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The author begins with questions about possible moral values of musical works. Do musicalworks present or carry any moral values, and if so, how do listeners recognize them? Inthe end, the author suggests that musical works might not carry any moral value, but theycan teach audiences to listen.
Autorka rozważa relacje między wartościami, szczególnie moralnymi, a dziełem muzycznym.Przedstawiając najpierw rozumienie wartości w filozofii Romana Ingardena, a następnieprzywołując przykładowe sformułowania moralizmu w odniesieniu do muzyki (autorstwaRogera Scrutona, Platona i Petera Kivy’ego), autorka pyta, czy możemy uważać dziełomuzyczne za nośnik wartości moralnych. Następnie badając, w jaki inny sposób dzieło muzycznemoże być związane z wartościami moralnymi, autorka dochodzi do wniosku, że relacjemiędzy wartościami moralnymi a dziełem muzycznym należą do stosunków subtelnychi być może tym, co zawdzięczamy dziełom muzycznym, jest umiejętność słuchania.
Nowadays, ethics seems to be a very important issue when speaking about the way of doing business. Many  economists ask if it is necessary to study the way ethics are transmitted to the next generations of businessmen and if business ethics comes from education. Finally, does it have anything to do with the sustainable development. It is a known  fact that there are numerous dimensions of education – sustainable development linkages. Rapid expansion of education has not necessarily been accompanied by rapid economic growth in many developing countries. There is a series of variables to be taken into account when talking about the connection between education and sustainable development. First, it is very important to realize that the educational system influences the way a country develops. Second, the development of a country also influences the educational system. That is why it is necessary to analyze a bidirectional connection, where  identifying the difference between a simple educational system and a functional one is of vital importance. Starting from such aspects, this paper aims to emphasize the connection existing between the three concepts: education-business ethics-sustainable development. Using qualitative methods and also statistics, this paper offers an analysis of the way ethics and education influence the development of economy.
The term «values» in the context of contemporary scientific knowledge in Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Culturology and Pedagogy has been considered in this article from the specific angle for each of them: scientific approaches to definition of this term have been analyzed, the essence and the core have been revealed. The term «value» is defined with two modes of relation between mind and reality: cognition and appraisal.The world is depicted as it is in its truly existing properties and connections. Within the act of appraisal one clothes the world with significant, desired properties, using an available criterion, so the world looks as one wants to see it. Thus, the term «value» is interpreted as: 1) the significance, the essentiality, as desired properties of a subject or an act, which one adds to truly existing objects, and 2) the scale, the standard, the criterion for assessment, choosing important desired properties of the environment. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the term «values» in Pedagogical environment. It has been stipulated that education is, first of all, the process of formation of the values. The lack of values in educational process discredits the translation of humanity’s cultural experience, reducing the idea of education and teaching to information transfer, and the idea of the upbringing to morals and moralizing trainings. The research suggests that values may vary with historical circumstances, public relations, etc. When comfort, consumption and pursuit of pleasures become dominant landmark, values are stained the most strictly. It has been emphasized, that only absolute spiritual values can be permanent and true.Personality’s spiritual world is determined by the degree of his/her value orientation maturity. Fundamental understanding of the spiritual education as an appeal to absolute values is typical for all contemporary concepts of spiritual breeding, both for the purposes of social and religious pedagogical paradigm. It has been noticed, that the term «values» can be considered only in relation to a specific intellectual system creating the unity of value concepts, their integrity and hierarchy; it has been highlighted, that values are systematically important component of the formation of the personality if they have a transcendental nature.
Content available Education in moral values of JUDO school students
Introduction. By linking human morality with cognitive development, Profesor Jigoro Kano was convinced that discovering knowledge and understanding it would shape the meaning of good and evil among young judokas, as well as their ability to distinguish what is good and what is bad [Kano 2005, Mifune 2004]. Problem and aim. The aim of the undertaken research was to assess the assimilation by students at the Kodokan Judo School of values, including: responsibility, righteousness, patience, lowliness, courage, and kindness, and also to check to what extent the application of the Kogi and Mondo methods increase the sensitivity of judo players to these values during training. The main problem of the research was the question: What is the evaluation of adopted and externalised values of judo competitors in primary school? Methods of research. I. Observation categorized. Six values of the judo school were subjected to research, four subcategories of which were selected and then operationalized. II. Survey using interviews. Respondents were asked five questions that concerned ways of understanding judo, through the prism of values that are internalised in them during their training. Conclusion: The behavior of the tested students during Randori trainings should be assessed highly. The application of the Mondo and Kogi methods with reference to the values characterising the students of the Kodokan Judo School allows young practitioners of this martial art to understand the full concept of education proposed by Professor Jigoro Kano.
The article highlights the author’s definition of “moral values” based upon the analysis of terms “morality”, “values”, in research literature. The author interprets moral values as semantic formations that are fixed in the consciousness of the individual. Moral values are based on unconditional acceptance of human beings, justice, mercy, understanding of one’s responsibility for someone’s well-being; moral values are shown through deeds that help harmonize the relationship between the individual and the society. Philosophical ideas that contain theoretical base of the development of moral values of the individual are analyzed. The essence and dynamics of the development of views on the process of moral values’ upbringing in foreign and native pedagogics are characterized. The article touches upon the subject of pedagogical conditions, methods and means of working with children that help to optimize the process of moral values upbringing in childhood. It is said, that with the development of pedagogy the attitude towards the child had been changing: up to the 18th century the child was the object of parenting, later the ideas of addressing the child as the subject of the educational process and teaching process should be carried out based on cooperation of the adult and children. Among the pedagogical conditions of moral values upbringing the main ones are the following: the basis of education is the approval of the value of the human, social environment should be an example of virtuous activity and stimulate the child, moral education is carried out in integrity with intellectual and aesthetic education, in the educational process, it is important to shape not only the moral consciousness and behavior but also moral sentiments and motives for deeds. The article deals with methods of moral upbringing: the method of example, the method of admonition, the method of explanation, the method of exercise in good deeds, the method of demand, the method of prohibition of physical punishment. Among the means of education in the history of pedagogy much attention is paid to moderate discipline, the authority of adults, the unconditional love to the child, fairy tale, beauty and the incorporation in different activities, especially in the game.
Jewish education is based on normative axiology tarjag micwot which include ethical values and fundamental social norms, including legal values. Historically and contemporary teaching in Judaism is grounded on the values included in 613 commandments of the Jewish moral and legal axiology. The values comprised in commandments of the Judaism were borrowed from the Christian axiology, however some of them were adopted in Islam. Contemporary many values stemming from Jewish commandments appear in non-religion axiology. In order to develop knowledge, skill and competences nthese values are still relevant.
Wprowadzanie dzieci i młodzieży w świat wartości jest integralnym elementem wychowania. Szczególne znaczenie w teorii wartości mają wartości moralne, których urzeczywistnianie umacnia w jednostce jej indywidualne człowieczeństwo. Wraz z kryzysem wartości moralnych młodego pokolenia rośnie potrzeba skoncentrowania się nauczycieli na kształtowaniu postaw moralnych u uczniów w szkole. W wychowaniu moralnym podejmowanym przez nauczycieli wobec młodszych dzieci szczególnie ważne jest dbanie o jasność głoszonych zasad moralnych, unikanie relatywizmu moralnego i bycie dla wychowanków wzorem postępowania. W artykule ukazano wyniki badań własnych przeprowadzonych wśród nauczycieli klas młodszych obrazujące ich dylematy i trudności w zakresie urzeczywistniania wartości moralnych wśród dzieci.
Introducing children and adolescents to the world of values is inherent in the process of education. In the value theory, moral values are of particular importance because it is by putting those values into practice that the individual reassures his or her unique nature as a human being. In the wake of a crisis in moral values in the young generation, there is a growing need to concentrate teachers’ efforts on promoting moral behaviour in school students. The moral education of younger pupils calls particularly for the unambiguity of moral principles. Teachers should become examples for their pupils, without embracing moral relativism. This article presents the results of the author’s own study conducted among early childhood educators, which indicate the dilemmas and predicaments they face in their efforts to nurture children’s sense of morality.
Content available remote The Concept of Value in the Ethical Thought of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła
The article discusses the concept of value in the ethical thought of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla. The title of this article indicates a twofold delimitation of the problems discussed. The first delimitation is chronological and the theme under consideration is the ethical thought of Cardinal Wojtyla in his pre-papal period.
The article aims to analyse the moral values in the journalism by Teresa Torańska in the Parisian “Kultura”, a monthly journal published by Editor Jerzy Giedroyc at the Literary Institute in Paris. Moral values identified with such concepts as the good and freedom have been analysed. The research allowed to define the most frequently used concepts (good and freedom), their understanding by the interlocutors and the journalist herself. Further analysis allowed to draw attention to the journalistic skills and independence as Teresa Torańska’s work features.
Celem artykułu jest analiza wartości moralnych obecnych w publicystyce Teresy Torańskiej, która ukazywała się na łamach paryskiej „Kultury”, miesięczniku wydawanym przez Redaktora Jerzego Giedroycia w Instytucie Literackim w Paryżu. Wartości moralne utożsamiane z takimi pojęciami, jak dobro i wolność, zostały poddane analizie ilościowej i jakościowej. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły określić najczęściej wykorzystane pojęcia (dobro i wolność), sposób ich rozumienia przez rozmówców oraz dziennikarkę. Dalsze analizy umożliwiły zwrócenie uwagi na warsztat dziennikarski i niezależność jako cechy publicystyki Teresy Torańskiej.
This paper argues that in the case of mental illnesses whose somatic bases are not known or do not exist, a promising route to understand mental illness is to see it as the lack of a patient’s engagement with some moral values that are necessary for a good human life. The paper explains how the first-person perspective, which is constitutive for mental illnesses, makes it impossible to provide an adequate, third-person explanation of the pathological. Because of its irreducible first-personal nature, mental illness must be understood (also) in terms of a moral harm to the patient, and so an integration of ethics and psychiatry (at least at the level of practice) is required. This view is further illustrated with A. Kępiński’s idea of psychiatry as therapy with moral values.
Rhetoric was the most important subject of the Old Polish educational system, with its roots tracing back to the tradition of the Ancient Rome. The statement itself is crucial, due to the fact of the orator’s moral and patriotic duties. Therefore, the lectures were focused not only on the technical aspects of rhetoric, but also on morality, religion and political knowledge. The article consists of two main sections. The first section is dedicated to describing the role of the rhetorical education, as well as, the evolution of the relation between rhetoric and history, which had existed from the 1st century A.D. until the first decades of the 18th century, when history began to separate from rhetoric. The second section is dedicated to presenting the history education in practice, on the example of the Jesuit college in Poznań. The analysis of the matter is based on the script of rhetoric lectures given in Poznań in 1679. With regard to the aforementioned manuscript, one could say, that the most important task of history education, was the patriotic and civil upbringing of pupils, so that they could participate in political and cultural activities. History taught at the College in Poznań was mainly dedicated to Poland, and was of practical nature.
Objectives: The general aim of this article is to propose a theoretical model for the determinants of the optimal (required) operating of the public sector, including financial decision making in the scope of the creation of law and its application. At the same time, authors assert that universal moral values affect and should affect the legal system (including the creation and application of law governing public finances). Research Design & Methods: Precisely in the context of the values mentioned below, authors have decided to verify to what extent the mentioned model works in practice (an initial practical test). For this purpose two pilot studies have been conducted by use of the diagnostic poll method. Findings: Although in common (i.e. public) conviction decision making by public authorities (including decisions on public spending) should be based on moral values culturally accepted by society (which are often reflected in binding law), the results of the afore-mentioned studies were less than conclusive. Recommendations: The results underlined the need for in-depth interdisciplinary research (both legal and sociological), mainly into the moral aspects of legislating with regard to public finances, both at the state and local levels. Contribution: Research into the issue of the role of morality in financial decision making in Poland has not been undertaken yet. The authors created (and proposed) a theoretical model for the optimal operating of the public sector and decided to test the validity of the assumptions of the basic elements thereof by way of pilot studies.
Poniższy artykuł składa się z dwóch części. Najpierw przedstawione zostały w syntetycznej postaci definicyjne ujęcia wartości moralnych i urzeczywistniania wartości, a następnie wyniki badań dotyczących wartości moralnych urzeczywistnianych przez młodzież gimnazjalną.
The following article consists of two parts. In the first presented − in synthetic form − definition recognition of the moral and realizing value. Then shown the results of research on moral values implemented by young high school students.
The author refers to experiences of distance learning, which has been introduced in Polish schools in March 2020. The author is also concerned about how moral values may be shaped and how to discuss with teenagers about serious topics in the new form of education. She presents proposals of literary works, which may be a base for further considerations (and discussion) during remote Polish literature classes in 7th and 8th grade. Texts have been grouped taking into account such values as: respect, responsibility, self-discipline (meant as development of self-potential and self-control), fairness, as well as friendship and love. To each of the lectures referred the author is presenting methods and forms of work with students. The change of teaching form stressed out the role of school in the modern world.
Autorka odnosi się do doświadczeń nauczania na odległość, które zostało wprowadzone w polskich szkołach w marcu 2020 roku. Zastanawia się nad tym, jak w tej nowej formie edukacji można kształtować wartości moralne oraz jak można rozmawiać z nastolatkami na trudne tematy. Przedstawia propozycję utworów literackich, które można uczynić punktem odniesienia do namysłu (i dyskusji) na zdalnych lekcjach języka polskiego w klasach VII i VIII. Teksty zostały pogrupowane w obrębie takich wartości, jak: szacunek, odpowiedzialność, samodyscyplina (rozumiana jako rozwijanie własnego potencjału i samokontrola), sprawiedliwość, a także przyjaźń i miłość. Do każdej z zaproponowanych lektur autorka podaje metody i formy pracy z uczniami. Zmiana sposobu nauczania uwypukliła, jaka jest rola szkoły w nowoczesnym świecie.
The article "Family and Moral Values. Place of Teaching, Verification and Implementation" are shown the basic tasks faced by the family as the basicsocial unit in the transmission of values, especially moral values.The thematic scope of the article covers several scientific disciplines: theology, sociology, Catholic social teaching and Catholic teaching on marriage and family. This presentation is analysis of the condition of the family withregard to the past and present. There are also put some clear tasks faced by families in confrontation with the modern world if they want to be carriers of moral values. The author also points out the importance of moral values in human life, the factors that contribute to their development and those that inhibit this development, indicates social environments that uphold values and shows the need for cooperation in order to achieve this objective – education towards values.
W artykule „Rodzina a wartości moralne. Miejsce ich nauczania, weryfikacji i realizacji” zostają ukazane podstawowe zadania jakie stoją przed rodziną, jako podstawową jednostką społeczną w zakresie przekazywania wartości, szczególnie wartości moralnych.Artykuł swoim zakresem tematycznym obejmuje kilka dziedzin naukowych: teologii, socjologii, katolickiej nauki społecznej oraz katolickiej nauki o małżeństwie i rodzinie. W pracy zostaje przedstawiona analiza kondycji rodziny z uwzględnieniem przeszłości i teraźniejszości; zostają także postawione pewne jasne zadania, którym muszą sprostać rodziny w konfrontacji ze światem współczesnym, jeśli chcą być nośnikami wartości moralnych. Autor wskazuje także na znaczenie wartości moralnych w życiu człowieka, czynników, które sprzyjają ich rozwojowi i tych, które ten rozwój hamują, wskazuje na środowiska społeczne, które stoją na straży wartości oraz wykazuje potrzebę współpracy w celu osiągnięcia postawionego celu – wychowania do wartości.
Content available remote Media - młodzież - wartości moralne w społeczeństwie informacyjnym
Życiu człowieka towarzyszy kontekst moralny. Swój kontekst moralny tworzą także media, zwłaszcza telewizja i Internet. Kulturze mediów pozwolono na wytworzenie własnego systemu odniesień. Dotyczy to np. manipulacji odbiorcą. Moraliści utrzymują, że media powinny pozostawać w służbie ogólnego dobra społecznego. Od władz państwowych należy oczekiwać dbałości o to, by obywatele społeczeństwa informacyjnego nie byli manipulowani przez media, gdyż stwarza to zagrożenie dla postępu indywidualnego i społecznego. Konieczna jest zatem współpraca moralistów ze specjalistami mediów, gdyż ich funkcje są komplementarne.
Man's life is accompanied by a moral context. Media also create their moral context, especially TV and Internet. The media culture was allowed to form its own reference system which can concern, for instance, manipulation of recipients. Moralists affirm that media ought to stay in service of general public welfare. We should also expect from authorities that the information society citizens will not be manipulated by media as it creates threat for individual and public progress. Cooperation between moralists and media specialists is necessary because their functions are complementary.
Russia’s war on Ukraine is not a failure by accident but reflects the mentality and stance of the Kremlin and greater parts of the Russian people. Russia’s international politics pursue imperial dreams, conducted by the most brutal methods. Obviously, the political consciousness of Russians has not progressed to the rates and standards that shape the minds and behavior of politicians and the electorate in the most advanced nations of our time. It is argued that political science must consider research conducted by the cognitive-developmental approach. Contemporary nations operate on differently developed stages of mind and cognition with far-reaching effects on moral reasoning, social understanding, and humanitarian standards. There is evidence that a weaker development of the fourth stage of human cognition, the stage of formal operations, accounts for backwardness concerning the process of civilization. This seems to be the main cause of the chasm between the “Russian World” and the “Free World”.
The Japanese concept KOKORO and its axiological aspects in the discourse of moral educationThis article on the axiological aspects of the ‘Japanese mind/heart/soul’ focuses on the native Japanese word kokoro, which is extremely polysemous, frequently appears in various contexts and can be considered one of the Japanese cultural concepts or key words. The primary concern here is the axiological aspects of KOKORO in the discourse of contemporary moral education. The first part presents the basic semantic structure of the word kokoro and its comparison with similar words in other languages. The next section summarizes the social changes leading to the emergence of kokoro as a key word, and its way to the discourse of moral education. It also examines what cultural and moral values of Japanese society can be revealed through the study of the cultural key word kokoro. The final part presents the results of a content and semantic analysis of a four-volume edition of study material for moral education classes Kokoro no nōto (2002, revised in 2009). Japońskie pojęcie KOKORO i jego aspekty aksjologiczne w dyskursie wychowania moralnegoNiniejszy artykuł poświęcony aspektom aksjologicznym ‘japońskiego umysłu/serca/duszy’ koncentruje się na rodzimym japońskim leksemie kokoro, który charakteryzuje się dużą polisemicznością i często pojawia się w różnych kontekstach, i który można uznać za jedno z japońskich pojęć kulturowych czy słów-kluczy. Artykuł omawia aspekty aksjologiczne KOKORO przede wszystkim w dyskursie współczesnego wychowania moralnego. Pierwsza część przedstawia podstawową strukturę semantyczną słowa kokoro w porównaniu z podobnymi słowami w innych językach. Kolejna – omawia zmiany społeczne, w wyniku których kokoro stało się słowem-kluczem i weszło do dyskursu edukacji moralnej, oraz przedstawia wartości kulturowe i moralne społeczeństwa japońskiego, jakie można dostrzec dzięki jego analizie. Końcowa część przedstawia wyniki analizy treści i semantyki czterotomowych materiałów do nauki wychowania moralnego zatytułowanych Kokoro no nōto (2002/2009).
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