Przeprowadzono badania jonoforetyczne kwercetyny, moryny i ich sulfonowych pochodnych oraz kompleksów jonów Al(III) i Zn(II) z sulfonową pochodną moryny. Stwierdzono, że metoda elektroforezy bibułowej może służyć do oddzielenia kwercetyny i moryny od ich sulfonych pochodnych.
The ionophoretic inwastigation of quercitin, morin and their sulfonic derivatives and ions Al(III) and Zn(II) complexes with sulfonic morin derivative have been carried out. It has been state that the method of paper electrophoresis can be used for flavonoids (quercitin and morin) and their sulfonic derivatives separation.
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Zbadano 276 układów do krystalizacji moryny, chryzyny, kwercetyny, ich sulfonowych pochodnych oraz kompleksów z jonami metali. Uzyskano formy krystaliczne dla moryny i soli sodowej kwasu moryno-5'-sulfonowego (NaMSA), sulfonowych pochodnych kwercetyny - kwasu kwercetyno-5'-sulfonowego (QSA-5') i soli sodowej kwasu kwercetyno-8,5'-disulfonowego (Na2QDSA) oraz kompleksów In(III) i Fe(IlI) z chryzyną, które zbadano metodą rentgenografii strukturalnej. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że QSA-5' może mieć układ regularny, tetragonalny lub heksagonalny, natomiast pozostałe związki - układ jednoskośny lub trójskośny. Wykonano zdjęcia uzyskanych form krystalicznych metodą elektronowej mikroskopii skaningowej.
The 276 systems to receipt crystalline forms of morin, chrysin, quercetin, their sulphonic derivatives and complexes of metal ions were examined. The crystalline forms of morin, sodium salt of morin-5'-sulphonic acid (NaMSA), quercetin-5'-sulphonic acid (QSA-5'), sodium salt of quercetin-8,5'-disulphonic acid (Na2QDSA) and complexes of In(III) and Fe(III) ions with chrysin were obtained. The method of structural X-rays radiography and electron scanning microscopy were used.
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Podano przegląd prac, w których metodą potencjometryczną i spektrofotometryczną wyznaczono wartości stałych trwałości kompleksów Al(IIl), Ga(III), In(IIl), Pb(II), Cd(II), Pr(III), Nd(III), Eu(IlI), Er(IlI), Dy(lII) z kwasem kwercetyno-5'-sulfonowym i AI(III), Ga(III), In(III), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) z solą sodową kwasu moryno-5'-sulfonowego.
The potentiometric and the spectrophotometric method was used to determine the stability constants for complexes of AI(III), Ga(III), In(III), Pb(II), Cd(II), Pr(III), Nd(III), Eu(III), Er(III), Dy(lII) with quercetin-5'-sulfonic acid and of Al(III), Ga(III), In(III), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) with sodium salt of morin-5'-sulfonic acid. Investigations were carried out in aqueous solutions at a constant ionic strength I=0,1 (NaClO4).
Flavonoids (derivatives of 2-phenylo-y-benzopyrone) are a large group of biologically active plant products. As a common component of daily nutrition, flavonoids can modulate many biological processes. Therapeutic properties of flavonoids have been well known for many years. Originally, the object of interest was medicinal plants. The papers by Szent-Gyorgy in the thirties of the 20-th century aroused interest in flavonoids. Szent-Gyorgy revealed that a lemon compound belonging to flavonoids - hesperidin has a synergic effect with Vitamin C and prevents scurvy. Quercetin (3,5,7,3',4'-pentahydroxyflavone) and morin (3,5,7,2',4'-pentahydroxyflavone), Fig. 1, are the most widespread flavonoids. Due to their properties these compounds find application in therapy as viral antigens, bactericide and antitumor agents. Owing to a convenient position of oxygen in the 5C-OH and 4C=O as well as 3C-OH and 4C=O groups, morin and quercetin form chelate complexes with ions of p-, d- and f-electron metals. Some researchers think, that biological activity of flavonoids is connected with their complexation capacity. Therapeutic action can show both the molecule and its metabolite. The application of quercetin and morin is restricted due to their insolubility in water. Their sulfonic derivatives are well soluble in water and show biological activity as their mother compounds. Therefore, the latter can be more useful for therapy purposes.
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