In this article the author analyses the literary sources of Thecla’s hymn from Methodius of Olympus’ Symposium. It is obvious that Methodius took over his concept of the treaty on chastity from Plato’s Symposium, but in the end of the work, or Thecla’s Hymn, is closer to Origen, from whom he borrowed the concept of mystical marriage of the Church and of the soul. In the hymn there are some common motifs with Song of Songs, especially with regard to the allegorical interpretation of love. The hymn is not Platonic, but it is a poetic summary of philosophical discussion, and praise and glory to Christ.
Artykuł traktuje o polskiej nauczycielce, katoliczce, Alicji Lenczewskiej (1934- 2012), poślubionej mistycznie Bogu, autorce dwutomowego dzieła, w którym utrwaliła pouczenia Zbawiciela, przedstawiła dzieje swojej duszy i opisała otrzymane od Stwórcy nadzwyczajne charyzmaty, do których należy zaliczyć: mistyczne zaślubiny, ekstazy, stygmaty niewidzialne i obrazy duchowe.
The article deals with a Polish teacher, Catholic, Alicja Lenczewska (1934-2012), mystically married to God, the author of a two-volume work in which she recorded the Savior‘s instructions, presented the history of her soul and described the extraordinary charisms received from the Creator, including mystical weddings, ecstasy, invisible stigmas and spiritual images.
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