Transport accessibility can be analyzed using a number of different methods. The problem with each of them is the difficulty of obtaining data to measure this phenomenon The focus of this article and its main goal are to present methods and tools for gathering data on road traffic; thanks to modern information technology, it is possible to collect real data without the need for large-scale and highly capital-intensive measurements. The application of modern information technology (IT) presented in the article, such as computer programs and applications like Google Maps Traffic Overlay and TomTom Live Traffic, enable research to be conducted on a scale that has thus far been unattainable, and allows information to be collected on such criteria as traffic volume, flow, average traffic speed, and actual journey time. Such innovative means of gathering data on automobile traffic open up new perspectives for assessing transport accessibility in terms of automobile traffic by providing high-quality data that meet the requirements for use in primary research.
Dostępność transportowa może być analizowana z zastosowaniem różnych metod. Podstawowym problemem wszystkich wyróżnianych metod jest brak danych, które pozwalają na pomiar tego zjawiska. Istotę niniejszego artykułu i jednocześnie jego cel główny stanowi zaprezentowanie autorskiej metody i narzędzia gromadzenia danych na temat ruchu drogowego, które dzięki zastosowaniu przez autorów nowoczesnych technologii informacyjnych umożliwiają gromadzenie rzeczywistych danych bez potrzeby prowadzenia zakrojonych na dużą skalę i wielce kapitałochłonnych pomiarów. Zastosowanie nowoczesnych technologii informacyjnych zaprezentowane w niniejszym artykule w postaci autorskiego programu komputerowego oraz aplikacji Google Maps – Traffic Overlay pozwala na rzeczywisty pomiar dostępności transportowej w skali, która dotychczas nie była możliwa. Podejście to pozwala na wykorzystanie danych uzyskiwanych w czasie rzeczywistym, takich jak: wielkość i natężenie ruchu, średnia prędkość przemieszczania oraz czas podróży.
The paper aims to show the possibilities of using modern information technologies in production management. Successive stages of production process preparation and implementation are characterized. Information technologies that are currently being implemented in manufacturing enterprises are discussed. The focus was on the part of the process related to the product's manufacture. The paper presents the concepts of two methodological approaches to the adoption of modern information technologies: the top-down approach and the bottom-up approach. The successive stages of each of these approaches are discussed. The advantage of the top-down approach is the ability to comprehensively implement various technologies, and the disadvantage is the significant level of resource commitment. The advantage of the bottom-up approach is the high efficiency of the proposed solution, and the disadvantage is the limitation of application to projects of limited size. The proposed approaches have been verified using the example of two companies: the automotive and the control automation industries. There are correlations between the choice of the methodology used and the type and extent of implementation of the technology in question. The study's key conclusion is that both approaches are applicable in practice. The most important thing in the decision-making phase is to identify the barriers and constraints related to the organization's maturity to use a given technology. Enterprises can use the study results to help them prepare for their digital transformation.
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