Article deals with the problem of multicultural education. Ukraine, being a multicultural society, requires a new conception of the world, aimed at integrating cultures and nations, their further convergence as well as cultural enrichment. In this context the experience of many foreign countries, especially the USA, is very interesting. This country differs from average multicultural nations in a range of peculiarities, one of which is the fact that cultural interaction was not within an individual ethnos, but within immigrants–descendants of different countries, representatives of various cultures. It is underlined that the USA is the country that underwent durable trials in search for the most optimum ways to provide cultural interaction. The most modern response to the cultural diversity at the end of the 20th century in the USA became the policy of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is considered to be a democratic policy of solving the problem of cultural and social diversity in the society, which includes educational, linguistic, economic and social components and has specific mechanisms of embodiment. The interpretation of multicultural education is proposed as that one, which facilitates the formation in a person of the readiness for activities in a modern socio-cultural environment, preservation of personal identity, aspiration for respect and understanding of other cultural and ethnical communities, the ability to live in peace and harmony with representatives of various racial, ethnic, cultural, religious groups.
Th e issue of the cultural diversity already permanently put its name down into the scientifi c, media, public and political discourse. Certainly it is signifi cant for social and communications pragmatics and everyday interactions in work, life, education, where we are coming across representatives of diverse cultures (of social-cultural systems). Th e present article in the idea is supposed to move closer the situation of the meeting of the small child with the cultural diversity and to underline the importance of intercultural education for small children in Poland and in Germany. Peculiarly an answer to a question is interesting: whether in this educational systems formal and unoffi cial, is action which it is possible to regard as innovations thematically accustoming small children to the cultural diversity applied in the context of the multicultural society? With the help of the case study we are trying to give an answer relating analyses to Polish and German cultural area.
Zagadnienie różnorodności kulturowej nie tylko inspiruje naukowców, publicystów i polityków, stanowiąc podstawę badań, dyskursów i debat, jednakowoż jest ważne dla pragmatyki codziennych interakcji w pracy, życiu, edukacji, gdzie napotykamy przedstawicieli różnorodnych kultur (systemów społeczno-kulturowych). Niniejszy artykuł w zamyśle ma przybliżyć sytuację spotkania małego dziecka z różnorodnością kulturową oraz podkreślić znaczenie edukacji międzykulturowej w pracy z dziećmi na pierwszym etapie edukacji w Polsce i w Niemczech. Szczególnie interesująca jest odpowiedź na pytanie: czy w niniejszych systemach edukacji formalnej i nieformalnej, w kontekście społeczeństwa wielokulturowego, stosowane są działania, które można uznać za innowacje tematycznie oswajające małe dzieci z różnorodnością kulturową? Metodą wielokrotnego studium przypadku próbujemy dać odpowiedź, odnosząc analizy do polskiego i niemieckiego obszaru kulturowego.
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