Most XV-lecia (Forteczny) w Kłodzku powstał pod koniec XVIII w. Prace modernizacyjne na tak starym obiekcie zawsze są nie lada wyzwaniem. Przedstawiamy ciekawe studium przypadku.
In the paper authors presented refur- bishment and strenghtening works carried out on historical Fortress Bridge over Nysa Kłodzka in Kłodzko. This bridge is an importand point between roads connecting local industrial activity regions. Expertise and evaluation o:: bridge technical co ndition shown that the bridge capacity does not comply with required one. Design and execution works were carried out. Technical parameters of the bridge and chosen technical problems and theire solution were shown in the paper. Big attention was paid to assumptions for static calculation, so importand for strengthening of composite bridge, for which technology of the unknown realization has influence (promped or non-promped structure while concreting). Way of girders strengthening by means of external pre- stressing was shown and connected to this necessity of taking extra shearing forces between steel and concrete. This was originally planned to deal with headed studs, out the technology was changed to screwed boles as this was much cheaper and easier to erect. Finally trial load of the bridge and its results was described. Elastic deflections measured during tests did not increase these calculated earlier in the loading program. The bridge was allowed for public exploitation in autumn 2010.
Duży wzrost intensywności ruchu, a tym samym liczby pojazdów ciężarowych na szlakach tranzytowych, stawia przed inżynierami konieczność gruntownych przeglądów istniejących obiektów mostowych. Często kończy się to decyzją o ich przebudowie, związanej z poszerzeniem szerokości użytkowej, modernizacji, a w ostateczności o ich wymianie. Aby dokonać wyboru, należy odpowiednio wnikliwie przeanalizować wszystkie aspekty ekonomiczne, społeczne i techniczne. W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostały wybrane sposoby poszerzania i wzmacniania mostów, mające na celu przywrócenie ich walorów użytkowych.
Large increase in the volume of traffic, and thus the number of vehicles on transit routes, poses in front of the engineers need in-depth reviews of existing bridges. Often it ends up the decision to rebuild the bridge, associated with the expansion of wide use, upgrading, and ultimately on the exchange. To make a selection, you must carefully consider all aspects of economic, social and technical. This article presents selected methods of expanding and strengthening bridges, to restore their usability.
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