This article presents an integrated approach to optimize the different functions in a supply chain on strategic tactical and operational levels. The integrated supply chain model has been formulated as a cost minimization problem in the form of MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming). The costs of production, transport, distribution and environmental protection were adopted as optimization criteria. Timing, volume, capacity and mode of transport were also taken into account. The model was implemented in the LINGO package. The implementation model and the numerical tests are presented and discussed. The numerical experiments were carried out using sample data to show the possibilities of practical decision support and optimization of the supply chain.
This article presents an integrated approach to optimize the different functions in a supply chain on strategic tactical and operational levels. The integrated supply chain model has been formulated as a cost minimization problem in the form of MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming). The costs of production, transport, distribution and environmental protection were adopted as optimization criteria. Timing, volume, capacity and mode of transport were also taken into account. The model was implemented in the LINGO package. The implementation model and the numerical tests are presented and discussed. The numerical experiments were carried out using sample data to show the possibilities of practical decision support and optimization of the supply chain.
Background: In the last decade, the total volume of freight transport has grown, partly due to the transportation of consumer goods. Multimodal transportation has been named in various publications as a solution. As a landlocked country in the middle of Europe, Austria has to bear more negative consequences of freight transport than other European countries. This study analyses the present situation of Austria's freight transport systems and compares it with the other 27 EU countries. This paper also looks for new methods in logistics, to get the problem of increasing demand for transport under control. On this basis, this paper tries to make recommendations for strategic future transportation development in the country. Methods: This study is based on the analysis of both scientific literature, and on official publications of the logistics sector in Austria. Publications of European and Austrian statistical material have been used to compare the transport situation in the other European Union member states and Austria. Results: Austria's usage of railways is already above average in the EU. On the other hand, waterway transport is below average. Intelligent exploitation of the River Danube could induce an important shift from road transport to cheaper and more environmental friendly river transport. New ways of managing traffic flow and increasing road safety are under development in logistics, although their implementation depends on the costs incurred. Conclusion: By shifting a proportion of road transportation onto Austria's main waterway, the River Danube, pressure on the environment and traffic flow could be improved to a certain extent. The digitalization of logistics and the introduction of computer-driven road transportation systems, such as platooning and autonomous driving, and multimodal transportation may be useful ways to relieve the situation on the main roads, and to prevent an increase in traffic jams, exhaust emissions and the risk of accidents. Further research and practical tests will be necessary to reach market readiness and cost efficiency.
Wstęp: W ostatnich latach obserwuje się znaczący wzrost przewozu dóbr, głównie konsumpcyjnych. Jak rozwiązanie tego zagadnienia w wielu publikacjach wskazuje się transport multimodalny. Austria, będąca krajem śródlądowym, szczególnie dotkliwie odczuwa negatywne skutki transportu lądowego w porównaniu do pozostałych krajów europejskich. Praca obejmuje analizę aktualnej sytuacji austriackiego transportu dóbr materialnych w porównaniu do 28 krajów UE. Poddano również analizie nowe rozwiązania transportowe, służące lepszej kontroli sytuacji transportowej. Na bazie tej analizy wysunięto rekomendacje dla rozwoju strategicznego transportu w tym kraju. Metody: Podstawą analizy był przegląd porównawczy literatury fachowej dotyczącej sektora logistycznego w Austrii. Materiały statystyczne autorstwa austriackiego i europejskiego posłużyły dla analizy porównawczej sytuacji transportowej w Austrii i Unii Europejskiego. Wyniki: Użytkowanie dróg kolejowych w Austrii jest wyższe od średniej UE28. Z drugiej strony użytkowanie dróg wodnych jest poniżej tej średniej. Odpowiednie użytkowanie do celów transportowych rzeki Dunaj mogłoby istotnie odciążyć transport lądowy jako tańszy oraz bardziej zrównoważony. Nowe rozwiązania transportowe umożliwiając poprawę bezpieczeństwa na drogach, aczkolwiek realizacja proponowanego rozwiązania zależy od kosztów, jakie będą one generować. Wnioski: Poprzez przesunięcie części transport drogowego na główną drogę wodną Austrii, rzekę Dunaj, zmniejszą się w pewnym zakresie problemy zatłoczenia na drogach i jego wpływu na środowisko. Digitalizacja logistyki, wprowadzenie systemów transportowych opartych na rozwiązaniach komputerowych typu platooning, samochody autonomiczne czy transport multimodalny, mogą się pozytywnie przyczyniać do polepszenia sytuacji na drogach, obniżenia poziomu zatłoczenia oraz emisji spalin, jak również zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa na drogach. Należałoby kontynuować te badania w celu doprecyzowania gotowości na nie rynku oraz efektywności kosztowej proponowanego rozwiązania.
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Background: In the last decade, the total volume of freight transport has grown, partly due to the transportation of consumer goods. Multimodal transportation has been named in various publications as a solution. As a landlocked country in the middle of Europe, Austria has to bear more negative consequences of freight transport than other European countries. This study analyses the present situation of Austria’s freight transport systems and compares it with the other 27 EU countries. This paper also looks for new methods in logistics, to get the problem of increasing demand for transport under control. On this basis, this paper tries to make recommendations for strategic future transportation development in the country. Methods: This study is based on the analysis of both scientific literature, and on official publications of the logistics sector in Austria. Publications of European and Austrian statistical material have been used to compare the transport situation in the other European Union member states and Austria. Results: Austria’s usage of railways is already above average in the EU. On the other hand, waterway transport is below average. Intelligent exploitation of the River Danube could induce an important shift from road transport to cheaper and more environmental friendly river transport. New ways of managing traffic flow and increasing road safety are under development in logistics, although their implementation depends on the costs incurred. Conclusion: By shifting a proportion of road transportation onto Austria’s main waterway, the River Danube, pressure on the environment and traffic flow could be improved to a certain extent. The digitalization of logistics and the introduction of computer-driven road transportation systems, such as platooning and autonomous driving, and multimodal transportation may be useful ways to relieve the situation on the main roads, and to prevent an increase in traffic jams, exhaust emissions and the risk of accidents. Further research and practical tests will be necessary to reach market readiness and cost efficiency.
Wstęp: W ostatnich latach obserwuje się znaczący wzrost przewozu dóbr, głównie konsumpcyjnych. Jak rozwiązanie tego zagadnienia w wielu publikacjach wskazuje się transport multimodalny. Austria, będąca krajem śródlądowym, szczególnie dotkliwie odczuwa negatywne skutki transportu lądowego w porównaniu do pozostałych krajów europejskich. Praca obejmuje analizę aktualnej sytuacji austriackiego transportu dóbr materialnych w porównaniu do 28 krajów UE. Poddano również analizie nowe rozwiązania transportowe, służące lepszej kontroli sytuacji transportowej. Na bazie tej analizy wysunięto rekomendacje dla rozwoju strategicznego transportu w tym kraju. Metody: Podstawą analizy był przegląd porównawczy literatury fachowej dotyczącej sektora logistycznego w Austrii. Materiały statystyczne autorstwa austriackiego i europejskiego posłużyły dla analizy porównawczej sytuacji transportowej w Austrii i Unii Europejskiego. Wyniki: Użytkowanie dróg kolejowych w Austrii jest wyższe od średniej UE28. Z drugiej strony użytkowanie dróg wodnych jest poniżej tej średniej. Odpowiednie użytkowanie do celów transportowych rzeki Dunaj mogłoby istotnie odciążyć transport lądowy jako tańszy oraz bardziej zrównoważony. Nowe rozwiązania transportowe umożliwiając poprawę bezpieczeństwa na drogach, aczkolwiek realizacja proponowanego rozwiązania zależy od kosztów, jakie będą one generować. Wnioski: Poprzez przesunięcie części transport drogowego na główną drogę wodną Austrii, rzekę Dunaj, zmniejszą się w pewnym zakresie problemy zatłoczenia na drogach i jego wpływu na środowisko. Digitalizacja logistyki, wprowadzenie systemów transportowych opartych na rozwiązaniach komputerowych typu platooning, samochody autonomiczne czy transport multimodalny, mogą się pozytywnie przyczyniać do polepszenia sytuacji na drogach, obniżenia poziomu zatłoczenia oraz emisji spalin, jak również zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa na drogach. Należałoby kontynuować te badania w celu doprecyzowania gotowości na nie rynku oraz efektywności kosztowej proponowanego rozwiązania.
Dostęp do pełnego tekstu na zewnętrznej witrynie WWW
Korytarze transeuropejskie otworzyły krajom Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej nowe możliwości w zakresie włączenia się do procesów integracyjnych i europejskiego systemu transportowego. Głównym zamierzeniem utworzenia multimodalnego korytarza transportowego Gdańsk - Odessa, stanowiącego integralną część tego systemu, jest połączenie regionów Morza Bałtyckiego i Morza Czarnego poprzez wprowadzenie nowoczesnych rozwiązań w zakresie systemów transportowych i komunikacji oraz rozwój zintegrowanej infrastruktury transportowej w tych regionach. Korytarz transportowy Gdańsk-Odessa mieści się w globalnej strategii rozwoju systemu transportowego Unii Europejskiej. Może on przyczynić się do rozwoju zarówno istniejących dziedzin gospodarki, jak tez być animatorem nowych sektorów produkcji w regionie. Równie istotne znaczenie ma ten korytarz dla wzmocnienia więzi gospodarczych między poszczególnymi krajami.
The transeuropean corridors opened a new opportunities for East and Central European countries to join integration process and become a part of the European transport network system. The main objective of an integral part of this system, which is the Gdansk - Odessa multimodal corridor, is to connect the Baltic an the Black Sea regions by means of modern transport and communication systems and to develop integrated transport infrastructure within the regions. Gdansk-Odessa corridor corresponds to the global strategy of the European Union's transport system development. It can not only help to revive and develop some traditional economic sectors but also can introduce new technologies and new industries to the region. Equally important will be contribution to the strengthening of external relations
This study considers the task of planning the routes of multimodal transnational cargo transportation. Due to the extremely long length of such routes, delivery times and costs per cargo unit are extremely important. Delays in various types of transport and in the case of cargo transshipment are associated not only with the growth of cargo flows but also with the inconsistency of vehicle schedules. The purpose of this study is to improve the previously developed methodology for optimizing multimodal cargo transportation, taking into account the need for its application to transnational transport corridors. The content of the formulated network problem is reduced to a modification of the traveling salesman problem with an unknown number of transport points the route should pass through. Such a problem is NP-hard due to the time complexity of the algorithms. A modified algorithm has been developed, according to which the general problem with the number of N points is divided into several subproblems. Transport points are grouped into consecutive subsets that are related by only one non-alternative way of transportation. This way can be any “bottleneck” of the transport network or an artificially created one. Such a decomposition of the problem gives a set of partial solutions, which were combined into the final optimal solution. The obtained solution to the routing problem of multimodal routes takes into account the cyclical schedules of the transport operation and gives a guaranteed exact optimum for calculations performed within the permissible time. In addition to determining the optimal route, the algorithm makes it possible to determine the required number of vehicles and their work schedules depending on the total cargo flow on the route.
This article is devoted to the coordination of single stages of the multimodal delivery process, taking into account the fact that the process is discrete in its content. The tact, which has the content of a time window for performing the operation is used for discrete processes. Due to the fact that multimodal transportation of goods is carried out on a large network, time is one of the most important criteria for their perfection. Two timing criteria are applied in the article, which take into account the fact that the multimodal process must be synchronized and that the transportation of a large group of goods can be carried out in separate parts. An estimation criterion was also applied, which takes into account constant, variable, contingent costs, which are carried out depending on the structure of the process. The goal of the study is to create such multimodal cargo delivery routes that are characterized by the highest level of selection criteria. In contrast to known studies, the dependence of the optimization criteria of the multimodal process on the total volume of cargo delivery was shown. The method of analyzing the transport scheme of multimodal transportation and the corresponding algorithm and computer program were developed. The methodology involves a complete review of all possible route options using three types of continent transport, namely road, rail, and river. The method of structural optimization is applied to the example of a transcontinental transport corridor.
Relevance of the study: As the experience of advanced countries shows, the development of the economy in our country, in particular, in the transportation services market, is associated with the development of interaction between all types of transport. Thus, in modern conditions, for the growth of the role of railway transport, multimodal transportation, which is important for the interaction of Ukraine with the countries of Europe and the East, is becoming important and will also help minimize costs and preserve the environment. Therefore, the issues of evaluating the introduction of multimodal transportation with logistic principles are discussed in the article. It is shown how to determine the marginal substitution rate in the conveyance type while using various modes of transport, based on the utility function and transportation costs. Purpose of the study: The purpose of the article is to develop measures to improve the functioning of parts in multimodal freight delivery routes by minimizing transportation costs, taking into account quality indicators. For this purpose, the following tasks have been set and are being solved: to develop a model for evaluating the efficiency of using different modes of transport with optimal costs; to choose a method for estimating the optimal delivery route and freight volumes; to evaluate the efficiency of transportation technology based on a qualimetric indicator. Approaches: An approach to a comprehensive evaluation of the effect from the activities of transport enterprises in multimodal transportation based on cost optimization, with the qualimetric indicator, and aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of shippers' requirements is offered when determining the route of such transportation parameters as the cost and the quality of freight delivery. Results: The results of the theoretical generalization and analysis of approaches to the formalization of the functioning process in multimodal transportation systems for the delivery of goods by rail and road modes of transport are presented in the article. The significance of the results. The materials in the article are of practical value for employees of transport and logistics companies and enterprises, scientists, and pedagogical workers to improve their professional level.
In the urban transportation network, most passengers choose public transportation to travel. However, bad weather, accidents, traffic jams and other factors lead to uncertainty in transportation network. Besides, transport vehicles running on the same segments of routes and belonging to different modes or routes make the transportation network more complicated. In order to improve the efficiency of passenger’s travel, this paper aim to introducing an approach for optimizing passenger travel routes. This approach takes the travel cost and the number of transfers as constraints to finding the shortest total travel duration of passenger in urban transportation network. The running duration and dwell duration of the vehicles in the network are uncertain, and the vehicles are running according to the timetables. As transportation modes, bus, rail transit and walk are considered. In terms of methodological contribution, this paper combines Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Monte Carlo simulation to deal with optimization problem under stochastic conditions. This paper uses Monte Carlo simulation to simulate the running duration and dwell time of vehicles in different scenarios to deal with the uncertainty of the network. The shortest path of passenger’s travel is solved by GA. Two kinds of population management strategies including single population management strategy and multiple population management strategy are designed to guide the solution population evolving process. The two kinds of population management strategies of GA are tested in numerical example. The satisfactory convergence performance and efficiency of the model and algorithm is verified by the numerical example. The numerical example also demonstrated that the multiple population management strategy of GA can get better results in a shorter CPU time. At the same time, the influences of some significant variables on solution are performed. This paper is able to provide a scientific quantitative support to the path scheme selection under the influence of common-lines and timetables of different modes of transportation in stochastic urban multimodal transportation network.
The paper regards a specific class of optimization criteria that possess features of probability. Therefore,constructing objective functionof optimization problem,the importance is attached to probability indices that show the probability of some criterial event or events to occur. Factor analysis has been taken for the main method of constructing objective function. Algorithm for constructing objective function of optimization is donefor criterion of minimization risk level in multimodaltransportations that demanded demonstration data. The application of factor analysis in classical problem solution was shown to givethe problem a more distinct analytical interpretation in solving it.
Artykuł dotyczy szczególnej klasy kryteriów optymalizacyjnych, które posiadają cechy prawdopodobieństwa. W związku z tym, przy konstruowaniu funkcji celu problemu optymalizacyjnego pierwszorzędne znaczenie mają wskaźniki prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia określonego zdarzenia lub zbioru zdarzeń. Jako główną metodę konstruowania takiej funkcji celu wybrano analizę czynnikową. Algorytm konstrukcji funkcji celu optymalizacji wykonano dla kryterium minimalizacji poziomu ryzyka w przewozach multimodalnych –w tym celu wykorzystano dane demonstracyjne. Wykazano, że zastosowanie analizy czynnikowej w klasycznym sformułowaniu problemu badawczego pozwala nadać mu bardziej wyrazistą interpretację analityczną w jego rozwiązywaniu.
This article stresses the need to develop multimodal passenger transport. Particular attention is paid to the construction of HUBs based on railway stations. HUB is the transport interchange node, passenger complex, which redistributes passenger flows between transport modes and directions. They allow to optimize transportation processes, as well as to create an infrastructure for convenient and fast passenger transfer between different transport modes. The preconditions for creating organizational conditions to ensure the sustainable development of the passenger railway transport sector are outlined. In the near future, combined passenger transport with the participation of several modes of transport will attract tourists from around the world. The authors’ concept of the term “passenger comfort zone” is proposed, which takes into account all the needs of modern tourists. The mechanism of multimodal transportations of passengers by railway transport in interaction with other participants of the servicing process is presented. A model of institutional support for the development of multimodal passenger railway transport is proposed to create conditions for integrated transport services for passengers by the passenger railway transport complex. The expediency of forming a system of railway passenger HUBs in Ukraine is vital to attracting investments to improve transport and tourism infrastructure, as well as to roll stock and a range of services for the benefit of all stakeholders in the transport sector (e.g., the state, investors, and passengers).
Przewozy międzynarodowe są segmentem rynkowym, który sprzyja wzrostu ekonomicznemu. Różne marszruty konkurują pomiędzy sobą, żeby uzyskać korzyści ze wzrostu ekonomicznego wzdłuż korytarzy transportowych. Ten artykuł skupiona na analizie wykorzystania TRACECA (korytarz transportowy Europa – Kaukaz – Azja) jako stymulatora wzrostu potencjału tranzytowego Ukrainy, przewozów multimodalnych. Pokazano przewagi i słabe strony segmentów korytarzu. Z akcentem na segment ukraiński korytarzu zaproponowano praktyczne podejście do poprawienia tendencji zmniejszenia przewozów tranzytowych i odnowienia dodatniej dynamiki rynku tranzytowego dla Ukrainy, zwłaszcza wykorzystując współprace transportową pomiędzy Ukrainą a UE.
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