Artykuł opisuje zastosowanie nowych systemów bioinformatycznych w medycynie sądowej. Systemy biometryczne już znalazły zastosowanie między innymi w geometrycznej identyfikacji twarzy. Są one niezbędne w identyfikacji osobowej oraz w poszukiwaniu osób zaginionych. W ostatnich latach nastąpił bardzo szybki rozwój badań nad chromosomem Y, co pozwoliło na postęp w medycynie sądowej. Metody sztucznej inteligencji mogąbyć pomocne w badaniach spornego ojcostwa i ewolucji człowieka. Bioinformatyka oraz metody biologii molekularnej, metody multiplex PCR będą pełnić bardzo ważną funkcję w analizie sądowej DNA oraz w historycznych i genealogicznych badaniach.
This article reviews new bioinformatic systems in forensic medicine. Biometric systems are already used in forensic medicine for face geometry identification. They are necessary in personal identification and missing persons investigations. The field of Y-chromosome analysis and its application to forensic science has undergone rapid improvement in recent years. Artificial Intelligence is usefull in paternity testing and in human evolutionary study. Bioinformatic systems and multiplex PCR assay w ill play an important role in the future of forensic DNA typing and historical and genealogical research.
Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have recently become an emerging environmental contaminants. The aquatic environment, such as a river has already become the most polluted environment and can be a driver of ARGs. The water from irrigation canal has the potential to become a hotspot of ARGs through contamination from river pollutants carried along to the irrigation canal. However, the information regarding the cross-contamination of ARGs in fish farming systems integrated with irrigation canal in Indonesia needs further study. This study investigated the occurrence of ARGs sulfonamide (sul1), tetracycline (tetA), beta lactam (blaGES), and multi drug resistance (mexF) from body water samples along the irrigation canal and aquaculture ponds which utilize irrigation water for cultivation. Sampling sites are located in the Kulon Progo Regency (Indonesia) and samples were taken during the rainy season. Gene amplification was performed using Multiplex PCR. The results showed that sul1, tetA, and blaGES were detected in 67%, 63%, and 55% of all samples. Meanwhile, mexF was only found upstream and downstream irrigation canals, which accounted for 25% of the total samples. The results of this study indicated that the Sapon Irrigation Canal has the potential to cause the spread of antibiotic resistance genes.