The German experience in professional training of teaching staff in adult education has been analyzed; it has been clarified that modern educational programs of Bachelor and Master specialties are based on the basic educational program offered by Adult Education Sectional Commission of Pedagogical Sciences in Germany (DGfE); value-targeted and organizational and semantic issues of Masters’ in Adult Education professional training in universities of Germany, defined according to andragogue profession’s modern roles and functions have been considered. The purpose of Masters’ in Adult Education professional training and the content of professional competencies have been revealed, the limits of andragogues’ academic education at the graduate level have been outlined. Based on the theoretical analysis of university reference books common features of Master’s programs of academic education in Adult Education / Continuous Education in universities of Germany have been found; the basic principles of the Master’s programs realisation in German universities have been indicated. Special attention is paid to research and justification of organisation and structural elements of Master’s programs in Adult Education / Continuous Education in Otto Friedrich University in Bamberg; the purpose and subject specialty have been revealed; the relation between theory and practical training has been established, the organization and the purpose of practical training abovementioned university have been described, professional prospects of graduates have been outlined.
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Ważnym obszarem w procesie eksploatacji bezzałogowych statków powietrznych (BSP) jest system szkolenia operatorów i techników. W niniejszej publikacji zaprezentowane zostały metody pomiaru, oceny efektywności systemów szkoleniowych oraz ich przydatność do stosowania w ocenie efektywności szkolenia personelu bezzałogowych statków powietrznych . Na podstawie wyników badań realizowanych w rzeczywistym systemie szkolenia, opracowano model dostosowania programu i organizacji szkolenia personelu BSP do pomiaru i oceny efektów szkoleniowych.
An important field in the process of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) operation is the system of training operators and technicians. The article presents methods for measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of training systems and their suitability for use in assessing the effectiveness of training of unmanned aircraft personnel. Based on the results of the research carried out in the actual training system, a model for adapting the program and organizing training of airline personnel to measure and evaluate training outcomes was developed.
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