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Purpose: The technological progress of production processes causes changes in the social structure of work, i.e. modifies the content of most, if not all, workplaces. In that respect, the identification of changes in the intensity of creativeness, the level of education, and the experience of employees in production processes and occupational tasks is a particularly important issue. The article investigates the interdependence among work creativity, education, and job experience of employees of one of the municipal companies operating in Poland. Methodology: The study employs firm-level data covering over 2,200 observations. The study gathered data from three major internal sources of information: the scopes of responsibilities of organizational positions, personnel documentation regarding the individual level of education and professional experience, and the results of interviews with executive staff and employees on particular posts. The research proceedings base on document analysis, structured interviews, teamwork methods, and a classification technique. Results: Research revealed that the complexity of work increased in the company. Jobs requiring higher levels of creativity are occupied by employees with relatively higher education. However, their average level of education in the analyzed period decreased as opposed to jobs that require relatively lower levels of creativity. The analysis of interdependence between creativity and job experience identified that there emerged a relatively shorter average job experience for employees who perform cognitive work. Moreover, the average job experience increased in the group of employees who perform routine manual and non-routine cognitive work. Implications: The study refers to the job polarization issue by confirming the tendencies of labor markets. It also addresses issues concerned with technological progress, although they are not confirmed by research in this paper. Originality/Value: The main contribution of the paper is the interesting dataset gathered. Furthermore, the paper addresses an interesting question where empirical research at the firm level is lacking, particularly municipal company.
Content available remote Analiza ekonomiczna i wynik ekonomiczny przedsiębiorstwa komunalnego [X]
Celem artykułu jest analiza sytuacji finansowej w wybranym komunalnym przedsiębiorstwie. Po wejściu Polski do UE analiza ekonomiczna jest bardzo ważną kategorią w zarządzaniu biznesem. Analiza mechanizmów ekonomiczno-finansowych przeprowadzona została na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa komunalnego. Na podstawie analizy syntetycznej wyniku finansowego dokonano identyfikacji głównych problemów działalności przedsiębiorstwa. W kolejnych etapach opracowania przeprowadzono szczegółową analizę przyczynowo-skutkową ich wpływu na pozycję firmy.
The aim of article is analysis of financial situation in select municipal company. After entrance Poland to EU economic analysis is a very important category in business management. The author presents practical usefulness a lot of economic index. The attention was turned on advantage of rentability in relation to accountants of coefficients of evaluation enterprise as well as in relation to practical methods. The company was to identify the determinants of business profitability. The results suggest that profitability was determined by, among others: ownership structure, labour effectiveness, indebtedness and technological standard. Municipal companies have lower profitability of turnover than private and public businesses. Capital investments seem to be a very effective strategy aimed at higher profitability. Recently economic analysis is a one of category decision take up by businessman in every firm in Poland and EU.
The main objective of this article is to determine the effectiveness of enterprises providing municipal services and a model approach for processes related to the provision of local public transport services in Poland. In particular, the identification included methods of organisation and implementation of public utility tasks as well as organisational and legal forms and forms of ownership in the case of local collective transport. An attempt has been made to determine the effectiveness of enterprises providing urban transport services in cities in Poland, assessing their operational, financial, technical and social effectiveness. The research design and methods used in this article are based on the assessment of the effectiveness of enterprises using taxonomic methods of grouping e ntities according to selected characteristics and efficiency measures. The use of the k-means method with the number of clusters determined on the basis of the hierarchical Ward method, in which the contribution of variables to the differentiation of clusters was determined on the basis of a one-way analysis of ANOVA variance, to obtain groups of companies with similar efficiency indicators. The findings, based on the conducted research, present the relationship between the economic efficiency of public transport companies and their organisational and legal form as well as the type of ownership. Recommendations from empirical studies indicate that public enterprises operating in the field of municipal services provide public utility services with a higher level of economic efficiency than other distinctive groups of carriers. The added value is that the research methods presented in this work can be successfully applied to other sectors of the economy and other countries in order to verify the effectiveness of individual organizational, legal and ownership forms of enterprises.
The subject of the article is the analysis of the rights of councillors regarding an individual oversight of municipal companies. The article identifies interpretation problems that may arise in the exercise of these powers. Doubts may concern the definition of entities obliged to provide information, linking the scope of information with the mandate exercised by a gmina (commune) councillor. Additionally, the problem of refusal or failure to provide information to councillors arises. If such information is classified as public, councillors may attempt to obtain it only according to the relevant statute. However, if this qualification is taken into account, the introduction of separate provisions, which are not sanctioned, raises doubts.
Objectives: This paper aims to address a problem that includes the managing of the municipal economy by local government units (LGUs). The research issue raised regarded, in particular, the rules and organisational-legal norms for managing a municipal economy. Its expression is the posed hypothesis according to which what matters significantly for LGUs in the choice of form for conducting a municipal economy is both the character of the task as well as whether this form is recognised as a subject of the public finances sector, and, what follows, whether its indebtedness is subject to statutory restrictions and influences the financial situation of LGUs. Research Design & Methods: To verify a hypothesis formulated in such a way, firstly theoretical and legal aspects of managing a municipal economy by LGUs have been put forward. Next a comparative analysis for forms of managing a municipal economy by LGUs was conducted, i.e. a local self-government budgetary establishment and a municipal company, and the most significant characteristics of the discussed forms, as well as their effects being a result of their choice by LGUs, were indicated. Comparative and descriptive analysis has been used in this paper; it included analysis of financial data regarding the management of a municipal economy by LGUs, but in strict correlation with institutional and legal conditions for the realisation of public tasks and their conditioning. Findings: As a result of the research conducted, it has been concluded that changes taking place in the scope of forms of managing a municipal economy point towards more and more common tasks realised by LGUs both in the field of public utility as well as outside of the public utility zone in the form of commercial law companies. Contribution: Basic kinds of risks associated with the realisation of tasks by the budgetary establishment and municipal company have also been defined. Moreover, research results show that possibilities for such a wide operation result first and foremost from imprecise legal regulations, which are at the same time the only source of risk associated with the operation of such companies.
Subject and purpose of work: This article aims to identify the spatial diversity of Polish municipal services companies operating pursuant to the Commercial Companies Code. Materials and methods: The data from the database Structural changes of national economy entities in the REGON register was used. To evaluate the spatial diversity in the occurrence of municipal services companies, this article employed an indicator of the number of municipal capital companies per commune. Results: Although there is a clear spatial diversity among municipal services companies, their number in Poland increased significantly during the period 2005-2015. The majority of these companies operate in the most industrialised and urbanised regions. Conclusions: The form of a capital company in the municipal economy sector is the most suitable for a large scale of conducted operations. A small scale of operations, characteristic mainly of rural communes, predisposes them for applying the form of a budgetary establishment.
Przedmiot i cel pracy: Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja przestrzennego zróżnicowania przedsiębiorstw gospodarki komunalnej w Polsce działających na podstawie Kodeksu Spółek Handlowych. Materiały i metody: Wykorzystano dane pochodzące z bazy Zmiany strukturalne podmiotów gospodarki narodowej w rejestrze REGON. Do oceny przestrzennego zróżnicowania występowania przedsiębiorstw komunalnych wykorzystano wskaźnik liczebności komunalnych spółek kapitałowych na gminę. Wyniki: Liczba spółek komunalnych w Polsce w okresie 2005-2015 znacząco wzrosła, aczkolwiek wyraźne jest ich zróżnicowanie przestrzenne. Najwięcej takich przedsiębiorstw działa w najbardziej uprzemysłowionych i zurbanizowanych regionach. Wnioski: Forma spółki kapitałowej w gospodarce komunalnej jest najbardziej odpowiednia przy dużych rozmiarach prowadzonej działalności. Niewielka skala prowadzonej działalności charakterystyczna głównie dla gmin wiejskich predestynuje je do wykorzystania formy zakładu budżetowego.
Autor zauważa, że komunikację publiczną w gminach lub związkach gmin najczęściej obsługują spółki komunalne. Takie rozwiązanie ma niestety szereg wad. Brak wolnorynkowej konkurencji, wysokie koszty stałe i koszty zatrudnienia, nie zawsze kompetentna kadra kierownicza, opór wobec innowacji i zmian organizacyjnych – to tylko niektóre z nich. Co trzeba zrobić, aby zminimalizować te mankamenty?
The author notices that the public transport system in municipalities or municipality unions is operated by municipal companies. Unfortunately, such solution has numerous flaws. The lack of free market competition, high fixed costs and labour costs, not always competent managerial staff, resistance to innovation and organizational changes - are only some of them. What should be done to minimise these drawbacks?
Celem artykułu jest analiza dopuszczalności powierzenia samorządowej jednostce organizacyjnej wykonywania zadań z zakresu utrzymania czystości i porządku na terenie gminy. W opracowaniu uwzględniono ostatnią nowelizację ustawy z dnia z dnia 13 września 1996 roku o utrzymaniu czystości i porządku w gminach (tj. z dnia 17 lutego 2012 r. (Dz.U. z 2012 r. poz. 391), która weszła w życie 1 stycznia 2012 roku. W tym zakresie, szczegółowej analizie został poddany nowo wprowadzony art. 6 d powołanej ustawy, który obliguje burmistrzów do organizowania przetargów na wykonywanie działań objętych zakresem jej regulacji. W analizie tej uwzględniono także stosunek wskazanej ustawy do innych aktów regulujących pozycję ustrojową gminy w systemie administracji publicznej oraz jej wpływ na dotychczas obowiązujące zasady funkcjonowania jednostek samorządu terytorialnego.
The aim of the article is to analyze the admissibility of entrusting the local unit of the tasks related to the maintenance of cleanliness and order in the municipality. The study takes into account the latest amendment to the Act of 13 September 1996 on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities (Act of 17 February 2012. (Journal of Laws of 2012. Pos. 391), which entered into force on 1 January 2012. In this regard, a detailed analysis has been newly introduced art. 6 d of the Act, which obliges the mayors to organize tenders for the execution of actions within the scope of its regulation. In this analysis takes into account the ratio of the Law to other acts regulating the systemic position of municipalities in the system of public administration and its impact on the previously existing rules of functioning of local government units.
W niniejszym artykule autor analizuje wady kupowania używanego taboru. Jak zaznacza, im starszy tabor jest eksploatowany, tym mniejszą ma wartość, zarówno odnotowaną w bilansie operatora, jak i w cenie na rynku wtórnym. Zakupy nowego taboru bez wsparcia funduszami pomocowymi UE są bardzo skromne (1-3 proc. stanu inwentarzowego rocznie) i nie gwarantują w perspektywie nadchodzących lat pomniejszenia średniego wieku stanu taboru. Autobusy w wieku około 10 lat na zagranicznym rynku wtórnym są 10-krotnie tańsze od taboru nowego. Społecznym argumentem zakupu używanych autobusów jest zapewnienie pracy dla pracowników zaplecza technicznego. Wśród głównych wad wymienia się między innymi fakt, że operator dysponujący nadmiernie zużytym taborem z powodów ekonomicznych nie zdoła przez następne lata doprowadzić do stanu inwentarzowego, w którym nie będzie się eksploatować pojazdów kilkunasto- lub kilkudziesięcioletnich.
In this paper the author analyses the drawbacks of buying secondhand vehicles. As he emphasises, the older are the operated vehicles, the lower is their value both registered in the operator’s balance sheet as well as their price on the secondary market. Purchases of new vehicles without support of EU aid funds are very modest (1-3% of the inventory per year) and do not guarantee in the nearest years that an average vehicle age would be reduced. Buses of around 10 years of age on the foreign secondary market are 10 times cheaper than the new ones. A social argument to buy second-hand buses consists in ensuring the work for the technical maintenance staff. The main mentioned drawbacks include the fact that the operator having overly economically worn vehicles in the next years will not be capable to cope (to have an inventory situation, in which it will not be in a position to operate vehicles a dozen or so or a few dozen or so years old).
The provisions of the new salary cap act entered into force on 9 September 2016 (Ustawa z dnia 9 czerwca 2016). The new provisions apply to State Treasury Companies and some municipal companies. One of the basic assumptions of the act is the obligatory enforcement of management objectives in companies by the owners. The variable part of management salaries will depend on the degree of completion of individual objectives. In the first part, the article presents the results of studies of the texts of owner regulations concerning the method of formulating and the type of management objectives in municipal companies. The second part includes the author’s considerations concerning possible economic and social effects of the implementation of management objectives in companies. In the conclusions, the author attempts to answer a question whether objectives formulated in this manner can actually improve the quality of management of municipal companies?
Odnawialne źródła energii przez ostatnie lata na dobre zadomowiły się w polskich jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego, a także w przedsiębiorstwach komunalnych funkcjonujących w ich ramach. Powoli aklimatyzują się w obiektach należących do uczelni, kolei, spółdzielni mieszkaniowych, a nawet instytucji kultu religijnego.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę rozwiązującą problem wyznaczania tras jazdy pojazdów w przedsiębiorstwach komunalnych. Przedstawiona metoda składa się z trzech etapów: przygotowawczy, optymalizacyjny i generowania tras.Każdy etap została scharakteryzowana. W pracy przedstawiono model matematyczny wyznaczania tras pojazdów, określono funkcję kryterium oraz warunek wyznaczania tras załadunkowych. Minimalna trasa załadunkowa opisana w etapie optymalizacyjnym została wyznaczona algorytmem genetycznym. Opisane zostały etapy algorytmu genetycznego. Została przedstawiona struktura przetwarzana przez algorytm, funkcja przystosowania, proces krzyżowania, mutacji i inwersji. Struktura została przedstawiona jako ciąg liczb naturalnych, w procesie selekcji zastosowano metodę ruletki oraz operator krzyżowania PMX. Metodę zweryfikowano w programie C#.
The paper presents a method designating the vehicle routing problem in municipal service 4605 companies.Presented method consists of three phase: the preparatory phase, the optimization phase and the generated routes phase. Each phase was characterized.In this paper the mathematical model of this problem was presented. The function of criterion and the condition on designating the routes were defined. The minimum route described in the optimization phase was designated by the genetic algorithm. In this paper the stages of constructing of the genetic algorithm were presented. A structure of the data processed by the algorithm, a function of adaptation, a selection of chromosomes, a crossover, a mutation and an inversion were characterized. A structure of the data was presented as string of natural numbers. In selection process the roulette method was used and in the crossover process the operator PMX was presented. The method was verified in programming language C #.
Content available remote Wpływ celów zarządczych na zarządzanie spółkami komunalnymi
Ustawa z dnia 9 czerwca 2016 r. o zasadach kształtowania wynagrodzeń osób kierujących niektórymi spółkami wprowadziła zależność wynagrodzenia zmiennego członka zarządu spółki komunalnej od stopnia realizacji obligatoryjnie wyznaczanych przez organ właścicielski celów zarządczych. Celem artykułu jest, oprócz wskazania błędów i niedociągnięć jakie ustawodawca popełnił w treści ustawy, analiza potencjalnego wpływu celów na efektywność zarządzania spółkami komunalnymi w Polsce. Podstawowy wniosek z przeprowadzonej analizy jest krytyczny, bowiem o ile wprowadzanie tego typu zmian można uznać za właściwe dla zwiększania efektywności zarządzania, to przepisy prawa, które znalazły się w tej ustawie nie tylko nie likwidują istniejących problemów zarządzania spółkami komunalnymi, ale powodują pojawienie się nowych trudności i dylematów w zarządzaniu.
The Act from 9 June 2016 concerning the rules of remuneration formation of persons managing certain companies, introduced, among others, dependence of the variable compensation for managing board member of a municipal company on the degree of implementation the management objectives set by the ownership. The aim of the article is, besides pointing out the errors and shortcomings that the legislator made in the act, to analyze their potential impact on the efficiency of management of municipal companies in Poland. The basic conclusion from the analysis is critical, since the introduction of such changes can be considered as appropriate solution for increasing management efficiency nevertheless the laws included in this act, not only, they do not eliminate existing problems of management of municipal companies but in fact, they cause the new difficulties and dilemmas in management.
The article raises the subject of the functioning of workers' representatives of municipal companies in supervising bodies of these companies i.e. supervisory boards. Pursuant to the analysis of the regulations of the code of trading companies and regulations which normalise the functioning of local government and municipal economy of the units of local government, the article presents an institution of the board of supervisors, the creation of these authorities, their competence and methods of realising supervisory tasks, emphasising the peculiarities which distinguish supervisory boards of communal companies in comparison with supervisory boards of companies without the participation of local government units. It also discusses practical consequences of the existing legal status in the field of participation of municipal companies' employees in their supervisory boards on the basis of the study carried out in one-man companies of a local government unit. The author's conclusions about the participation of municipal company workers in supervisory boards indicate a necessity to explicitly and homogeneously regulate this issue with regard to all the communal companies.
Artykuł porusza temat funkcjonowania przedstawicieli pracowników spółek komunalnych w nadzorowaniu organów tych spółek, tj. rad nadzorczych. Zgodnie z analizą przepisów kodeksu spółek handlowych i wykonawczych, które normalizują funkcjonowanie samorządu terytorialnego oraz gospodarki komunalnej jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, w artykule przedstawiono instytucję rady nadzorczej, tworzenie tych organów, ich kompetencje i metody realizacji zadań nadzorczych, podkreślając specyfikę, która odróżnia rady nadzorcze spółek komunalnych w porównaniu z radą nadzorczą spółek, bez udziału jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych w jednoosobowych spółkach jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, omówione zostały również praktyczne konsekwencje obecnego stanu prawnego w zakresie uczestnictwa pracowników komunalnych spółek w ich radach nadzorczych. Autorskie wnioski dotyczące udziału pracowników komunalnych spółek w radach nadzorczych wskazują na konieczność wyraźnego i jednolitego uregulowania tej kwestii w odniesieniu do wszystkich gminnych spółek.
The author briefly presents the issue of implementation of tasks in the field of launching and running a municipal bike rental system and electric scooters by municipalities. She analyzes the legal nature of these tasks and the forms and methods of their implementation.
Autorka przedstawia w zwięzły sposób zagadnienie realizacji zadań związanych z wprowadzeniem i obsługą systemu wypożyczalni rowerów miejskich oraz skuterów elektrycznych przez władze samorządowe. Analiza obejmuje prawne aspekty tych zadań, formy i metody ich realizacji.
The subject of the gloss is the ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court and the preceding ruling of the Provincial Administrative Court in Gorzów Wielkopolski. In these judgments, the court came to the conclusion that the municipal council had the power to directly control municipal companies. This judgment is a breach of the previous jurisprudence, assuming that the supervision and control by the audit committee of the commune council takes place indirectly through the control of the activity of the executive body of the commune. The article analyses the arguments presented by the court both against the background of the previous jurisprudence and statements of the doctrine. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that the position of the Court that allows for the control of municipal companies by audit committees is not supported by the applicable legal status. Even if it is assumed that the board may indicate such an object of control, there are no legal instruments forcing the company to submit to such control. The only instrument envisaged by the legislator is the right to individual control of companies by councilors.
Przedmiotem glosy jest orzeczenie Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego oraz poprzedzającego go wyroku Wojewódzkiego Sądu Administracyjnego w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim. W wyrokach tych sąd doszedł do przekonania, że rada gminy ma kompetencje do bezpośredniego kontrolowania spółek komunalnych. Wyrok ten stanowi wyłom w dotychczasowej linii orzeczniczej, przyjmującej że nadzór i kontrola sprawowane przez komisję rewizyjną rady gminy następują pośrednio przez kontrolę działalności organu wykonawczego gminy. W artykule poddano analizie argumenty przedstawione przez sąd zarówno na tle dotychczasowego orzecznictwa, jak i wypowiedzi doktryny. W konsekwencji autor dochodzi do przekonania, że stanowisko sądu dopuszczające kontrolę spółek komunalnych przez komisje rewizyjne nie znajduje oparcia w obowiązującym stanie prawnym. Nawet jeżeli przyjąć, że rada może wskazać taki przedmiot kontroli, to nie istnieją instrumenty prawne zmuszające spółkę do podporządkowania się tej kontroli. Jedyny instrument, jaki przewidział ustawodawca, to uprawnienia do indywidualnej kontroli spółek przez radnych.
This work aims at describing the possibilities of using modern marketing technique by Polish companies providing communal services. The evolution of the environment faced by those institutions is forcing them to take adequate and active measures to counter any negative influence coming form the market. The new market entourage requires a new approach form those companies - one that takes into account the ever growing role of their shareholders as well as their stakeholders, who are amassing influence at an prodigious rate. Communal companies must be prepared to change their communication methods and schemes to reflect a new, changed environment, concentrated on their relationship with both clients as well as stakeholders. Changes are needed to support their market situation and respond to threats. This lecture tries to define the various technical and adaptive challenges linked to communal services and goods, both in terms of definitions but also in the form of unique characteristics describing them. One must remember that a product can shape the possibilities of using marketing techniques by a company, to a much greater extent than his direct and indirect competitors. All those requirements toward specific marketing methods must be taken into account when one is trying to implement them. The work uses the example of SPEC S.A., a Warsaw-based, wholly communally-owned, service company providing heat to inhabitants of the Polish capital as well as corporations operating in the area. The lecture provides also a strong theoretical background toward the term used in communal marketing as well as the main operational technique, needed to provide a successful implementation in a competitive environment. However one must always concentrate his work on a defined fragment of reality to describe it well and in-depth. In this case the major foothold is given to corporate identity creation and implementation in communal companies. The lecture provides both a theoretical as well as practical approach toward the creation of a good corporate identity (CI) by those companies. One must take into consideration that CI is composed of different layers, both internal and external, and thus the cooperation of the employees is needed to achieve a good level of success. A successful communication strategy with a company’s surroundings requires a certain level of employees identification with the goals and methods employed by any corporation. In that regard the lecture explores the different aspect of effectiveness in business communication on a communal level both theoretical and practical in polish environment.
The act on the management of the state property adopted in 2016 significantly transformed the entire system of management of state property, including its functional and structural-organisational aspects. As part of this reform, some provisions of the municipal economy act were also amended, which is understandable given affiliation of both types of property (state and municipal) to one category of public property. This article answers the question — what are the consequences for the self-government sector and economic agents operating within it (entrepreneurs acting on the basis of municipal property) of the changes made relating to the status, composition, appointment and operation of the supervisory board and board of directors of municipal company.
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