The aim of this article is the description of lithofacies characteristics of sediments forming the north-east part of the morainic upland edge zone in the vicinity of Piaski Pomorskie (West Pomerania). The paper undertake also an attempt to reconstruct paleogeographical conditions of the formation of moranic uppland edge. The diversification of glaciofluvial and fluvial processes during the phase of stagnation and recession of uppervistulian ice-sheet in the vicinity of Piaski Pomorskie (Western Pomerania) led to the formation of a morainic upland edge distinctly marked in morphology The edge zone separates the undulating moraine plateau from a lower situated Dębnica River Valley. This area is mostly formed by fine-grained sands with occasional layers of a coarser fraction of gravel and coarse- and medium-grained sands. The observed type of low-angle cross-stratification and trough cross-stratification indicates the dominance of diversified energy depositional environment with considerable power of water as transporting medium. The research area was formed at the front of the ice-sheet, which receded from the nearby reach of the Pomeranian Phase of the Weichselian glaciation.
The research was carried out in three catenas, in which the soils made a typical toposequence of the moraine landscape in Masurian Lakeland, i.e. eroded soils, deluvial soils, mucky soils as well as slightly and strongly silted peat-muck soils. The total content of Ca, Mg, K, P, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu was analyzed in these soils. The amounts of soil organic matter and measured elements showed catenal variation. Mucky soils had the highest content of Mg, K, Fe and Na whereas strongly and slightly silted peat-muck soils contained the highest amounts of P, Mn, Ca and Cu. The content of Ca was positively correlated with organic matter content. The amount of Mg, K, Cu and Mn was positively correlated with the amount of clay fraction. As the studied soils are located at the bottom of a slope, downwards water flow, where mineral compounds are accumulated in deposits or dissolved in water, mucky soils and silted peat-muck soils contain high amounts of the analyzed elements. Mucky soils and silted peat-muck soils play a role of biogeochemical barriers protecting wetlands against nutrients from surrounding moraine uplands. Surface horizons of deluvial soils were depleted of the analyzed elements (excluding P) whereas AO horizons of mucky soils and Mt horizons of peat-muck soils were abundant in the measured elements (excluding Ca). Various amounts of the analyzed elements in the pedons of the catena sequences should be taken into consideration when planning land use in the moraine landscape, which has unique natural values.
Badania przeprowadzono w 3 katenach, w których gleby tworzyły typową dla krajobrazu morenowego Pojezierza Mazurskiego toposekwencję: gleb erodowanych, deluwialnych, namurszowych oraz gleb torfowo-murszowych silnie i słabo zamulonych. W glebach oznaczono całkowitą zawartość Ca, Mg, K, P, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu. Badane gleby wykazywały katenalną zmienność zawartości materii organicznej i oznaczonych pierwiastków. Gleby namurszowe wyróżniały się najwyższą zawartością Mg, K, Fe, Na, a silnie i słabo zamulone gleby torfowo-murszowe — P, Mn, Ca i Cu. Zawartość wapnia była dodatnio skorelowana z ilością materii organicznej, natomiast zawartość Mg, K, Cu, Mn z ilością frakcji ilastej. Stwierdzona największa zawartość większości oznaczonych pierwiastków w glebach namurszowych i zamulonych glebach torfowo-murszowych jest uwarunkowana ich usytuowaniem u podnóża stoków, na drodze spływów erozyjnych, gdzie następuje akumulacja składników mineralnych przemieszczanych wraz z masą glebową lub rozpuszczonych w wodzie. Gleby namurszowe i zamulone gleby torfowo-murszowe w krajobrazie morenowym pełnią funkcję barier biogeochemicznych chroniących siedliska mokradłowe przed przenikaniem pierwiastków biogennych z otaczających wysoczyzn. Poziomy powierzchniowe gleb deluwialnych wykazywały zubożenie w oznaczone pierwiastki (z wyjątkiem P), natomiast poziomy AO gleb namurszowych i Mt torfowo-murszowych wzbogacenie (z wyjątkiem Ca). Zróżnicowanie zawartości pierwiastków w pedonach badanych katen powinno być uwzględniane podczas użytkowania gleb w krajobrazie morenowym, który ma unikatowe walory przyrodnicze.
The research was carried out on a soil catena sequence, in three sections of river valleys: the Liwna and Guber rivers flowing through landscapes shaped by ice-dammed lakes on Sępopol Lowland, and the Łyna river in the morainic landscape of Olsztyn Lakeland. Along transects, from the upland edge towards the river bed, soil exposures were made, soil samples were collected, and the soil reaction, cation exchange capacity, content of organic carbon and total content of Ca, Fe, Mg, K, P, Na, Mn, Zn and Cu were analyzed. The soils of the landscape of ice-dammed lake origin contained more elements than the ones in the morainic landscape. In the catena, the highest cation exchange capacity and the highest content of macro- and microelements were determined in Histosols and Fluvisols. Among the studied Fluvisols, the highest content of Ca (19.5 g kg-1), Mg (12.60 g kg-1), Fe (41.92 g kg-1), Mn (691.38 mg kg-1) was found in the soils of the Guber catena, and the highest content of K (13.00 g kg-1), Na (0.60 g kg-1), P (3.20 g kg-1), Cu (55.90 mg kg-1), Zn (271.46 mg kg-1) was in the soils of the Liwna catena. The amounts of the elements (except Fe and Mn) were statistically positively significantly correlated with the amount of organic carbon as well as the silt fraction 0.05-0.002 mm (all elements) and clay fraction <0.002 mm (Ca, K, Na, Fe, Mn). Fluvisols and Histosols in river valleys, owing to their high accumulation capacity, play a very important role in the circulation of elements and strengthen the resistance of landscapes of ice-dammed lake origin and morainic hills to human activity.