This article presents a hybrid control system for a group of mobile robots. The components of this system are the supervisory controller(s), employing a discrete, event-driven model of concurrent robot processes, and robot motion controllers, employing a continuous time model with event-switched modes. The missions of the robots are specified by a sequence of to-be visited points, and the developed methodology ensures in a formal way their correct accomplishment.
The paper proposes an architecture for a control system of an autonomous robot as well as an architecture for a multi-robot system in which the robots cooperate in order to accomplish client’s tasks. The solution is based on the SOA paradigm and an ontology as a way of represen ting an environment, and is specified at the Informa- tion Technology level. This approach is focused on intui tive cooperation with a human and automation of a task execution, as well as automation of handling exceptions and changes in the environment. For the purpose of the test scenarios, a sample ontology was created, which allows the human user to define tasks to be performed by a robot. Additionally, a simulation environment was designed and implemented in Unity. It allows for automatic generation of the visual representation of information defined in the ontology, and for testing the effectiveness of the proposed architecture in different types of scenarios with variable sets of services (devices).
W artykule zaprezentowano projekt systemu sterowania grupy wielozadaniowych robotów mobilnych do zastosowań inspekcyjno-rozpoznawczych. W pracy przedstawiono funkcjonalność grupy robotów, a także funkcjonalność i architekturę systemu sterowania tej grupy. Do implementacji systemu sterowania zastosowano platformę Microsoft® Robotics Developer Studio. Zaprezentowane wyniki badań stosowanych są efektem projektu "Wielozadaniowe mobilne roboty wykorzystujące zaawansowane technologie", który został zrealizowany przy współpracy Instytutu Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn Politechniki Śląskiej oraz Instytutu Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego w Radomiu w ramach Programu Strategicznego "Innowacyjne Systemy Wspomagania Technologicznego Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Gospodarczego".
The article presents a control system project of a multi-task mobile robots group applicable for inspection and supervision tasks. In this paper both the multi-robot group functionality and control system functionality as well architecture are discussed. The control system implementation has been carried-out with the help of the Microsoft® Robotics Developer Studio software platform. The presented results of the applied research were achieved as an outcome of the project "High-tech multipurpose mobile robots" that has been carried out in the framework of Strategic Programme "Innovative Systems of Technical Support for Sustainable Development of Economy" (Innovative Economy Operational Programme) with the collaboration between Institute of Fundamentals of Machinery Design – Silesian University of Technology and Institute for Sustainable Technologies - National Research Institute.