The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretically the model of training of the future physical education teachers for the implementation of variant modules in the process of professional activity. Research methods: analysis of scientific sources, generalization of the results of investigations by individual authors. In the structure of the developed model we distinguish five blocks, they are: subject, target, content, organizational, diagnostic-productive. The subject block includes the interaction of pedagogical activity subjects: a teacher of a higher education institution –a future physical training teacher (student) – a physical training teacher of general secondary education institution. Interaction of pedagogical activity subjects is directed at the pupil who studies at the general secondary education institution. The target block includes: purpose, tasks, methodological approaches, principles of professional training. A content block of model of training of the future physical education teachers implies the introduction of a special course “Fundamentals of choreography”, discipline of professional training “Theory and methodology of teaching aerobics”; enrichment of educational-methodological complexes content in the disciplines of professional and selective training with additional sections and themes. The organizational block includes: forms of educational process organization in institutions of higher education, methods and means of training of the future physical education teacher. The diagnostic-productive block of the model reflects the results of evaluation of the future physical education teacher for the implementation of the variant modules in the process of professional activity and covers the components (motivational, theoretical, effective) with the corresponding criteria and indicators characterizing three levels of formation: low, medium, high. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. On the basis of the study of psycho-educational and methodological works, practical experience in training of the future physical education teachers, the author developed and substantiated the structural-functional model of training of the future physical education teacher for the implementation of variant modules in the process of professional activity. The improvement of the methodological provision of professional training of the future physical education teachers to the specified type of activity must be in accordance with the requirements of the current curriculum on physical education in institutions of general secondary education. We consider it to be perspective.
The pedagogical activity of a physical education teacher, which largely ensures the reproduction of the intellectual potential and health of our society, is socially formative, creative, constructive, organizational, diagnostic, etc. In this regard, the socio-pedagogical tasks of this category of pedagogical workers are constantly expanding and complicating, covering the functions of the educator, organizer, researcher, and innovator. At the state level, in order to increase the efficiency of the training system in the field of physical culture and sports, the optimal organization of training of the future physical education teachers is necessary. The studies of H. Kovalchuk, F. Sobianin, A. Ter-Hovhannisian, O. Timoshenko, V. Filankovskyi, O. Shabalina, B. Shyian and others are dedicated to the improvement of professional training of the physical education teachers. A series of studies in the field of pedagogy by E. Vilchkovskyi, V. Vlasov, T. Krusevych, O. Kuts and others have been devoted to the development of professional training models of the future physical education teacher. On the basis of the study of psychological, pedagogical and methodological works, practical experience of preparation of the future physical education teacher, the author developed, substantiated and experimentally verified the organizational model of training of the future physical education teachers for innovative professional activities. The developed model includes interconnected structural components (conceptual, informative, procedural, valuation), forms, methods and means that provide training of the future physical education teacher to innovative professional activities. The developed model of the process of the future physical education teachers’ training in higher education institutions is an integrated system of structural and functional components that are interconnected and interactive and aimed at providing educational activities for the future physical education teachers in order to solve the problems of qualitative preparation for innovative professional activities.
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