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An appropriate arrangement of particular zones in the gasifier is of practical importance for the gasification process effectiveness. One of the parameters that affects the optimum reactor operation and has to be taken into account is the speed of bed movement. The transient one-dimensional model describing the heat and mass transfer in the upper section of the biomass fixed bed gasifier that covers the zones of evaporation and pyrolysis, was introduced. To study the effect of packed bed settling resulted from the wood particles’ volume change due to their devolatilization, the simulations for various bed movement speeds were performed. The computation results indicated, as expected, on the different distribution of pyrolysis and drying zones, depending on the speed value. The clear tendency towards the reduction of pyrolysis zone, and on the other hand, towards the expansion of drying zone, with an increasing movement speed was observed.
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Problem wilgoci w rurociągach preizolowanych jest największą bolączką ciepłowników, przez jednych doceniany, przez innych ignorowany, a przez jeszcze innych niedostrzegany. Im głębiej wchodzi się w to zagadnienie tym więcej pojawia się znaków zapytania. Artykuł stanowi próbę naświetlenia tego zagadnienia.
The problem of moisture in preinsulated pipelines is the biggest headache for heat engineers, appreciated by some, ignored by others, and by another overlooked. The deeper one enters into this matter, the more there are question marks. This article is an attempt to highlight this issue.
The influence of changing moisture content in three- layer chipboard for static bending strength. The aim of the study was the analyse of the humidity change influence on static bending strength of three-layer chipboards. Samples were studied after seasoning three different climate conditions. First step was the analyse done after seasoning in normal conditions. The second after seasoning in the conditions of increased humidity (the samples were stored in water bath with water temperature of 20OC). The last step was the study of the samples stores in dryer with temperature 97OC. Studies showed the impact of humidity change to density and static bending strength of the analysed three- layer chipboard samples.
Wpływ zmian wilgotności na wytrzymałość płyt wiórowych trójwarstwowych na zginanie statyczne. Celem pracy była analiza wpływu zmian wilgotności na wytrzymałość na zginanie statyczne płyt wiórowych trójwarstwowych. Próbki badano po sezonowaniu w trzech różnych warunkach klimatycznych. Pierwszym krokiem była analiza wykonana po sezonowaniu w warunkach normalnych. W drugim kroku przeprowadzono badania po sezonowaniu w warunkach podwyższonej wilgotności (próbki przechowywano w łaźni wodnej o temperaturze wody 20OC). Ostatnim krokiem było badanie parametrów próbek po sezonowaniu w suszarce nastawionej na temperaturę 97OC. Badania wykazały wpływ zmiany wilgotności na gęstość i wytrzymałość na zginanie statyczne analizowanych próbek płyt wiórowych trójwarstwowych.
W artykule przedstawiono sposób oceny przyczyn pojawiania się wód gruntowych i opadowych w garażach podziemnych. Rozwiązania polegające na budowie głęboko posadowionych obiektów budowlanych są szczególnie często wykorzystywane na terenach silnie zurbanizowanych, gdzie w części podziemnej budynku zlokalizowane są stanowiska postojowe dla samochodów zmniejszając w ten sposób zajętość terenu. Często obiekty te posadowione są w miejscach złożonych warunków gruntowych przy wysokim poziomie wód. W takim wypadku istotne jest właściwe projektowanie i wykonawstwo w celu zabezpieczenia części podziemnej przed napływem wód do wnętrza części podziemnych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jakości robót budowlanych.
The paper describes how to assess reasons for the emergence of groundwater and rainwater inside underground garages. Building solutions involving constructions of deep-erected buildings are particularly often used in highly urbanized areas, where the underground parts of buildings are located parking spaces for cars thus reducing the occupancy of those areas. Often, these buildings are sited in complex ground conditions with the high levels of water. In this case, it is essential to proper design and construction in order to protect the underground part against the inflow of groundwater as well as rainwater inside underground stories, especially taking into account quality of construction works.
Changes of environmental conditions in mesocosms differentiated in the accessibility for epigean arthropods (closed and open for animals) were compared on a meadow of the Arrhenatheretalia order. In general, moisture of the exposed litter and of the underlying substrate did not differ between the open and closed treatments. Plant biomass, considered as an index of the environmental conditions, did not differentiate the two mesocosm types, either aboveground (total and subdivided into dead and living) or belowground. The open mesocosms were characterised by higher weight of fragmented plant material and of invertebrate faeces than the closed treatment.
The paper presents the results of laboratory tests into the effects of moisture and the content of two types of bentonite on dielectric properties of moulding sand. The use of electromagnetic waves in foundry industry is becoming more and more popular, which provides to some extent alternatives to conventional drying methods. Experimental studies published so far have shown the validity of using microwaves for drying classic moulding sands with bentonite. However, these studies lack data on the effect of moisture or bentonite content in moulding sand on the real component ε' or imaginary component ε'' of the relative complex electrical permittivity. The presented results may become in the future the basis for the evaluation of the composition of moulding sands, taking into account the phenomena occurring under the influence of electromagnetic field, which directly translates into the quality of the castings made and may constitute an attempt to develop a mathematical model of electric properties of moulding sands.
On the basis of research carried out during the composting of horse-chestnut leaves diseased by Cameraria ohridella it was found that the temperature and moisture of the ground may considerably influence viability of pupae of this pest. The survivability of Cameraria ohridella pupae kept in ripe leaf compost of different levels of moisture and in diverse thermal conditions was tested in laboratory conditions. The following variants of ground-moisture were adopted: 25 % - dry stale, 35-40 % - fresh state, 50 % - wet state. The temperature at which the tests were performed was as follows: 10 "C, 20 °C and 40 °C. At the temperature of 10 °C the survivability of pupae was strongly correlated with the moisture of the ground and dropped with the decrease of moisture. It was found that there occurred nearly 100 % pupae mortality iii a variant with dry ground after one month's exposition in dry leaves. In variants with increased moisture the majority of pupae (70-80 %) preserved the ability to further development. At the temperature of 20 "C distinct limiting of Cameraria ohridella viability was observed in extreme variants of the experiment (dry and wet states); and, what is important, wet environment affected the increase of mortality of pupae more effectively. At the temperature of 40 "C, in all variants, with diversified moisture, 100 % pupae mortality of the harmful butterfly was observed.
Na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych podczas kompostowania liści kasztanowca, porażonych przez szrotówka kasztanowcowiaczka, wykazano że temperatura i wilgotność podłoża mogą znacznie wpływać na żywotności poczwarek tego szkodnika. W warunkach laboratoryjnych badano przeżywalność poczwarek szrotówka przetrzymywanych w dojrzałym kompoście liściowym, o różnym poziomie uwilgotnienia i w zróżnicowanych warunkach termicznych. Przyjęto następujące warianty uwilgotnienia podłoża: 25 % (stan suchy), 35-40 % (stan świeży), 50 % (stan mokry). Temperatura, w której wykonywano testy, wynosiła odpowiednio: 10 °C, 20 °C i 40 °C. W temperaturze 10 °C przeżywalność poczwarek była silnie skorelowana z wilgotnością podłoża i malała wraz ze spadkiem wilgotności. W wariancie z podłożem suchym zanotowano prawie 100 % śmiertelność poczwarek, po miesięcznej ekspozycji w suchych liściach. W wariantach ze zwiększoną wilgotnością większość poczwarek (70-80 %) zachowała zdolność do dalszego rozwoju. W temperaturze 20 °C wyraźne ograniczenie żywotności szrotówka zaobserwowano w skrajnych wariantach doświadczenia (stan suchy i mokry), przy czym mokre środowisko skuteczniej wpływało na wzrost śmiertelności poczwarek. W temperaturze 40 °C, we wszystkich wariantach, przy zróżnicowanej wilgotności, zanotowano 100 % śmiertelność poczwarek szkodliwego motyla.
In soils, where the water table is deeply located and has a minor impact on the moisture content of the surface layer, we are dealing with the precipitation-and-water type of water management. If underground water level is close to the surface, the top stratum of the soil, apart from precipitation, is additionally fed by water absorption from underground waters. Then we are dealing with ground-and-water type of manage-ment. We consider such types of water management of soil in the area of the left-bank valley of the Odra river, above and below the dam in Brzeg Dolny. The dominant soil types here are middle fen soils, based on middle clay and heavy clay as well as loam, which, in conditions of either excess or deficiency of moisture, are difficult to cultivate. The work compares water management of two soil profiles in vegetation periods between 2004 and 2009. The formation of underground waters, meteorologi-cal conditions and the course of the water reserves in the strata 0–50 cm and 0–100 cm were estimated with various supplying conditions of the active stratum of the soil. The volume of the supply with percolated water from underground water of the layer 50–100 cm on approximately 75–90 mm was also estimated. This value was mainly dependent on the depth of the retention of the water table of the soil profile above the level in Brzeg Dolny.
The effective diffusivity of water in brown coal of Bełchatów mine was experimentally determined. The experiments were performed in superheated steam at 200°C and atmospheric pressure using slightly compressed pellets of cylindrical shape. The drying and temperature curves of the sample were used to identify diffusivity. An inverse problem was formulated and solved by the finite element method for 3D axially symmetric cylindrical geometry of the sample. A satisfactory fit of the simulated curves to experimental results was obtained. The obtained dependence of effective diffusivity on moisture content and temperature may be used in designing lignite dryers.
Przy wykonywaniu nasypów budowlanych wymaga się, aby grunt w nasypie był odpowiednio zagęszczony. Często uważa się, że przy maksymalnym zagęszczeniu gruntu, tj. przy wopt i ds., parametry mechaniczne gruntu są największe. Autor na podstawie badań nad wytrzymałością na ścinanie wykazał, że oprócz zagęszczenia decydujący wpływ na wytrzymałość gruntów zagęszczanych ma wilgotność i energia zagęszczania, przy czym dla ds przy wopt nie uzyskuje się maksymalnej wytrzymałości na ścinanie.
When making building embankments it is required to compact the soil properly. It is often considered that at maximum soil compaction, that is at wopt i ds, mechanical parameters of soil are the highest. Basing on shear strength research the author has proved that decisive influence on shear strength of compacted soils has the moisture content and the compaction energy aside from compaction, and the maximum shear strength for ds at wopt cannot be obtained.
2-Dimethylaminoethyl azide (DMAZ) is a good replacement for the hydrazine family in space industries. In this article, the accelerated ageing test method was applied for predicting the shelf life of DMAZ. The effective parameters on the storage of the fuel were temperature, the type of gas atmosphere with its pressure over the liquid fuel, and moisture. Appropriate conditions for DMAZ storage were N2 at a pressure of 3 bar and a moisture content of 0.05 wt.%. The sigmoid form of the decomposition curves obtained revealed that the decomposition reaction is autocatalytic. Modelling of the decomposition rate showed that the shelf life of DMAZ was 7.73 years at 25 °C.
Content available remote Rozwiązania urządzeń osuszających kondensacyjnych dla przemysłu spożywczego
W artykule omówiono sposoby obniżenia zawartości wilgoci dla produktów wymagających odpowiedniego mikroklimatu do przechowywania oraz składowania. Przedstawiono przykładowe instalacje osuszania kondensacyjnego zboża stosowane w przechowalnictwie. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwości wykorzystywania powietrza zewnętrznego w suszarniach kondensacyjnych pracujących na powietrzu obiegowym.
In the article ways to reduce the moisture content for products requiring a proper microclimate for storage were discussed. Examples of condensation dryer of grain used in storage were presented. The possibility of using the outdoor air to condensing dryers working in air circulation were noted.
W artykule przedstawiono uszkodzenia spowodowane przyczynami cieplno-wilgotnościowymi w Pawilonie Czterech Kopuł wzniesionym na początku XX wieku we Wrocławiu. Przedstawiono wyniki badań wilgotności, rodzaju i stężenia soli w ścianach oraz zidentyfikowano mikroorganizmy występujące w obiekcie. Dokonano analizy przyczyn powstania uszkodzeń związanych z zagadnieniami cieplno-wilgotnościowymi. Opisane zagadnienia powinny być uwzględnione w czasie opracowywanie projektów, remontów, obiektów zabytkowych.
In the paper damages caused by thermal-damp reasons in Four Domes Pavilion erected at the beginning of 20th century in Wrocław, are presented. The results and the procedures concerning the examinations of wall dampness, kinds and salt concentration are described and microorganisms occurring in the described building are identified. The reasons for building damages are defined and in the summary the importance of thermal-damp issues is highlighted. They should be thoroughly analyzed while renovation designs of buildings of historical value are being worked out.
The retention of rainwater is one of the main functions of green roofs in urban areas. One of the elements influencing the variability of rainwater retention on green roofs is the configuration of the roof, i.e. the combination of drainage and vegetation layers and plants. In the article, laboratory studies regarding the influence of the vegetation layer of the green roof on the retention of rainwater were carried out, and the influence of changes in the initial moisture content in extensive and intensive substrates on retention were compared. The analysis of seven randomly selected substrates showed that the runoff coefficients range from 0.59 to 0.71. In the case of the retention, statistically significant differences were observed in terms of the rainfall volume as well as the initial moisture content.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of moisture on the heat transfer through clothing in relation to the water vapour resistance, type of underwear, location of the moisture and climate. This forms part of the work performed for work package 2 of the European Union THERMPROTECT project. Thermal manikin results of dry and wet heat loss are presented from different laboratories for a range of 2-layer clothing with similar dry insulations but different water vapour permeabilities and absorptive properties. The results obtained from the different manikins are generally consistent with one another. For each climate, total wet heat loss is predominately dependent on the permeability of the outer layer. At 10 °C, the apparent evaporative heat loss is markedly higher than expected from evaporation alone (measured at 34 °C), which is attributed to condensation within the clothing and to increased conductivity of the wet clothing layers.
The following paper presents the results of experimental investigations of moisture and corrosion-aggressive liquid film formation in the settings of turbines, working in the zone of steam phase transition.
Proper design of the building component, which not only meets the legal requirements, but also provides comfort of using of buildings, requires knowledge of the materials and solutions. Since moisture is one of the main factors that can affect the building structure destruction, it is particularly important to be aware of hygrothermal properties of components. And this is the focus of the study. In this paper several variants of external walls were analysed, according to the requirements in terms of: heat transfer coefficient U, the risk of surface and interstitial condensation. Partitions were designed with composite based on shives from industrial hemp and lime binder, which is not yet widely used in Poland. The purpose of the analysis of this material was to prove the validity of using the natural materials in residential buildings.
In order to assess the sustainability of buildings with different types of insulating assemblies in the Latvian climate, a long-term test building monitoring experiment has been underway since 2013. There are a total of five test buildings on site with roughly six years' worth of accumulated temperature and humidity readings in the key parts of assemblies. This study is meant to quantify the mould presence in building walls, floor and ceiling by performing laboratory tests, assessing the number of colony-forming units, and comparing the results with mould risk predictions due to the isopleth model developed by Sedlbauer, using both the hygrothermal data derived from the sensors within buildings and the output of numerical simulations in WUFI Pro 6.3, a commercial software package. The analysis indicated good agreement between the lab tests and mould risk assessment using the data sets from the sensors, validating the applicability of the Sedlbauer model to the Latvian climate, while the comparisons between the numerically obtained forecasts and experimental data revealed dissimilarities that are largely due to imprecisions in material models and initial conditions.
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