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The issue of men’s confession is very little developed, although it is seem as an important research problem. Contemporary conditions of experiencing masculinity include changes in civilisation and the development of various types of therapies which, despite revealing wounds, do not always help to overcome them. Interdisciplinary research on confession of men shows that their motivation to recourse to the sacrament of penance includes the desire to meet an understanding confessor who will help them regain confidence and self–reliance. Willingness to overcome weaknesses lies at the heart of seeking help in mastering one’s lusts and sins. Men’s different approach to moral problems consists of their willingness to solve the problem quickly, or of resorting to illusory escape from the experienced difficulty. It is important to show the theological aspect of confession which is an encounter with Christ who defeated sin and death in the mystery of the cross and resurrection.
Is theology able to communicate anything to the economy at all? Would not it be an invasion to an autonomous field of knowledge capable to organize economic activity of man according to its internal rules? However, when asking the economic question of how to satisfy material needs, one cannot ultimately avoid another question – an ethical one – of what the purpose of satisfying those needs is. What is man really looking for? Theology, on the plane of faith and reason, tries to find answers to these fundamental, ultimate questions asked by human beings, who are nowadays often tired of searching for happiness in satisfying the short-term and often artificially created new and new needs. A theologian in his research listens first of all to the word that God pronounces to man. This word, contained in the Bible, sets out the basic lines of the dignity of man, his tasks and the ultimate goal of his existence, which is to achieve full humanity and maturity, namely happiness in God. Only in such a perspective, which goes beyond the mundane, one can properly evaluate every action of man, giving it a rightful place in the whole of his existence. Specific issues relating to man’s economic activity, as described in the Bible, invariably refer to this overall dimension of his existence and his ultimate fulfilment in God as the guarantor of order and the source of life. Hence, any human activity which ignores the structure of that order, planned by the Creator, appears to be disordered and, consequently, leads to the destruction of man himself.
The Catholic Church’s Social Teaching dealing with mankind is interested in the person and their way of progressing in the world. As John Paul II stated, Catholic Social Teaching “belongs [...] to the field [...] of theology, particularly moral theology” (SRS 41; CA 55). Polish moralists in the area of social moral theological studies undertake the issue of economic-social life, and in particular its anthropological dimension. Moral reflections from the theological point of view allow for an integral grasping of the involvement of the person in the life of society. The goal of the presented report is to show an integral concept of the person as the fundamental dimension of social-economic life. The principle source of this work is comprised of views presented on the given topic by the nation’s moralists during over a dozen lately held yearly meetings of the Section of Polish Moral Theologians. The contents of the report are divided into three parts: (1) the integrated vision of the person as the principle element of evaluating the social-economic order; (2) threats to the human person in the context of contemporary social-political life and (3) pointing to ways of overcoming these threats.
Studia Ełckie
tom 18
nr 3
285 - 294
Professional work is often connected with dangers for human life and health. Employees are exposed for misadventures and professional illnesses. In some professions this risk can be very high. On the other hand work is very important in human life. It ensures integral human development. Hence, man can do his job although some risk can be connected with it. Prerequisite for this kind of activity is using all available means for health and safety. In such situa-tion possible misadventure is only the effect of coincidence, which cannot be predicted. Responsibility for health and safety at work is common duty of em-ployees, employers and state authorities. Employees are mainly responsible for their mental and physical condition, employers for worksite and authorities for reasonable labour legislation.
The Catholic moral theology acknowledges a person’s right to use animals in compliance with their nature, while putting the emphasis on the obligation to treat them with proper sensitivity and kindness. This right includes the possibility to conduct experiments on animals. Such experiments are allowed after meeting a range of conditions. Justifiable hopes for scientific development or for achieving practical goals are required. Also, the number of used animals should be limited and the pain and stress the animals feel ought to be minimized. A right balance should be maintained between those factors. Moreover, moral theology elevates the value of intentions, i.e., the objective for which the test results will be used. It can modify the moral classification of experiments, which on their own are good or neutral.
Content available Tajemnica spowiedzi świętej
The article discusses the secret of confession from the point of view of its serving to spiritual welfare of a penitent and principles which should be respected by confessors. The reason of the secret of confession is good name of a penitent and his sense of security in the confessional and keeping the Canon Law protecting the holiness of this sacrament. The secret of confession includes both sins and circumstances which are the subject of confession in the sacramental encounter. Betrayal of the secret of confession may occur directly or indirectly and in both forms harms a penitent and an ecclesial community. New theological and moral issue is a danger of a breach of secrecy in a confession at a distance, especially with the use of electronic media.
Artykuł podejmuje kwestię tajemnicy spowiedzi rozpatrywanej od strony jej służenia dobru duchowemu penitenta oraz zasad, którymi powinien kierować się spowiednik. Motywem zachowywania tajemnicy spowiedzi jest dobre imię penitenta i jego poczucie bezpieczeństwa w konfesjonale oraz zachowanie prawa kościelnego stojącego na straży świętości sakramentu. Zakres treści tajemnicy spowiedzi obejmuje zarówno grzechy, jak i okoliczności będące przedmiotem wyznania w sakramentalnym spotkaniu. Zdrada tajemnicy spowiedzi może zachodzić wprost lub pośrednio i w obu formach wyrządza krzywdę penitentowi i społeczności eklezjalnej. Nowym zagadnieniem teologicznomoralnym jest niebezpieczeństwo naruszenia tajemnicy w spowiedzi na odległość, szczególnie z użyciem mediów elektronicznych.
The purpose of this article is to present the role of religious texts in the analysis of common language of the people of the former Commonwealth of the Two Nations. The subject of the analysis is the text Bohoslowija nrawouczytelnaja... published in the basilian’s printing house in Pochayev in 1751. Textual features of living Ukrainian language (approximation of articulation [i] and [y], hardness [t] and [d], morphological features) are common tendencies, and can be a testimony of the state of the Ukrainian language of the eighteenth century. The analysis supports the thesis of evolutionary development of Ukrainian written language.
This article presents the issue of moral upbringing in families based on a mixed Catholic-Lutheran marriage in a synthetic way. In the time of the crisis of upbringing as such, it becomes essential to pay attention to moral upbringing, which is the foundation of all education, and should be passed on by parents, as the first educators. They take actions that, despite a difference in religion, guide children to form a moral conscience, proper interpersonal relations, and educate them about love, that should be based on truth. In mixed denominational families, the transmission of moral upbringing takes place in the spirit of ecumenism, which means that, despite the threats that may arise, the testimony of Christian love and unity speaks out even stronger.
The article seeks to evaluate the use of animals for educational and entertainment purposes in terms of theology and morality. After a synthetic presentation of the multifaceted concept of animal rights, an attempt is made to formulate, in an analogical way, an evaluation of the selected forms of using animals: from establishing zoological parks and organizing sports competitions to fights involving animals. Among those animal uses, the most serious objections are made to animal fights among animals themselves or against men, as they cause the suffering of living creatures that cannot be justified by a mere wish to provide entertainment for a specific social group.
The contemporary world is challenged by poverty. A particular form of serving the poor is a „preferential option for the poor”, also known as the „preferential love for the poor”. This op-tion is developed on the basis of the Church’s social teaching on social solidarity and love which imitate Christ in His attitude toward the poor. The article presents the origin, nature, and ways of realizing the preferential love for the poor in the modern world and in the life of the Church. It starts with explaining the meaning of the word poor (poverty), then draws attention to the various manifestations of poverty in Poland and in the world. It also reflects on the moral responsibility for the current scale of poverty. The analyses embrace the teaching of Pope John Paul II. His words and the example of his life were an urgent appeal to all the people of good will to change the situation of the poor. The topic have been presented against the background of socio-economic sciences.
Nowadays, there are very strong aspirations aiming to link science with economy. These aspirations create specific problems for humanities which do not generate products, technology and patents for sale, and thereby do not bring measurable benefits to industry and universities. Moral theology, whose essential task is to define norms, orders and prohibitions, may rather seem to restrain innovative economy than to be its driving force. However, moral theology provides practical indications which can give a more human character to the technological development. It is possible only when its relationship with business at the level of scientific research is as brief as possible, and the financing is completely independent from the market laws.
Content available From Moral Theology to Ecclesial Ethics
 Artykuł podejmuje próbę zidentyfikowania wybranych wpływów i wydarzeń z perspektywy historycznej które warunkowały rozwój myślenia etycznego i instruktarzu moralnego w tradycji rzymsko-katolickiej. Owa identyfikacja ma posłużyć lepszemu zrozumieniu obecnego stanu dyskursu moralnego i wskazaniu kierunków na jego dalszy rozwój. Etyka eklezjalna jest jednym z zaproponowanych kierunków. Teologia moralna jest tu przedstawiona jako nauka dynamiczna, kształtowana przez presje, możliwości i wymagania czasu. Niemniej jednak, zgodnie z postawionym tu argumentem, aby pozostać dyscyplina mająca istotny wpływ na obecna rzeczywistość, pewne fundamentalne pytania (włącznie z pytaniem o cel teologii moralnej) musza być postawione. Obecne studium, angażując sie w rozprawę nad tymi pytaniami, suponuje praktyczna rzeczywistość jednostek, społeczeństw, Kościoła i Planety jako podstawę współczesnych dociekań teologiczno-moralnych. Współcześni teologowie moralni i etycy teologiczni (artykuł bada różnice pomiędzy tymi i podobnymi kategoriami) to grupa zróżnicowana i (należy dodać) podzielona. Koncentrując sie na potencjale etyki eklezjalnej, owo studium jest zachęta do i ćwiczeniem w ‘budowaniu mostów’, którego potrzebuje współczesny świat (włącznie ze światem teologii moralnej). Głównym celem podjętego badania jest próbą pozytywnego ustosunkowania sie do apelu o odnowę teologii moralnej zawartym w Dekrecie of Formacji Kapłańskiej II Soboru Watykańskiego i nauczaniu Papieża Franciszka.
The paper explores shifts and turns that over the centuries have influenced moral thinking and instructing on moral matters within the Roman Catholic tradition. The purpose of this exploration is to shed light on the current status of moral theology and identify areas for future developments. The paper proposes ‘ecclesial ethics’ as one of such areas. It views moral theology as a dynamic discipline, shaped by pressures, invitations and demands of the day. It claims that for moral theology to be relevant today, some fundamental questions (including the purpose of the discipline) must be revisited. It argues that practical realities in the lives of individuals, communities and the church as well as the Planet must be at the forefront of moral theological considerations. Contemporary moral theologians and/or theological ethicists (the paper considers this distinction) are a diverse and, we dare to add, divided group. The paper argues that building bridges in a polarised world (including the world of moral theology) needs to be a priority. The overall aim of this study is to respond positively to the call for renewal of moral theology as voiced in the ‘Decree on Priestly Formation’ of the Second Vatican Council and in several statements made by Pope Francis.
Hardly any problem in contemporary theological-moral discourse causes such turbulence as the searching, reflection, and demarcation of the boundaries between good and evil in human acting. A fundamental problem is a criterion or a reference point according to which a person could reliably determine what is good and evil. Divergent theological views in the theological-moral dimension seem to have caused the clear boundaries between good and evil to disappear. Therefore, the crucial question is whether there is still a universal criterion for theological evaluation of a human act, as the situation in theological-moral discourse resembles an areopagus of opinions that have no common point in distinguishing between good and evil. This reflection examines the possibility if the Thomistic ethical analysis of a human act, together with the principle of double effect, may be a reference point for the demarcation of these boundaries.
The present article, describing the concept of virtue and its place in the formation of a person’s maturity, points to the social dimension of moral competences that have their repercussions in interpersonal relations. Virtue is a social capital thanks to the fact that it triggers definite mechanisms in a man, enabling him to get involved in the realization of the common good. It becomes a special cement of human relations when it ensures proper conditions for forming existential bonds with others and it shapes a personal way of experiencing the challenges that one encounters and of responding to them. The four cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, courage and temperance make up a cohesive quartet of attitudes that determine one’s ability to control himself and the possibility to help others in a responsible way. The supreme manifestation of the social capital is love, owing to which a man is prepared to give his life in the service of his neighbor.
Niniejszy artykuł, opisując pojęcie cnoty i jej miejsce w formowaniu dojrzałości osoby, wskazuje na społeczny wymiar sprawności moralnych, które znajdują swe reperkusje w relacjach międzyludzkich. Cnota stanowi kapitał społeczny przez to, że wyzwala w człowieku określone mechanizmy uzdalniające go do zaangażowania się w realizację dobra wspólnego. Staje się ona szczególnym spoiwem ludzkich relacji, gdy zapewnia człowiekowi warunki do nawiązywania egzystencjalnych więzi z innymi oraz kształtuje osobowy sposób przeżywania i reagowania na pojawiające się wyzwania. Cztery cnoty kardynalne: roztropność, sprawiedliwość, męstwo i umiarkowanie tworzą spójną kwadrygę postaw, które warunkują zdolność panowania nad sobą i możność odpowiedzialnego udzielania się na rzecz innych. Najwyższym przejawem kapitału społecznego jest miłość, dzięki której człowiek jest gotowy oddać życie w służbie bliźniego.
Content available Wybrane moralne aspekty prostytucji
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie niektórych kwestii moralnych związanych ze zjawiskiem prostytucji. Po syntetycznym opisaniu nauczania Pisma Świętego oraz doktryny najwybitniejszych teologów (św. Augustyna z Hippony i św. Tomasza z Akwinu) podjęto refleksję na temat odpowiedzialności moralnej osób zaangażowanych w prostytucję. Przeanalizowano jej zakres w odniesieniu zarówno do osób oddających się prostytucji, jak i tych, którzy z niej korzystają lub organizują cały proceder. Zwieńczeniem jest przedstawienie powiązań prostytucji z innymi wykroczeniami moralnymi i wybranymi problemami społecznymi. Wskazano, że prostytucja jest bardzo niepokojącym zjawiskiem moralnym i społecznym, które nierzadko przybiera znamię struktur grzechu.
The aim of this article is to show selected moral issues connected with prostitution. After synthetic describing teaching of Scripture and doctrine of the illustrious theologians (St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Thomas Aquinas) reflection on the moral responsibility of people involved in prostitution was taken. Its scope was examined in relation to both those who engage in prostitution, as well as those who use it and organize all dealings. The culmination is to provide links between prostitution and other moral offenses and selected social problems. It has also been suggested that prostitution is a very disturbing moral and social phenomena, which often takes on the sign of the structures of sin.
The issue of men's confession is very little developed, although it is seen as an important research problem. To the contemporary conditions of living of masculinity are changing civilization and the development of various types of therapies that revealing injury, do not always help to overcome them. Interdisciplinary research confession men show that their motivation to join the sacrament of penance is the desire to meet the understanding confessor that will help them regain confidence and self-reliance. The desire to overcome the weakness underlies seek help in mastering their lusts and sins. Disparate treatment of moral problems by men lies in their willingness to quickly solve the problem, or overcoming it finds the illusory form of escape from the difficulties lived. It is important to show the theological dimension of confession, as an encounter with Christ defeated sin and death in the mystery of the cross and resurrection.
Zagadnienie spowiedzi mężczyzn jest bardzo mało opracowane, choć jawi się jako ważny problem badawczy. Do współczesnych uwarunkowań przeżywania męskości należą zmiany cywilizacyjne oraz rozwój różnego rodzaju terapii, które ujawniając zranienia, nie zawsze pomagają je przezwyciężyć. Interdyscyplinarne badania nad spowiedzią mężczyzn ukazują, że ich motywacją przystępowania do sakramentu pokuty jest pragnienie spotkania z rozumiejącym spowiednikiem, który pomoże im odzyskać pewność i zaufanie do samego siebie. Chęć pokonania słabości leży u podstaw szukania pomocy w opanowaniu swych pożądliwości i grzechów. Odmienność traktowania trudności moralnych przez mężczyzn polega na chęci ich szybkiego rozwiązania lub pokonywaniu znalezionej złudnej formy ucieczki od przeżywanych trudności. Istotne jest ukazanie teologicznego wymiaru spowiedzi jako spotkania z Chrystusem pokonującym grzech i śmierć w tajemnicy krzyża i zmartwychwstania.
Moral theology, as any science, has first of all cognitive aims. However, because of its subject one may also talk about the practical dimension of moral-theological reflection. This is because the subject is human action (praxis) that moral theology not only describes but also defines, indicating the moral norms that have to be kept to in it. Explaining and justifying the moral principles and norms moral theology is aiming at the plentitude a man should realize in his own life and work. Realizing this plentitude happens in an actual living situation. This is why applying principles and norms to particular attitudes and particular areas of human life is a significant, practical part of theologians-moralists’ service. None of these areas is excluded from the range of the interests of moral theology. Analysis of these areas is the starting point for the reflection of a theological-ethical character, directed at forming attitudes.
Teologia moralna, jak każda nauka, posiada nade wszystko cele poznawcze. Ze względu jednak na przedmiot można mówić także o praktycznym wymiarze refleksji teologicznomoralnej. Tym przedmiotem jest bowiem ludzkie działanie (praxis), które teologia moralna nie tylko opisuje, ale także określa wskazując obowiązujące w nim normy moralne. Wyjaśniając i argumentując zasady i normy moralne, teologia moralna ma na względzie pełnię, którą człowiek winien urzeczywistnić we własnym życiu i działaniu. Urzeczywistnienie tej pełni następuje w konkretnej sytuacji życiowej. Dlatego istotną, praktyczną częścią posługi teologów moralistów jest aplikacja zasad i norm do szczegółowych postaw i dziedzin ludzkiego życia. Żadna z tych dziedzin nie jest wyłączona poza zakres zainteresowań teologii moralnej. Analiza tych dziedzin stanowi punkt wyjścia dla refleksji o charakterze teologiczno-etycznym ukierunkowanej na formowanie postaw.
Although the three duodecalogues, Duodecim Regulae, Duodecim arma spiritualis pugnae, and Duodecim conditiones amantis, make up only a tiny fraction of the entire oeuvre of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, they enjoyed great popularity and diffusion in the sixteenth century. They were translated into vernacular languages very early, such as into English by Sir Thomas More at the beginning of the sixteenth century. There were also translations into French, Italian, German, Spanish and even Czech, all almost unknown to international scholarship. It was their spiritual content which made them so popular in the Renaissance and it is actually this content which is one of the reasons they have been almost entirely omitted in the modern historiography of Renaissance philosophy. Another reason for their neglect lies in certain doubts concerning their authenticity. This paper puts these writings into the context of Pico’s philosophy as far as spiritual life can be considered part of his anthropological concept.
The Belgian act legalising euthanasia was passed on 28th May 2002 and was amended on 28th February 2014. The new law has made euthanasia accessible to minors without age restrictions and is an innovation which violates basic Christian values. But openness to the killing of innocent lives might be the beginning of society's self-destruction. It is a dangerous thought that minors, who are limited in their rights because of their immaturity, are allowed to choose destruction of the greatest gift: life itself. This is fruit of social and civil changes and specially consequence of process of secularization. A rapid increase of euthanasia applications of patients with certain conditions and who fear losing consciousness, raises questions about the future and safeguarding. The current situation may actually infuse people with fear and insecurity. There is also a question of trust in doctors, who under Belgian law may bring death in the name of providing healthcare. A doctor may only proceed with the performance of euthanasia in accordance with certain procedures, but many times procedures are violated and lives are endangered.
Artykuł podejmuje analizę etycznych aspektów eutanazji w Belgii. Ustawa z 28 maja 2002 roku dopuszczająca eutanazje w Belgii uległa 28 lutego 2014 nowelizacji, umożliwiając dokonywanie eutanazji na osobach nieletnich bez ograniczeń wiekowych. Otwarcie się na zabijanie niewinnych może stać się początkiem samozagłady społeczeństwa. Bardzo niebezpieczną kwestią jest to, iż osoby nieletnie, które są pozbawione wielu praw z powodu niedojrzałości, mogą decydować o zniszczeniu największego daru, jakim jest życie. Szybko rosnąca ilość składanych wniosków o dokonanie eutanazji w przyszłości, w przypadku utraty świadomości połączonej z określoną kondycją zdrowotną, niesie w sobie pytanie o przyszłość i bezpieczeństwo. Dokonujący eutanazji lekarz jest zobowiązany do przestrzegania procedur, ale często procedury są łamane, a życie człowieka jest zagrożone.
Content available remote Modlitwa jako narzędzie budowania nowej kultury życia
Protecting of human life from conception until to natural death is part of the ongoing spiritual struggle between the culture of death and the civilization of love. The destruction of life is the fruit of the negation of God and the attempt to take over the work of creation. The tool in the hands of believers is the prayer that brings man to God and contemplates his work of creation and salvation in Christ and elevating the human person to the dignity of the child of God. The exhortation of the Gospel of life promoted by St John Paul II in the encyclical Evangelium vitae leads to perception of its value and prevents the banishment of human behavior in the face of suffering.
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