Rapid civilization and technological development in the 20th century has led to extraordinary strive for knowledge. In the past the symbols of power and wealth were associated with magnificent cathedrals, palaces or town halls. According to Mario Botta 'museum in a contemporary city plays analogical role to former cathedrals'. Especially dramatic boom in the field of museum construction took place in the last decade of the previous century when about 25% of the existing world exhibition space came into being. The subject of the research in the doctor's thesis by the author were museums and multifunctional museum complexes designed and constructed in Europe and North America between years 1990 - 2004 located in big cities (above 250 thousands citizens) and in suburban areas of metropolitan cities, in the context of their role in spatial structure of the cities. Designs and constructions presented in the thesis have been analyzed according to four basic criteria: attractiveness of the architectural form as related to architectural and urban context, role of a building or a complex in the holistic urban composition, creation of an attractive, freely accessible space on the basis of the museum or revitalization of the existing space, role of buildings and newly created spaces related to them in spatial, social and economical structure of a city or a district. A few dozen among a few hundred of museums and museum complexes designed and constructed in Europe and North America and several Polish examples have been analyzed by the author in his thesis. The present article shows the results of the mentioned paper. What draws attention, is diversity of spatial locations of newly designed and constructed museums and museum complexes which came into existence between years 1990 - 2004. For the sake of significant differences in the existing compositional and urban conditions of common cultural heritage the paper is distinguished by typological diversity of the related spaces and their varied roles in the composition of the whole city. Museums constructed nowadays in historic city cores and centres of big cities have been discussed in three thematic groups: Museums constructed as seal complements of streets facades (also on large corner plots or as complements of quarters in dense urban fabric) Museums located nearby central squares (both inscribed in the facade and as free standing solids, creating a facade of a square) Free standing museums (e.g. in greenery, next to waters and water reservoirs) closely related to a historic city core. New museum buildings are built, apart from historic city cores, as elements of new urban arrangements of big scale and significance for the development of cities and even regions. Free areas, especially in European cities, are usually revitalized, regained often post - industrial or post - military quarters. In American cities the problem is observable to a smaller extent. Some museums these days are built on the areas on the edge of a city and areas free from investments: suburban areas, villa districts, green areas related to rest and active recreation. The designs and realizations discussed in the thesis have been analyzed within two theme groups: Museums constructed in the context of urban areas. Museums constructed on the edge of urban space and non residential areas (also in suburban residential areas) Multifunctional museum complexes presently built on both sides of The Atlantic Ocean are an unusually characteristic model of a museum institution for the period of the last years discussed in the thesis. Various representative examples of multifunctional museum complexes have been analyzed in the paper. The museums are located both in historic city cores, in the context of newly constructed districts and in suburban recreational districts of huge metropolitan cities. Multifunctional museum complexes offer not only a wide range of functional possibilities but also freely accessible public spaces both open and covered facilitated in a modem way. One of the elements of revitalization of urban space are contemporary transformations of the existing museums and adaptations of historic buildings for museum purposes. They contribute to activation of neglected and abandoned areas introducing a new quality. They also play roles of urban catalysts entailing other new investments. Contemporary adaptations of historic buildings for museum purposes presented in the thesis have been chosen with regard to diverse typology of urban public spaces co-created by them. The above consideration as well as the sum of the research and comparative analysis done by the author, also in the thesis, based on a selected group of designs and structures allow formulating final conclusions. They might turn out useful both for the scientific discipline and professional practice in Poland, where recently it has been possible to observe a rising interest in new museum investments (Cracow, Warsaw, Silesia). - Contemporary public spaces created with the contribution of museums, multifunctional museum complexes or adapted historic buildings are significant for status and image of a city and may become vital for its urban composition. - A museum or a multifunctional museum complex might become a significant attribute of quality of a public space if it is accompanied by an attractive architectural form and attractively facilitated public spaces combined with freely accessible urban interiors. - A successful realization of a museum along with related public spaces may increase to a large extent the significance, attractiveness and competitiveness of a city on the arena of a country or even internationally. - By creating multifunctional museum complexes well functioning, clear urban complexes might be built also on degenerated areas and deprived of urban qualities. A museum or a museum complex might become an urban catalyst, a vital revitalizing element for destructed urban spaces (also city cores). - A success of a museum in economic and social aspects is connected mostly with the attractiveness of a building, its surroundings and its communicational accessibility, and to a smaller degree with its location and exhibition range. Functions assisting exposition combined with attractive public spaces might contribute to the success of a museum in social and economical aspects. Thus, the most flourishing museum investments, which bear the competition of contemporary shopping and recreational centres, seem to be multifunctional museum complexes.
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W pracy omówiono podstawowe kwestie związane ze zmianami mikroklimatu w pomieszczeniach muzealnych. Wskazano przyczyny występowania oraz sposoby zapobiegania kondensacji pary wodnej z powietrza. Podano wybrane przykłady oceny tych zjawisk i ich związek z warunkami eksploatacji pomieszczeń ze względu na działanie systemu ogrzewania i wentylacji.
In the paper some basie problems of microclimate change in museum rooms arę discussed. An occurrence and methods of avoiding the moisture condensation from an air have been exposed. There arę given some selected examples of such phenomena analysis and its connection to exploitation of the buildings in respect to the HVAC system operation.
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Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie jest najstarszym polskim muzeum narodowym. Powołano go w 1879r. Po uzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości rozgorzały wieloletnie dyskusje co do miejsca i kształtu obiektu potrzebnego dla pomieszczenia nie eksponowanych dotąd zbiorów. Podjęto decyzję o całkiem nowej inwestycji, inwestycji nowoczesnej i współczesnej swoim czasom ale też monumentalnej i narodowej, w duchu tendencji nacjonalistycznych odbudowującego się po rozbiorach państwa czyli o budowie tzw. Nowego Gmachu Muzeum Narodowego. Obiekt ten miał także pomieścić dzieła wieszcza i artysty - Stanisława Wyspiańskiego. Inwestycję rozpoczęto w 1934r według nagrodzonego projektu i realizowano go do 1939r, tj do wybuchu II wojny światowej, dzięki ofiarności całego polskiego społeczeństwa oraz wsparciu państwa polskiego. Budowę kontynuowano w czasie wojny, przy czym od 1940 do 1943r realizowana była ona jako przebudowa obiektu na Staadkasino Krakau. Prace po wojnie ruszyły dopiero w 1949r, ponownie jako Muzeum Narodowe ale już w wersji okrojonej projektu pierwotnego i były kolejną przebudową prowadzoną do 1957r. W 1958r rozpoczęto działania dla opracowania projektu rozbudowy okrojonego dotąd budynku a realizację tak zakreślonego zamierzenia zakończono w 1990r. W 2004r, przy okazji jubileuszu, rozstrzygnięto konkurs na kolejną rozbudowę a właściwie dobudowę nowego obiektu, tj. tzw. Pawilonu Wyspiańskiego. Śledząc dzieje budynku Nowego Gmachu Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie możemy obserwować jak teoria i praktyka ale także polityka i realia zmieniały się na przestrzeni lat. Na przykładzie tego modernistycznego obiektu, w kontekście całego założenia, w tym urbanistycznego, widzimy także jak pewne podejmowane decyzje wpływają na ochronę architektury, czy to w rozumieniu kontynuacji myśli pierwotnej czy to w dostosowaniu kontynuacji do myśli obowiązującej.
The National Museum in Cracow is the oldest national museum in Poland. It was founded in 1879. National discussion has taken place for years about the location and form of the building to expose a collection that was never shown. The decision was taken to erect a completely new building, monumental, modern and contemporary, presenting national spirit adequate for the so called National Museum New Building. The works of Stanisław Wyspiański, the great Polish poet and artist, were to be placed in this building. The building process started in 1934 according to the awarded design, and was continued, thanks to effort of the whole society and the support of the government, until 1939, i.e. the beginning of World War 2. The works were continued during the war years of 1940-1943 as converting into Nazis Staatkasino Krakau. Work started again after the war in 1949, again under the name of the National Museum, but with a reduced program, being in fact another conversion of the original plans, and was completed in 1957. In 1958 work was started to prepare a project extending the formerly reduced program, and the building based on these plans was completed in 1990. In 2004, on the occasion of the jubilee, a competition was judged for another expansion, or rather the next extension of the so called "Wyspiański's pavilion". Tracing the history of construction of Cracow’s National Museum New Building, one is able to observe the changes of theory and practice, and also politics, through the time period. The example of this modernistic building demonstrates the results of preservation decisions regarding both realizing the primary plan and adopting it to contemporary urban and architectural doctrines.