The philosophical premises should be the constructs and ideas from which grand theoretical perspectives can be deduced. As Himes and Schulenberg (2013:1) put it, “Philosophy and theory are perpetually linked; philosophy influences how one sees the world, theory shapes how one intentionally interacts with that world”. Let us just for a moment doubt science and challenge its dogma. What if science is not able to measure a dimension of life and then ignores it and teaches people to make this a private dimension and not to insist that this dimension also asserts itself in the public domain. What if people intuitively know that there is a spiritual world but are bombarded by scientific dogma to ignore it? Explanations on the origin of life, spiritual possession and death after life cannot be explained from a positivistic methodological view point simply because scientists have not been able to develop measuring instruments for these phenomena. To ignore sacred things and experiences and to be informed that you are “hallucinating” may be a cause for anxiety and, depression. Scientists are not comfortable when confronted by mysticism, metaphysical tendencies and religion. Despite the stance of scientists not to engage in matters that cannot be scientifically measured, millions of lives around the globe are affected by “super-natural phenomena.” The article looks at the spiritual world from a biblical perspective in order to demonstrate that Satanism and occult practices are the inverse of Christianity. The objective is to establish a cross-disciplinary approach to find answers to some crimes that seems to be motivated by spiritual possession and mystic beliefs.
The aim of the article is to present an intriguing issue of multiculturalism in Durban, South Africa. The city’s social and cultural rapid development is based on tripolar culture of the African, Asian and European origin. Strongly rooted native Bantu culture repre-sented since 18th century by the Zulu tribe which collided with the European culture of Dutch and British origin. That is complemented by the rich Indian culture, which since the second half of the 19th century played a significant role in the development of the city.
Tematem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie intrygującego zagadnienia jakim jest wielokulturowość południowoafrykańskiej metropolii Durban. Szybki rozwój społeczny i kulturalny miasta ma swe podłoże w trójbiegunowej kulturze rodem z Afryki, Azji i Europy. Silnie zakorzeniona kultura Bantu reprezentowana od XVIII wieku przez plemię Zulusów, zderzyła się już w XIX wieku z napływową kulturą europejską, najpierw holenderską a następnie brytyjską. Całość uzupełnia bogata kultura indyjska, która od drugiej połowy XIX wieku odgrywa znaczącą rolę w rozwoju miasta.
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