Ninety-seven tomato landraces collected from East Anatolian region of Turkey and North-West of Iran, along with three commercial cultivars were evaluated during two years. Experiment was carried out in an alpha lattice design at Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of West Azerbaijan, Iran. Analysis of variance revealed significant variation (P ≤ 0.01) among genotypes for all the experimental characters. Yield showed a positive and significant correlation with length and width of cotyledon leaf, length and width of true leaf, fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, pericarp thickness and fruit peduncle length. In principal component analysis, the first three components explained for 71.6% of total variations among genotypes. Since the first component determined 50% of total variations and yield had high significant coefficient with this component, thus it might be used as s selection criteria to identify genotypes with high yield in breeding programs. Cluster analysis using Ward method classified genotypes into five groups. Groups included: early maturing genotypes in group I, genotypes with high yield in group II, genotypes with large fruit in group III, late maturing and high total soluble solids (TSS) genotypes in group IV and genotypes with high acidity in group V.
W czasie dwóch lat oceniono 97 miejscowych odmian pomidora zebranych w anatolijskim regionie Turcji i północno-zachodnim Iranie oraz trzy odmiany handlowe. Eksperyment przeprowadzono w układzie alpha lattice w Centrum Badawczym Rolnictwa i Zasobów Naturalnych w Zachodnim Azerbejdżanie w Iranie. Analiza wariancji ukazała zmienność (P ≤ 0.01) wśród genotypów w odniesieniu do wszystkich cech doświadczenia. Plon wykazał pozytywną, istotną korelację z długością i szerokością liścienia, długością i szerokością liścia, masą owocu, długością i średnicą owocu, grubością owocni oraz długością szypułki owocu. W analizie głównych składowych, pierwsze trzy składowe odpowiadały za 71.6% wszystkich różnic między genotypami. Ponieważ pierwszy komponent określał 50% wszystkich różnic, a plon był istotnie skorelowany z tym komponentem, może on być używany jako kryterium selekcji do identyfikowania genotypów o wysokim plonie w programach hodowlanych. Analiza skupień przy użyciu metody Warda klasyfikowała genotypy w trzy grupy obejmujące wczesnodojrzewające genotypy w grupie I, genotypy o wysokich plonach w grupie II, genotypy o dużych owocach w grupie III, późno dojrzewające genotypy oraz genotypy o wysokiej całkowitej zawartości rozpuszczalnych składników (TSS) stałych w grupie I oraz genotypy o wysokiej kwasowości w grupie V.
We used simple sequence repeat markers and 25 morphological characters to characterize 18 Tunisian fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars. Morphological traits suggested a high level of variation in the germplasm. Principal component analysis (PCA) differentiated the studied cultivars. In the derived dendrogram the cultivars clustered independently of their geographical origin and sex of trees. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to compare genetic polymorphism with the observed phenotypic variation. Using six microsatellite primers, 39 alleles and 59 genotypes were identified. The high values of polymorphism information content (PIC), ranging from 0.67 to 0.85, confirmed the effectiveness of microsatellite analysis for determining molecular polymorphism and characterizing the studied cultivars. Multilocus genotyping unambiguously distinguished all the cultivars. The ability of each type of feature to differentiate cultivars of this crop is discussed.
In order to infer phylogenetic relationships within the extraordinarily speciesrich order Coleoptera, a cladistic analysis is performed, in which 516 adult and larval morphological characters are scored for 359 beetle taxa, representing 314 families or subfamilies plus seven outgroup taxa representing seven holometabolan orders. Many morphological features are discussed at length with accompanying illustrations, and an attempt is made to homologize these and employ a uniform set of terms throughout the order. The resulting data matrix is analyzed using the parsimony ratchet in conjunction with implied weighting. The resulting most parsimonious tree found the order Strepsiptera to be sister to Coleoptera, each of the four coleopteran suborders to be monophyletic and subordinal relationships as follows: (Archostemata Adephaga) (Myxophaga Polyphaga), but without significant support for either clade. The topology of the remainder of the tree is consistent with many prior molecular and morphological analyses, with the monophyly of superfamilies Hydrophiloidea (sensu lato), Scarabaeoidea and Curculionoidea and many currently recognized families and subfamilies are well supported, with weaker support for Elateroidea, Cucujiformia and Phytophaga.
Asymmetry analysis was conducted on four morphometric bilateral characters and one meristic character of Leiognathus equulus (Forsskal) collected from the Sea of Oman at the city of Muscat. The results showed that the level of asymmetry of the characters of preorbital distance and head length is higher than that of the rest of the characters studied. Increasing asymmetry values with fish length were noted in preorbital and postorbital distances and head length. This might be the result of incomplete development. The possible cause of asymmetry in this species is discussed in relation to different pollutants and their presence in the area.
The goal of the study was to check if the shape-describing characters, calculated as ratios of the morphological measured traits are more stable, compared to the latter, and can be treated as independent on environmental conditions. The test was based on the example of leaves of Salix herbacea and Betula nana. The individuals of the two populations of S. herbacea from Tatra Mts. were divided into two groups: with bigger and smaller leaves. The two populations of B. nana came from different substrata: the first one, collected from the mire on the lower altitude, had bigger leaves, and the second, collected from the granite plateau and higher altitude, had smaller leaves. For both species, the measured traits were generally more variable than the ratios calculated on their basis, as expressed by the variation coefficients. The results of Students' t-test analyses showed statistically significant differences between the two groups of S. herbacea and the two populations of B. nana with respect to almost all the measured characters, and no such differences for the calculated traits, reflecting the leaf shape. As the differentiation of the leaf size was probably bound to the environmental factors, the lack of the dependence of the leaf shape on the leaf size could lead to a conclusion of independence of the leaf shape on the environment conditions.
The ants Formica polyctena Foerst., F. rufa L., hybrids F. rufa × F. polyctena, and F. pratensis Retz, from the Gorce Mts (the Western Carpathians; southern Poland) were characterized biometrically. Six morphological characters (pigmentation, size, pilosity) of workers were studied. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis were made for the data of 50 samples from wood ant colonies with different social organization and from various habitats (mainly F. polyctena and F. rufa spatially intermingling populations). The results are discussed in the context of taxonomic difficulties within the F. rufa group.
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