The complex perovskite system xźBi0.95Dy0.05FeO3-(1 - x)źPb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3 was synthesized by the solid-state reaction method and was studied by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy. For different Dy-doped bismuth ferrite (BDF) contents (x = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7) the formation of single-phase sinters was confirmed using an X-ray diffraction technique. The random distributions of Fe/W cations in crystallographic structures have been proved. A monotonically, saturation- like increase of Néel temperatures with growing BDF contribution was confirmed, and a straightforward dependence between TN temperatures and the mean hyperfine magnetic fields at Fe nuclei was shown.
Rozwój inżynierii materiałowej kształtował postęp naszej cywilizacji od wielu wieków i nadal kształtuje, dostosowując się do jego wciąż rosnącego tempa. Właśnie dlatego historyczne epoki noszą nazwę poszczególnych materiałów. Obecnie nowe materiały w przeważającej większości są projektowane, dzięki czemu uzyskujemy ich pożądane właściwości. Dla przykładu, tworzywa sztuczne jeszcze kilka dziesięcioleci wstecz uważano za prawdziwie cudowne materiały, jednak obecnie stały się na tyle powszechne, że nie darzymy już ich większą uwagą. Właści wości obecnie rozwijanych materiałów potrafią zdumiewać i chociaż ich szerokie zastosowanie może mieć kilkudziesięcioletni horyzont czasowy, mogą one na zawsze zmienić nasz świat.
The development of materials engineering has shaped the progress of our civilization for many centuries and continues to do so, adapting to its ever-increasing pace. This is why historical eras are named after particular materials. Nowadays, the vast majority of new materials are designed to achieve their desired properties. For example, plastics were considered truly miraculous materials a few decades ago, but now they have become so common that we no longer pay much attention to them. The properties of currently developed materials can be astonishing, and although their wide application may have a time horizon of several decades, they can change our world forever.
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Purpose: This paper presents a development of ecomaterials particularly in materials technology. Using this materials make possible minimize the environmental load in a whole "life". The design criteria for ecomaterials include compatibility with humans and the environment in addition to the traditional physical, mechanical and chemical properties. Design/methodology/approach: Using ecomaterials would help the manufacturers as well as consumers in material and product selection in the aim of achieving sustainable development (SD). Findings: The concept of "ecomaterials" shows the necessary directions of materials development what allows protection the environment from resource depletion, global warming, ozone depletion and dioxin contamination, etc. Research limitations/implications: More fundamental research and new ideas are needed in order for these materials (ecomaterials) to receive widespread use in the near future. Practical implications: The most important thing is that all materials and their properties should be reconsidered from the ecomaterials viewpoint. It is necessary to demand materials (products) with less environmental load, improved recyclability and achieved maximum performance with the least material consumption. In order to establish the fundamental design and assessment techniques for ecomaterials, a research projects should be still organized. Originality/value: In the paper ecomaterials as a key conception for materials technology what will help reduce the environmental impact of product produced and consumed and promote the emergence of a high-recycling-rate society.
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Purpose: The purpose of this work consists in the characterisation of TiCxOy thin films produced by dc reactive magnetron sputtering. The main goal consists in studying the influence of the reactive gas flow in the atomic composition, structure, colour and electrical and mechanical properties of the films. Design/methodology/approach: All the deposition parameters were maintained constant except the reactive gas flow. After deposition, the properties of the coatings were measured and were related with variation of reactive gas flow. Findings: The results show that the films properties subsist into 3 different regimes - i) carbide, ii) a transition zone and iii) an oxide one. The colour results indicate a strong dependence on the O/Ti ratio. A progressive reduction of hardness and residual stresses with increasing of the O/Ti ratio was observed. The residual stresses, as well as the film structure, seem to play an important role on the adhesion of the coatings. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation of this work is linked to the deposition technique itself. It is difficult to avoid surface defects and pinholes that strongly influence the tribological results. Practical implications: TiCxOy thin films are multifunctional due to present good electrical and optical properties but also good mechanical properties which allow them to be used in several applications; from decorative to electronic applications. Originality/value: There is a new class of coatings where the research of TiCxOy thin films is included: the multifunctional coatings. This class of coatings should be easy to prepare and to tune the properties as function of particular applications. This characteristic may be extremly important to advanced coatings industry.
Artykuł przedstawia badania wstępne dotyczące wielowarstwowego materiału kompozytowego spełniającego postawione wymagania dotyczące budowy kadłubów wybranych jednostek pływających, przeznaczonych do żeglugi śródlądowej. Dokonano analizy i opisano warunki eksploatacyjne jednostek pływających śródlądowych, ze szczególnym naciskiem na bezpieczeństwo i koszty obsługi eksploatacyjnej jednostek. Zaproponowano sposób zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa użytkowania jednostki przez wprowadzenie wielowarstwowego materiału ograniczającego możliwości rozszczelnienia kadłuba w przypadku uderzenia o obiekty znajdujące się pod wodą. W celu badań porównawczych określono warunki przyjętej technologicznej próby zginania oraz wymagania dotyczące wielowarstwowych płyt próbnych. Wytworzono trój- i czterowarstwowe płyty próbne o grubości 14-30 mm, wykorzystując: kompozyty zawiesinowe na bazie żywicy epoksydowej zbrojone cząstkami ceramicznymi, kompozyty na bazie żywicy poliestrowej zbrojone uporządkowanym włóknem szklanym oraz piany metalowe na bazie aluminium oraz kompozytu aluminiowo-ceramicznego. Przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań dotyczących odporności płyt próbnych na zginanie w warunkach przyjętej próby technologicznej, a także odporności na ścieranie. Odniesiono się do możliwości wytwarzania tak skomponowanych materiałów warstwowych w warunkach znanej, szeroko stosowanej technologii formowania elementów kształtowych z kompozytów polimerowo-szklanych w formach negatywowych. Doprecyzowano typ śródlądowych obiektów pływających, wykazując zalety i celowość stosowania tych materiałów.
The article presents the preliminary tests of a multilayer composite material that meets design requirements for hulls of some vessels intended for inland navigation. In the analysis and description of operating conditions of inland vessels a particular focus was put on the safety and operational costs of the vessels. The solution proposed to increase operational safety consists in introducing a multilayer material that limits the loss of hull integrity in the case a vessel hits an underwater object. For comparative studies, the conditions of the adopted technological bending test were defined along with requirements for multilayer test plates. Plates produced for the tests were three- and four-layered 14-30 mm thick plates made of three materials: epoxy resin-based suspension composites reinforced with ceramic particles, polyester resin-based composites reinforced with ordered fiberglass and metal foams based on aluminium and aluminium-ceramic epoxy. The preliminary research results include the resistanceof test plates to bending in the adopted technological test conditions and abrasive resistance. Particular reference was made to the manufacturing of so composed layered materials applying a known and widely used process of forming profiled elements of polymer-glass composites in negative moulds. The type of inland vessel was more precisely indicated, along with advantages and purpose of using the materials under consideration.
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