparticles in wastewater was investigated by UV-visible spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and EDX were employed to confirm the presence of nano silver on the surface. The results indicated that Gram positive bacteria are more tolerant to silver than Gram negative bacteria. An appropriate antimicrobial agent deposited on floor covering can prevent unpleasant odours and growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
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