Continuous emulsification of low-viscosity liquids was investigated with three different types of motionless mixers, i.e., Needle Jetting Mixer (NJM), Kenics Static Mixer ® (KSM) and Ramond Supermixer ® (RSM). Kerosene and n-heptane were used as the continuous phase, in which nonionic surfactant (Span80) was dissolved, and deionized water was the dispersed phase. The size distributions of water droplets in emulsions were normalized by the Sauter mean diameter (d32), and then they obeyed a log-normal distribution function with an upper-limit. The correlations of d32 with the mean power input per unit mass of the media within the region where the drop dispersion mainly occurred (PM) were derived. The PM levels of these motionless mixers were the same as these of agitation vessel. The slopes of the correlation lines on the log (d32) - log (PM) correlation chart took almost the same value of -0.4, which agreed with the value derived from isotropic turbulence law in low-viscosity liquids. As the line for RSM was located below those for NJM and KSM, RSM may be the most energy-efficient device of the three.
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Przedstawiono przegląd współczesnej literatury ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem metodyki badań, układów badawczych i opisu procesów aglomeracji i rozpadu w aparatach typu zbiornikowego z mieszaniem mechanicznym. Omówiono główne mechanizmy tych procesów oraz wpływ podstawowych parametrów na ich kinetykę. Opisano również podstawy bilansu populacji, najczęściej stosowanego narzędzia w ich opisie.
A review with 46 refs. covering measurement techniques, laboratory setups, basie mechanics and principal parameters affecting the kinetics and the population balance which is most frequently used to describe title processes.
The most commonly used criterion for the selection of mixers for anaerobic digestion is the value of mixing power value (per unit volume). Another criterion for selection is the average mixing velocity gradient. Due to the fact that in some cases the above criteria are insufficient, the aim of the article was investigation of additional parameters, helpful especially in engineering practice during the mixers selection. The results of modelling of the sewage sludge flow in digestion chamber, carried out using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods are presented in the paper. The sludges with total suspended solids (TSS) contend 3.7, 5.0 and 6.5% were taken in to account. The calculations were carried out for fixed rotational speed equal 15.7 rpm. Among models describing the rheological properties of the sludge, the Herschel-Bulkley model was used to describe the analysed case. The steady state simulation was carried out by for two pumping directions (top-down and down-top). The results of the calculations have been presented as velocity magnitude contour plots of the sewage sludges flow in the chamber. Its allows for a qualitative assessment of mixing effectiveness in the tank. Furthermore the surfaces of chosen velocity magnitude (0.1 m/s) were shown in the paper. The quantitative criteria of mixing effectiveness, based on statistical analysis of calculated velocity field were proposed. As the parameter of mixing effectiveness, the arithmetic average and median value of velocity magnitude distribution were assumed. Another parameter is cumulative distribution function for the minimum value of velocity which can be assumed as the measure of “dead zones” in the digestion chamber - the areas in which the flow velocity is close to zero or less than the assumed velocity considered as limit. The values of the mixing power were also compared. The above parameters can be used to compare different mixing methods, and to determine the optimal variant of the mixer construction from the viewpoint of the process requirements.
W pracy zaproponowano sposób oceny skuteczności mieszania w wydzielonych komorach fermentacyjnych. Ocenę oparto o prostą analizę statystyczną rozkładu pola prędkości w komorze fermentacyjnej, obliczonego przy zastosowaniu metod numerycznej mechaniki płynów (CFD). Obliczenia symulacyjne prędkości przeprowadzono dla osadów o zawartości suchej masy 3,7; 5,0 i 6,5%. Do opisu właściwości reologicznych osadów zastosowano model Herschela-Bulkleya. Symulacje przeprowadzono dla dwóch kierunków pompowania - w górę i w dół. Obliczenia przeprowadzono dla zadanej, stałej prędkości obrotowej mieszadła 15,7 obr/min. Wyniki obliczeń przedstawiono w formie wykresów konturowych pól prędkości przepływu. Do oceny skuteczności mieszania zastosowano średnią arytmetyczną i medianę prędkości. Dodatkowy parametr stanowi wartość dystrybuanty rozkładu dla minimalnej prędkości przepływu, przyjętej jako graniczna. Wartość ta stanowi miarę udziału objętościowego „stref martwych” w komorze fermentacyjnej. W pracy porównano ponadto wartości mocy mieszania dla analizowanych przypadków.
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