Wodotrwałe gatunki papieru często wymagają zastosowania utleniających substancji wspierających rozwłóknianie. Tradycyjny podchloryn jest niepożądany, ze względu na jego szkodliwość i wpływ na ulegające adsorpcji organiczne chlorowce (AOX). Nowe, surowsze przepisy, szczególnie w Europie, jeszcze bardziej ogranicząjego stosowanie. Alternatywny nadsiarczan w postaci proszku jest bardziej przyjazny dla środowiska, ale często ma ograniczoną skuteczność i pewne wady, np. alkaliczne zażółcenie masy. Kemira opracowała nowy ekologiczny środek pomocniczy do rozwłókniania - FennoSpec 9368. Ten produkt jest oparty na nadwęglanie sodu i stanowi ekonomiczną alternatywę oraz nie posiada znaczących wad. W artykule omówiono korzyści, zalety i doświadczenia przemysłowe związane z zastosowaniem FennoSpec 9368.
Wet-strengthened paper grades often require a use of oxidative repulping aids. Traditional hypochlorite is undesirable due to its hazardous nature and a contribution to AOX. New stricter regulations, especially in Europe, will restrict its use even further. Alternative persulfate powders are more eco-friendly, but often limited in their effectiveness and have some drawbacks, e.g., alkaline yellowing of pulp. A new eco-friendly repulping aid, FennoSpec 9368, was developed by Kemira. This product is based on sodium percarbonate chemistry and provides an economic alternative without significant drawbacks. The benefits, advantages and industrial experiences with FennoSpec 9368 are reviewed in this paper.
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Due to the extreme toxicity of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F), the remediation of PCDD/F aquifer source zones is greatly needed; however, it is very difficult due to their persistence and recalcitrance. The potential degradability of PCDD/F bound to a real matrix was studied in five systems: iron in a high oxidation state (ferrate), zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI), palladium nanopowder (Pd), a combination of nZVI and Pd, and persulfate (PSF). The results were expressed by comparing the total toxicity of treated and untreated samples. This was done by weighting the concentrations of congeners (determined using a standardized GC/HRMS technique) by their defined toxicity equivalent factors (TEF). The results indicated that only PSF was able to significantly degrade PCDD/F. Toxicity in the system decreased by 65% after PSF treatment. Thus, we conclude that PSF may be a potential solution for in-situ remediation of soil and groundwater at PCDD/F contaminated sites.
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