There can be investigated further development of scientific and political activities to address climate change within the works of both the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). IPCC has just started the preparation process for elaboration of the Third Assessment Report containing new information related to climate change research conducted worldwide including chapter for evaluation of climate models employed in construction of climate change scenarios. New commitments were undertaken during the Third Conference of the parties to the Convention (UNFCCC) thus obliging industrialized countries and countries with economy in transition to reduce greenhouse gases emission about 5%on the average (Poland 6%) to mitigate climate change in the future.
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W opracowaniu przedstawiono aktualny stan badań dotyczących zmian klimatu na obszarze Polski, na podstawie polskiej literatury klimatologicznej w ujęciu historycznym. Badaniami objęto głównie prace zawierające analizę długich serii danych pomiarowych poszczególnych elementów klimatycznych. Określono, które charakterystyki poszczególnych elementów klimatu wykazują istotne zmiany w dłuższym czasie i na jakim obszarze Polski, a także zwrócono uwagę na próby określenia przyczyn tych zmian. Przedstawiono poglądy dotyczące przyczyn współczesnych zmian warunków klimatycznych w Polsce, w tym w szczególności na ile obserwowane zmiany klimatyczne są spowodowane czynnikami naturalnymi, a w jakim stopniu działalnością człowieka. Omówiono problemy związane z badaniami współczesnych zmian i wahań klimatu.
The elaboration presents the current state of research on climate change in the area of Poland based on Polish dermatological papers in historical perspective. The elaboration was focused on works which included an analysis of long data series measuring the different elements of the climate. It was determined which characteristics of particular climate elements show significant changes in the long term and in what area Polish and also attention was drawn to the attempts of explaining the causes of these changes. The views about the causes of contemporary climate changes in Poland were presented, including in particular the views on to what extent the observed climate changes are caused by natural factors and by human activity. The problems associated with the research of contemporary climate changes and fluctuations were discussed.
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